
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

Chapter 33 : Destroying The Thunder Serpents!

Meanwhile, a few miles away, Yugen stood on the rooftop's edge. He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, attentively felt his heartbeat, and then stretched his arms wide, as though reaching out to embrace the world, or more precisely, life itself.

"I am alive!" Yugen proclaimed with a smile, but his expression quickly shifted as he observed the delinquents below. "Life is indeed good, and what's even more good is venting this anger within my heart!"

This time he won't repeat his mistake, no joke, no mercy, he will destroy this group of delinquents, scatter them, force them to disband, and end the suffering of the students and residents once for all, and more importantly, avenge his death.

"Special Move, Flicker!" He muttered.

His feet disappeared and were directly teleported bellow, he doesn't intend to jump, instead, teleport his body parts there and scare the shit out of the gangsters.

The delinquents were chatting and laughing with each other.


one of the delinquents who was drinking alone suddenly noticed something appearing in his line of sight.

He rubbed his dizzy eyes and clearly saw two feet standing a few meters away.

"Am I seeing things, or did those legs just pop out of nowhere?" He shouted in fear bringing the attention of all of his friends, he pointed towards the two legs that suddenly appeared few meters in front of them.

"what's wrong?"

All the delinquents followed the direction his finger pointing towards.

the moment they saw the two feet, Their chattering and Laughter morphed into uneasy whispers.

"Are we tripping? This can't be real, right?" one of the delinquents muttered, nervously glancing around.

The legs remained stationary. Yugen reveled in the suspense, letting the atmosphere thicken before making his next move. The lone drinker, now joined by his friends, stared at the legs with a mix of fear and confusion.

Suddenly, the lower part of Yugen's body flickered into existence. The delinquents gasped collectively as the feet were joined by calves, then thighs. The legs solidified, casting an ominous shadow on the ground.

"Holy crap! What's happening?" one of the delinquents exclaimed, stumbling backward.

Yugen above on the rooftop's edge, grinned at their bewilderment. He allowed his presence to linger, savoring the fear that gripped the gang. Slowly, he teleported more of himself into view.

His torso materialized next, and the delinquents witnessed the shocking transition of his body parts. 

"A ghost! Ryuji, Takeshi, let's run away!" Hayachi stood up in fright, his face become pale, the thing he fear the most are ghosts, because he likes to read horror ghost stories, his fear of these beings become even deeper.

"stupid, there are no ghosts in this world, if they exist it must be related to quirks." Takeshi also stood, chains materialized around him ready to strike if this mysterious visitor dares to attack them.

The Leader, Ryuji , Realized that this is just someone's quirk felt relived, he almost thought they encountered some ghostly entities, He barked, "Calm down you cowards! This is obviously a human!" 

"who the hell are you? are you here to pick up trouble or what?"

Yugen's arms flickered into view, completing the unsettling spectacle. The gang members stared wide-eyed as the mysterious figure took shape before them. Finally, Yugen's head appeared, his expression hidden behind the kagol.

"I'm Your End!" Yugen whispered, without giving them any time react, he used his forbidden move!

"Forbidden Technique - One Million years of death!"

as he muttered these words, clones of his index and middle finger sticking to each other forming the shape of a sword appeared precisely bellow the anus of each standing delinquent, those who were sitting were fortunate.

Then He thrusted upward, the fingers followed in a synchronized manner his motion.

Ryuji, Hayachi, Takeshi and All The other standing Delinquents, felt a shiver running across their spines.

Their anus tightened instinctively as it felt something dangerous eying it.







screams of pain, mixed with sone unwanted ones of pleasure reverberated in the alley.

As the fingers thrust deeper, the sounds of pain and surprise echo through the alleyway. The delinquents writhe and squirm, trying to escape the assault on their most private areas. Their faces contort into expressions of shock, rage, fear, and humiliation, let's ignore the weirdos who were blushing from excitement, obviously they are from the rainbow clan, The air fills with the stench of sweat and excrement as they lose control of their bowels.

Ryuji, the leader, feels a mix of indignation, humiliation, and physical pain as Yugen's fingers penetrate his anal cavity. His body tenses reflexively, fighting against the invasion. Despite his best efforts, he cannot help but feel a deep sense of shame and vulnerability. His mind races, struggling to comprehend how things have gone so terribly wrong. how in the hell his asshole got pierced without warning.

'Who am I? Where Am I? What's Going On?!'

As the intrusion continues, Ryuji's face turns beet red from embarrassment and fury.

The pain is excruciating, making it difficult for him to think clearly. All he can focus on is the burning sensation in his backside. He tries to block out the sensations by covering his ass with his hands, but this only provides momentary relief. 


In his mind, Ryuji wonders if this is truly happening or if it's some sort of nightmare from which he will eventually awaken.

in his whole life, he experienced a lot of bad things, but this one, without doubt, is the worst one ever!

The two deputy leaders where not in a good situation either.

Hayachi, immediately rolls onto the ground, writhing in pain and cursing loudly. 

"Ah MY ASS On Fire!"

