
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 25 - Exciting~✨

Welp, my college is starting and I might be busy but I'll try to update as much as I can.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter.


After Kanna explained everything and what she was on earth in the first place. As well as why she can't go home.

"You were banished for a prank?!" Izuku and Inko gasped.

'Wow, are all dragons this harsh on their kid?' Diagoro asked Igneel.

[ "From our world of Earthland, we dragon typically let female dragon take care of our offspring while the father would rarely if ever meet their children." ]

'So basically went out and bought some milk and never came back.' Diagoro commented.

[ "It is simply our nature." ] Igneel said didn't feel any sense of shame since it is simply how dragons are.

'Did you ever have child Igneel-san?' Nana said being someone who had to abandon their family for their safety.

[ "Yes, I've named him before leaving. His name is Ignia. I am unsure if he's still alive or not. But knowing it is my offspring means he likely survived and is now strong" ] Igneel said. Meanwhile, in the outside world.

"Kanna has always loved practical jokes." Tohru mentioned.

"But isn't banishing her to another world a little extreme?" Izuku asked, disliking how Kanna was banished by her childish actions. She may be older in years but in dragon years she's still a kid.

"I'm sure they would want her to reflect on her actions. It'll be useless for me to send her home." Tohru stated.

"So, she's on her own." Izuku is sad for Kanna as tears are forming in her eyes though she holds them back.

"Kanna." Izuku gained her attention.

"How about you come live with us?" Izuku offered to shock her.

"I don't trust humans, you probably something, you'll use me and…" Kanna's sentences are cut off when Inko places a hand on her hand.

"I know it must be scary, being in an unknown place with nowhere to go, but I promise you here you're safe and we'll help you in any way we can. Okay." Inko said with a warm smile. Kanna was touched by Inko's kindness and felt something that she hasn't felt before. A mother's touch.

"Okay." Kanna accepted as she finally let the tears come out and Inko brought her in for a hug.

"Your mom really is amazing." Tohru complimented.

"Yeah, she sure is." Izuku smiled.

"Izuku, I'm sorry for saying those mean things, I know now you're a really good boy." Kanna apologized.

"It's fine, you were just worried about your friend. Let's get along, okay?" Izuku petted Kanna's head, which she didn't mind.

"Okay." Kanna smiled. After a while, the lightning Loli dragon was given a room for her to stay. Their house was large enough with a guest room that was unoccupied. He took a picture of Kanna and messaged his friends.

Camie: Aaaw!! She's so cute!

Momo: My gosh, how can they exile such an innocent child!

Jiro: Jeez, I'm glad she's staying with you now.

Melissa: Can't believe they would go that far for just a prank!?

Izuku: Yeah, she's going to stay with us from now. Tohru is already teaching her the things she needs to know and we're planning on how to deal with the situation.

They continued to chat until Izuku went out of his room and noticed Kanna had her tail plugged in an outlet. He was confused by this and found it rather cute.

"Hey, Kanna, what are you doing?" Izuku slowly approached her to not scare Kanna.

"Ah, hi, Papa." Kanna said and Izuku paused for a moment.

'Hahahaha kid already became a father before the girls coul—" Once again Diagoro was smacked by Nana across the mindscape.

'He's blasting off again.' Everyone thought. Back to Izuku.

"Uhmm, why did you call me Papa?" Izuku was confused.

"Inko-Oba-chan said to call her Grandma because she wants a grandchild and told me to call you papa if I want to." Kanna tilted her head.

"Does that bother you?" She looked sad since it's only been a few hours since he came and she already felt like she belonged there. Izuku was stunned but soon smiled, patting her head.

"Of course not. Call me however you like. If you want me to be your Papa then I will treat you like my daughter." Izuku said with a bright smile that made Kanna really happy. Meanwhile the spirit of the holy sword reacted unnoticed by anyone, even Igneel.

The next day, the day before the exam, Izuku Midoriya was making his way towards his mom's restaurant to help out. He hasn't been there ever since he came back and according to his mom there was a new employee that applied for a waitress.

As he turned a corner, a faint, desperate cry for help reached his ears. Izuku's heart skipped a beat. He paused, scanning the area. The cry came again, more urgent this time. Without a second thought, he dashed toward the sound, his hero instincts kicking in.

Down a narrow alley, he saw a pink-haired child, no older than five or six, running frantically. Behind her, a menacing figure loomed, dark energy crackling around him. The villain's eyes gleamed with malevolence as he closed in on the girl.

"Hang on!" Izuku shouted, his voice filled with determination. He activated One for All, his body crackling with green energy as he launched himself forward.

The villain turned, surprised by Izuku's sudden appearance, but it was too late. With a powerful punch, Izuku sent the villain flying, crashing into a wall with a loud thud. The villain groaned, slumping to the ground, unconscious.

Izuku landed gracefully, his eyes immediately searching for the child. She stood a few feet away, her big, green eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe. Her pink hair was disheveled, and her small frame trembled slightly.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked gently, kneeling down to her level.

"Did he hurt you?" The girl shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears.

"N-no... thank you, mister," she said, her voice trembling.

Izuku gave her a reassuring smile.

"It's okay now. You're safe." He hesitated for a moment before asking,

"What's your name?"

"Anya." she replied, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"Anya, do you know where your parents are? Can I help you find them?" Izuku asked, hoping to reunite her with her family. Anya shook her head again, more vigorously this time.

