
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
45 Chs

Chapter 26 - U.A Entrance Exam 1

I might be busy cause of College task but I'll try to keep you guys updated the best I can.

Anyway enjoy.


"Anya, would you like something to eat?" Inko asked, her voice gentle. Anya looked up and nodded shyly.

"Yes, please." Inko headed back to the kitchen to prepare a meal, while Izuku sat down on the couch next to the girls.

He couldn't help but smile as he watched them interact. Kanna had already taken Anya under her wing, pointing out the different characters on the screen and explaining the story in her own quiet way.

"Do you like the show, Anya?" Izuku asked, trying to make her feel more comfortable. Anya nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! It's really fun." Kanna looked up at Izuku and then at Anya.

"Do you want to see something cool?" she asked, her voice as calm as ever. Anya's eyes widened with excitement.


Kanna raised her hand and summoned a small, glowing orb of light, letting it float around the room. Anya gasped in delight, her earlier fear and sadness momentarily forgotten.

"Waku Waku!"

Izuku watched them, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride and relief. Despite the challenges they faced, he knew they had the strength and support to get through it together.

With the immediate concerns about Anya's safety addressed, Inko returned to the kitchen, her skilled hands deftly preparing the evening's meals. The comforting aroma of simmering dishes filled the air, bringing a sense of normalcy back to the restaurant.

Izuku decided to help out with serving the customers, his friendly demeanor quickly winning over even the most impatient patrons. Between taking orders and delivering plates, he found moments to chat with Tohru and the new staff member, Yor Briar.

Tohru, ever the bundle of energy and enthusiasm, was bustling about, refilling drinks and engaging customers in cheerful conversation. However, she kept a watchful eye on Izuku and Yor, a faint frown tugging at her lips.

"So, Yor," Izuku said, handing her a tray of drinks.

"How are you finding it here? My mom's restaurant can get pretty busy, but it's a great place to work." Yor smiled warmly, her cheeks flushing slightly as she met his gaze.

"It's been wonderful, Izuku. Everyone here is so kind and welcoming. Your mother is an amazing cook, and Tohru has been very helpful in showing me the ropes." Izuku laughed, a sound that made Yor's heart flutter. Tohru does come back while they were in I-Island to help Inko.

"Yeah, Tohru's great. She has a lot of energy and always makes sure everyone's having a good time."

Tohru, overhearing this, shot Izuku a pleased smile but couldn't help feeling a twinge of annoyance as she noticed Yor's blush deepening. She knew how charming Izuku could be, and she wasn't the first girl to fall for him. The thought made her a bit jealous, though she kept it to herself, focusing instead on her work.

As the evening wore on, the restaurant's pace began to slow. The last few customers were finishing their meals, and Inko was wrapping up in the kitchen. Izuku found a moment to catch his breath, leaning against the counter beside Yor.

"So, Yor." he began, genuinely curious.

"What made you decide to work at my mom's restaurant?" Yor hesitated for a moment, her blush returning.

"Well, I was looking for a job that allowed me to help others and be part of a close-knit community. Your mother's restaurant seemed like the perfect fit. And after meeting her, I knew I made the right choice." Izuku nodded, appreciating her sincerity.

"I'm glad you're here. We could always use more hands, especially with how busy it gets." Tohru joined them, her eyes flickering between Izuku and Yor.

"So, Izuku, how was your training today? Anything interesting happens besides, well, Anya?" Izuku smiled at her attempt to change the subject.

"As always Training was tough but rewarding. Still no progress with my quirk though."

Yor listened intently, her admiration for Izuku growing. His dedication and hard work were qualities she deeply respected. She found herself wanting to know more about him, her curiosity and feelings deepening with every passing moment.

"Ah, what's your quirk, Yor? Wait, which is your last and first name?" Izuku was confused and tried to fix his mistake.

"Yor is fine, Midoriya-san."

"Then call me Izuku." She once again blushes and doesn't know why.

"O-Okay, as for my quirk it's….Thorn where I can shape and create any kind of thorns." Yor created a single long needle like thorn then a vine filled with thorns. She was surprised when Izuku pulled out a notebook and started writing.

He started asking questions like the limit of the range, the durability, the control and many more with Yor finding his enthusiasm to be rather cute. Tohru let the two be, knowing that Izuku was too dense to be aware of his charm.

Soon Inko stepped out from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Thank you, everyone, for all your hard work tonight. Yor, you've been a fantastic addition to our team. I'm so glad you decided to join us." Yor's face lit up with a radiant smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Midoriya. I'm happy to be here." As they began closing up the restaurant, Anya and Kanna wandered over, having finished watching their cartoons. Anya ran up to Izuku, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Izuku-san, can we come back tomorrow?" Izuku laughed, scooping her up into his arms.

"Of course, Anya. You're part of the family now. You can come here anytime."

Tohru watched them, her heart swelling with affection for the little girl and the young hero who had brought her into their lives.

Yor, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and budding affection for Izuku. She felt compelled to get to know him better.

As they left the restaurant, the stars twinkling above them, Izuku felt a sense of accomplishment. With Anya and Kanna nestled comfortably in his arms. Inko smiled and Yor thought how amazing he was with kids.


It was finally the day, Izuku wore a skintight fitness tank top and baggy pants before taking a deep breath as he walked with his head held up high, preparing mentally for the practical exam he would be taking.

When he looked up, he found himself in awe at the gigantic gates of U.A, also watching many students walking past him inside.