His face contorts into a mask of agony as tears stream down his cheeks. In contrast, Takeshi, who usually maintains a calm demeanor, appears completely taken aback by the sudden attack on his privacy.

Takeshi's stoic face was replaced by an utterly shocked expression, just like Ryuji, his brain couldn't process what happened.

Yugen didn't stop his torture, ready to deliver his next forbidden move.

"Forbidden move number two - Monkey steals Peach!"

Suddenly purplish particles formed into yugen's legs appeared bellow the crotch of every delinquent.

Even the ones who fell into the ground had legs suspended above their crotches.

"Hakai!" Yugen shouted.

After the initial shock of having their anal orifices invaded wears off, the remaining delinquents brace themselves for another round of punishment. When they see Yugen's legs appear beneath them, they realize that their testicles are the next target. Panic sets in as they try to save their bloodline. 


Some attempt to shield their balls with their arms, while others curl into fetal positions on the ground. Many cry out in pain as Yugen's powerful kicks and stomps connect with their vulnerable balls. The sound of impacts echoes through the alleyway, accompanied by high-pitched screams of agony. 


Bodies writhe and twist on the ground, some boys clutching at their injured testicles as they try to steady their breath. The smell of urine fills the air as several delinquents lose control of their bladders under the relentless assault. It becomes clear that none of them will emerge from this encounter unscathed, both physically and mentally.

Ryuji, Hayachi, and Takeshi all share similar reactions to the assault on their testicles. Their bodies tense as they brace for the impact, then relax slightly as the pain washes over them. Each boy lets out a guttural cry of agony, interspersed with curses directed at Yugen and anyone else nearby. 


"Fuck! Ahhh! Shit! Fuck you, I'LL kILL YOuuu---ughhh!" shouts Ryuji, his voice cracking with pain. 


Hayachi clutching at his injured balls, "Ow! Fuck! My nuts! stop Please!" 

Takeshi bites down on his lip, determined not to give Yugen the satisfaction of hearing his cries. But still, a soft whimper escapes him as he winces in pain.

Adhering to the law of gender equality, Yugen didn't forget the punk girls.

"Forbidden Move Number Three - Nipples squeezing Grip!"

clones of his fingers appeared precisely in front of the boobies of the teenagers rebellious girls, the sinful fingers reached with uncanny precisions into the girls nipples, then they grabbed the cherries through the fabrics, twisted and squeezed fiercely.


The rebellious girls were caught off guard by Yugen's attack.

They hadn't expected their breasts to be targeted, and certainly not in such a brutal fashion. Shrieks of pain and surprise fill the air as Yugen's fingers sink into their tender flesh, grasping and twisting their nipples mercilessly.



"Please... please stop..."

"Shit! This hurts! You bastard!"


The high-pitched screams of pain and pleas for mercy echoed through the alley, creating a sickening cacophony which converted into a beautiful symphony in Yugen's ears, even his little brother seems to like this music, it nodded and twitched in approval. Eventually, their screams subside into hoarse whispers as they succumb to exhaustion and defeat.

'Huh?' yugen who was satisfed by his masterpiece let out a surprise shout.

Looking down at his chest, he sees that tiny tendrils of pink energy are flowing from the punk girls towards him, merging with his body. Confused, he opens his system panel and observes that his Lust Points have increased dramatically. 

{Lust Point : 121}


It seems that touching the breasts of the rebellious girls had granted him 60 additional Lust Points, thus his total LP Reached 121! 

'This is...An opportunity!' Yugen previously thought that only by having sex he could get lust points, but in fact, any lustful act with the opposite sex could generate lust energy.

he quickly counts the number of females present and determines there are six in total. Dividing the newly acquired Lust Points by this number, he discovers that each girl has bestowed upon him ten points.

'which means that by simply playing with their boobs I acquired Ten lust points! What if...'

Yugen forms clones of his palms and teleports them towards the breasts of the rebellious girls. They scream in surprise as his hands grasp at their tender flesh, trying futilely to pry his fingers loose. Despite their efforts, the girls find themselves helpless against Yugen's insistent advance.

"No! Not my tits again!" 

"Stop it! Let go of me!" 

"Owwwww! That hurts so much!" 

"Please, please stop..."

"Get off me, you perv!"

"I'm sorry, Ahhhh! Please spare me!"

The girls' faces flush red with embarrassment and anger as they watch Yugen's lewd display. Their bodies writhe under his grasp, torn between wanting to fight back and wanting to cover themselves from his prying eyes. Their screams fill the air, a cacophony of shock, humiliation, and defiance. 


As he holds onto their breasts, waiting for the promised lust energy to flow into him, Yugen realizes something amiss. There is no reaction this time. Frowning, he decides to change tactics. This time, he grasps the round globes of the delinquints' asses instead. 

Sure enough, the promised response follows suit. A wave of pink energy flows towards him, merging with his body and increasing his Lust Points accordingly. With a satisfied smile, Yugen releases the trembling teenagers, allowing them to retreat to safety.

{Lust Points : 181}

' So It seems that each type of lustful action can only Generate lust energy once.'

seeing this scene, The boys had mixed expressions of horror and arousal on their face. Some struggle to hide their growing erections beneath their clothes, while others can't help but steal glances at the unfolding scene before them. There is a mixture of disgust and fascination etched on their features, as if they can't quite believe what they're seeing. 