"I don't have any parents," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Izuku's heart ached at her words. He glanced around, pondering what to do next. He couldn't just leave her here alone. His mind raced with thoughts, wondering if he should take her to the police. But the idea of bringing her home also crossed his mind.

Anya, unbeknownst to Izuku, was listening intently to his thoughts. Her ability to read minds had always been a secret, and she intended to keep it that way. But when Izuku's thoughts wandered to dragons and magic, her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Dragons and magic? Waku waku!" she blurted out, unable to contain her enthusiasm. Izuku blinked, taken aback.

"Uh, did I say that out loud again?" he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Do you like dragons and magic, Anya?" Anya nodded vigorously, a big smile spreading across her face.

"I love them!" Izuku chuckled, her excitement contagious.

"Well, maybe I can tell you some stories on the way home. How about you come with me for now? I'll make sure you're safe, and we can figure out what to do next."

Anya's eyes sparkled with joy. She reached out and took Izuku's hand, her small fingers gripping him tightly.


As they walked together, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that this chance encounter was more than just a coincidence. He glanced down at Anya, who was now skipping happily beside him. He had a feeling that their paths had crossed for a reason, and he was determined to find out what that reason was.

"Do you like heroes, Anya?" Izuku asked, trying to keep the conversation light. Anya nodded again, her eyes twinkling.

"Yes! And you're my hero, Mister Deku!" Izuku's heart swelled with pride and warmth.

"Thank you, Anya. And just call me Izuku and I'll do my best to protect you."

Soon Izuku's heart beat steadily as he approached his mom's restaurant, a quaint place that radiated warmth and comfort. The familiar scent of delicious food filled the air as he pushed open the door, the bell above it chiming softly. Anya's small hand clung to his, her eyes wide with curiosity and wonder.

Inside, the restaurant was bustling with the dinner crowd. Izuku spotted his mother, Inko Midoriya, moving gracefully between tables, her warm smile making every patron feel at home. Standing behind the counter was Tohru, the cheerful and slightly eccentric dragon maid.

Tohru's eyes lit up when she saw Izuku.

"Izuku! Welcome!" she called out, her voice filled with joy.

Izuku smiled and waved, guiding Anya through the tables. He noticed a new face behind the counter, a tall woman with dark hair tied in a neat bun. She moved with a quiet efficiency, her sharp eyes taking in every detail of the room. Inko must have hired her while he was training.

"Hey, Mom," Izuku greeted as he reached the counter, lifting Anya onto a stool beside him.

"Tohru. And... hello," he added, nodding to the new employee.

'She has a lot of bloodlust.' Izuku had been trained by a master assassin and knows when someone has a lot of blood lust. Not to mention he was a dragon and had a battle instinct.

Inko beamed at him, her eyes softening with maternal pride.

"Izuku, welcome back! This is Yor Briar, our new helper. She's been a wonderful addition to the team." Yor smiled warmly, bowing slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku. Your mother has told me so much about you." Izuku returned her smile, feeling a sense of calm amidst the chaotic day.

"Nice to meet you too, Yor-san. Mom, Tohru-san, can we talk in the back for a moment?" Inko's brow furrowed with concern, but she nodded.

"Of course. Yor, could you watch the front for a bit?" Yor nodded, her eyes briefly flicking to Anya, who was looking around the restaurant with fascination.

"Of course, Mrs. Midoriya." Tohru leaned down to Anya, her eyes sparkling with friendliness.

"Hey there, would you like to watch some cartoons with Kanna while we talk?" Anya's face lit up, and she nodded eagerly.

"Yes, please!" Kanna peeked out from the kitchen.

"Cartoons?" She asked, her voice soft and hopeful.

"Yes, Kanna," Tohru said with a gentle smile.

"Why don't you and Anya go watch something on the TV?"

Kanna nodded and took Anya's hand, leading her to the small TV in the corner of the restaurant. Izuku watched them for a moment, a smile tugging at his lips before he followed his mother and Tohru to the back room.

Once they were alone, Inko turned to Izuku, her eyes filled with worry.

"Izuku, what happened?" Izuku took a deep breath, recounting the events that had led him to bring Anya home. Tohru listened intently, her expression serious and thoughtful. When he finished, both women exchanged a glance.

"I found her being chased by a villain. She doesn't have any parents, so I brought her here to keep her safe." Izuku concluded, his voice tinged with sadness.

"I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't just leave her." Inko reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

"You did the right thing, Izuku. She's safe now. We'll figure out what to do next." Tohru nodded in agreement.

"We'll take care of her, don't worry. For now, she can stay here with us." Izuku felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Tohru." Inko smiled softly.

"You're a good boy, Izuku. Always helping others. We'll make sure Anya feels at home."

They returned to the main area, where Anya and Kanna were giggling at the antics on the screen. Izuku's heart swelled with warmth at the sight.

"Anya," Inko called gently, walking over to her.

"How would you like to stay with us for a while? You can be part of our family." Anya looked up, her eyes wide with happiness and relief. She nodded eagerly.

"I'd like that very much!" Izuku crouched beside her, ruffling her pink hair.

"Welcome to the family, Anya." Anya smiled, getting patted by Izuku warm hands and Kanna got jealous before receiving a head pat as well while Inko giggled seeing this.

'Never expect I'll have another daughter.'