He was waiting for his friend to arrive in order for them to take the exam at the same time excluding Momo who had long gotten a recommendation and Melissa who did the same but wouldn't start as first year.

Itsuka had errands to do which was why she was late and went to get Jiro. As for Himiko and Camie, they were the same.

"Are you ready, Mizuna-chan?" Izuku looked at his head where Mizuna was resting.

"Yup! Though I'm not physically strong, I can still handle myself." Mizuna said.

He then felt his phone vibrate. Izuku quickly pulled out his phone and checked his messages. A smile made its way to his face.

"Momo, Melissa huh?"

Momo: Good luck on your practical exam today Izuku. Do your best and be sure to pass with flying colors. Let me know how you did! I've said the same thing to the others but sorry, again I can't be there. I'll just count on you guys to show what real heroes are made of! Go plus ultra!

Melissa: I know you'll do your best, Izuku but Me and Uncle might be watching and still be cheering for all of you every step along!

A heartfelt smile appeared on his face and before he could respond was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey, what are you waiting here for?" Katsumi called out.

"Kacchan! Ready to lose?" Izuku smirks and Katsumi lightly hits him.

"Like I am!? Even if I lose, I won't let that stop me from surpassing you!" Katsumi grinned.

"Awww you two are cute when you fight." The two turned to see Camie with Himiko behind her. They're houses were close to each other, that's why they arrived at the same time.

"Good morning, Izuku-sama! Mizuna-chan! Kacchan!" Himiko greeted them.

"Good morning you two!" Izuku gave a bright smile.

"Anyway, are you going inside? We don't want to be late for the orientation." Katsumi said.

"No, go ahead. I'll still need to wait for Jiro and Itsuka along with replying to Momo and Melissa. Why don't you go with them, Mizuna?" Izuku said to them and they nodded as Camie carried Mizuna followed by Himiko and Katsumi.

He smiled before placing some music that Jiro recommended while waiting for them. He was relaxing before noticing something in the corner of his eye.

There was a girl shorter than him with brown shoulder-length hair, two long bangs beside her face, and big round brown eyes.

She had a nervous expression on her face, most likely from the fact that they were all about to take the U.A exam, even fanning her face with her hands and taking deep breaths.

Her hands and taking deep breaths. Izuku realized that he was staring at her for too long and looked away, not wanting to be labeled as creepy before school even starts.


The girl tripped on a crack on the ground and nearly fell over. Out of reflexes Izuku reached his hand out and grabbed the girl by her arm, pulling her back up and towards him before she could fall to the ground.

The girl was close enough for him and he pulled a little too hard which caused the girl to lean against Izuku as he caught her in his arms. The girl looked up at Izuku, her cute big brown eyes staring up at his bright green eyes, both staring curiously at each other.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you that hard. Anyway, are you alright?"

Izuku slightly blushed knowing how the people that passed by saw the incident. The girl blushed and waved her hands in front of her.

"D-D-Don't be! I-I was so nervous I w-wasn't p-paying attention to where I was walki—Gasp! You're Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku was confused how the girl knew his name as be never been in the media. Unless you include the time she saved Toru, the invisible girl from that slime villain then nothing came to mind.

"You know me?" Izuku confused.

"Yeah! "I saw all your fights in every tournament! You were amazing! You're my inspiration! I took up martial arts so I can earn money for my parents! I won a few local tournaments!"

She jabbed the air a few times with a smile, Izuku blinked a few times, before an excited smile made its way to his face. He joined a fighting tournament and won every single one for them.

"What kind of martial arts do you practice?" Izuku asked.

"Oh! I practiced Aikido!" Izuku rubbed his chin for a moment.

[ A/N: Aikido is useless in real life. Don't learn it. Learn Kickboxing with Judo and Jiu jitsu. Or do the American way and carry a gun. ]

"Aikido huh? I learned it too. So you're aiming to be a Capture and Rescue Hero huh? Perhaps your quirk is related to Gravity?"

"Whoa! How'd you know!?" The green haired teen released a soft chuckle. He finds the young girl adorable at how her face tilted in confusion.

"Lucky guessed, Aikido is mostly used for protecting yourself and your opponent from injuries. It focuses on grappling and softness and is perfect for subduing or capturing your opponent. Also, the main factor is control over the center of gravity. I rarely used it in a fight though." Izuku said.

"Oh! I read this article saying you learned several martial arts, just how many do you know exactly?" The girl stared at him in awe and asked that made Izuku shrugs,

"Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Judo, Karate, to name a few." Izuku said.

"Amazing! How can you learn that many!? When did you start training!? Also what's your quirk? The tournament prohibits quirk usage." Izuku smiled, but didn't say anything, causing the girl to pout cutely. Izuku just chuckled.

"Before that can I ask for your name?" The girl gasped realizing that she hadn't told her name to the Dragon Slayer and quickly introduced herself.

"Where's my manners! I'm Ochako Uraraka! It's nice to meet you, Izuku Midoriya!"

"Just call me Izuku, no need to be so formal."

Izuku nodded his head, recalling how he asked the same for the others but took some time, especially Momo. Ochako blushed and looked down on the ground.

"I-Izuku then...y-you can c-call me O-Ochako t-too!"

"Really? Ochako then. It's nice to meet you. Well I wish you good luck in the exam. I'm still waiting for my friends and might be late if you chatted with me here."

"R-Right, See you inside then, I-Izuku."