"IT SHOULD Have been ME!" lamented one of the delinquents, dramatically kneeling on the ground with tears flowing like a waterfall from his face.


After Yugen finishes his act and releases the palms holding the ass checks of the trembling punk girls, they scramble away from him, tears streaming down their faces. They huddle together, offering comfort and support to one another.

"Now, brace yourselves, the fun part is only beginning now," Yugen declared with a wicked grin.

"I am the bone of my fist 

Knuckles are my body and vigor is my blood 

I have thrown over a thousand punches 

Unknown to Fatigue, 

Nor known to Rest 

Have endured pain to deliver many blows 

Yet, these hands will never cease their dance 

So as I punch, 

Unlimited Fist Works!"

With the more intimate attacks completed, Yugen withdraws his fingers from the delinquents' bodies and forms clones of his fists instead. These new weapons fly toward the boys with deadly precision, striking them again and again in rapid succession. Bone-jarring impacts reverberate throughout the alley as each punch connects, sending waves of pain coursing through the already battered bodies of the delinquents. 

Ryuji, Hayachi, and Takeshi struggle to defend themselves against this onslaught, their movements growing sluggish and ineffectual as fatigue begins to take its toll. Blood pours from nose and mouths, mixing with saliva and dirt as they are repeatedly knocked to the ground. 

Yugen's attacks focused more on the trio of Ryuji, Hayachi and Takeshi, who he believes are the most troublesome.

but he didn't spare the others, it's just the intensity of his attacks on them was lower.

The other gang members, both male and female, watch in horror as their leaders are brought low before them. They had once looked up to them as a symbol of power and strength, but now they can only silently pray for them.

Ryuji, his face contorted in anger, struggles to stand upright despite being repeatedly knocked down. He spits out a mouthful of blood as he glares hatefully at Yugen. "I'm going to rip your heart out, you son of a bi---BANG!" He couldn't continue his words as Yugen sent an uppercut that silenced him.

Hayachi, even in the midst of pain, manages a weak laugh between gasps for air. "Ha ha, You are Finished, Ryuji is Angr--"

"BANG" His words were interrupted by another resounding blow that sent him tumbling across the ground.

The other delinquents offer little resistance as well, their minds numbed by pain and fear. Some curse Yugen, promising revenge once they manage to escape. Others simply whimper and sob, unable to comprehend why this is happening to them. The air grows thick with the smell of blood and sweat, mingled with the acrid tang of vomit as some of the weaker members of the group lose what little they had left to eat earlier today. 

Yugen remains impassive, his purples eyes fixed on his targets. He moves methodically from one delinquent to the next, delivering punishing blow after punishing blow without pause or hesitation.

Ten minutes had passed since the alley confrontation. The once-boisterous Thunder Serpents now lay strewn across the ground, battered and bruised. The alley echoed with moans and groans of pain. Among the fallen, the trio of Ryuji, Hayachi, and Takeshi bore the brunt of Yugen's wrath.

Ryuji, in particular, was a pitiful sight. His arms twisted at unnatural angles, his face swollen and disfigured, with fist marks scattered like a gruesome mosaic. His clothes were torn, drenched in both his own blood and the dirt of the alley floor. The severity of the injuries spoke volumes about the force with which Yugen had unleashed his wrath.

Hayachi and Takeshi, though not spared, shared the agony with their comrade. Bruised and battered, they lay motionless, their bodies forming a tableau of defeat on the cold, unforgiving ground.

This showcases the strength of Yugen's clonaportation, the ultimate weapon for dealing with numerous foes simultaneously!

Yugen, having vented his anger, stood at a distance, observing the aftermath with an indifferent gaze. His initial intention had been to Kill Ryuji, exchange a life for a life, but his sense of justice prevailed. 

'What sets me apart from those villains if I take someone's life without a valid and morally justifiable reason?' This is the thought of Yugen, even if it means dying millions of times, he won't allow himself to act similar to those evil villains.

he remembers clearly the expression of Ryuji and his two friends at the last moment of his death, he didn't do it deliberately, he saw the expression of regret on his face, which made Yugen's anger lessen. if they did something humiliating or cursed him when they killed him, then he won't hesitate to send them on the road. So Yugen decided to give them one last chance, after all, they are still just high schoolers, they can be redeemed and brought to the right path. Their crimes did not deserve death penalty.

Yugen approached the trio, still lying in the aftermath of their misdeeds. He knelt beside them and, with a stern expression, delivered a message that echoed through the alley.

"If I hear of you causing troubles again," Yugen's voice carried a chilling edge, "I'll Kill all of you"

With those words hanging in the air, Yugen Teleported his body parts quickly, fading into the shadows, leaving the injured delinquents to contemplate the consequences of their actions. 

The night, once filled with chaos and oppression, began to settle into an uneasy calm. 

The Thunder Serpents, though battered and humbled, lived to see another day – a day that might just lead them down a path of redemption or further descent into the consequences of their own choices.