
My Hero Academia : Fanfic

Disclaimer : My hero Academia is not mine. most of what in the story not mine either, even the MC. This is a Fanfic of MHA

Uncultured_Ranger · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1A

'White... room....'

The young man gets up and started to observe his surroundings.

"Why does this feel familiar."

Suddenly two figures appeared out of nowhere approaching him, menacingly.

"Kehehehehe this is indeed interesting".

"It's rare for a soul from earth feels it. But sometimes weird thing happens."

'Yeah, I too think it's weird being naked in a weird white room, with an old man and a....'

The young man calmly thinking his weird thoughts even with dense atmosphere pressuring him.

"Before you continue your thoughts let me introduce myself, I am a God or an omnipotent being, yeah celestial guy seems right too. But I prefer called administrator and please no, don't call me a manager."

The old man that proclaims himself as God keeps answering the young man thoughts that with each sentence get out of context, ignoring the small creature that comes with the old man.

"Kehehehe you... you are a really unique individual. I want to see it, I want to see it how entertaining would your suffering will be kehehehe."

The young man, seems interested with little fur creature that keep floating around them stopped his thought and talking to it.

"If he's a god, then you are... Satan? No, I mean Demon?"

"Well, yeah but no, he's not a demon. He's a God too, but he's not an administrator. He's here just because he's bored."

"Kahahahahaha you are really unique, spouting nonsense like that while body full of blood like that."

The young man bodies are full of blood that coming from his eyes, nose and even his skin that ripped slowly.

The old man who just notice it, seems startled then suddenly an invisible layer appeared surrounded the God that look like a demon.

"YOU... your dammed presence almost extinguishes him, Haah... I shouldn't have brought you here."

"Kahahaha, it'll would be interesting to see."

"And you.... why didn't you tell a thing about it? Yeah, it's my fault not realizing you're a human, but it's your fault look so calm about it. Urgh... how could I remember every common sense of each race? I mean bloodied body is a common thing for some races."

The old man seems answering each thought of the young man. The young man however with body full of blood stood straight with calm face. His skin stopping from ripping apart but his injury remains intact.

"No... I can't heal you, not like I can't heal someone but I'm prohibited to do any direct contact with you. Yep, I'm sorry about it but I can't do anything right now. The best way for both of us is to get this done before something happen to you. Ermm... this guy indeed can heal you but I don't think he will. Anyway, can't you talk to me normally, like using your mouth, ah right... my bad, you're still injured. But isn't you just use it before? What? saving energy?"

'I have my priorities. For me, it's better know the cause of pain and stop it instead screaming nonsense and died knowing nothing'

"You didn't have many friends, did you?"

'How rude...'

Suddenly the devil like creature appeared in front of the young man with a devil like smile.

"Kehehehe, Hey!! I'll heal you, yep completely, yeah with no drawback or any sort of curse. Kehehehe no, I don't think it'll be expensive or something, I just need you to hear my word."

"That what devil usually say."

The young man suddenly said with straight face.

"Keheheheh, like you ever meet one."

"Let start this immediately before you pass out." The old man pulled a paper out of nowhere. "First question! What the last thing you remember?"

'Last thing... urgh I'm not good at remembering something. Maybe it's my room. That's right, I think I'm in my room, then suddenly...'

"A truck?" the young man asked breaking his poker face.

"And another dirty soul.... dirty soul here not mean you had done a bad thing in your life, but because you remember your cause of death mean your soul not purified yet and can't #*%@! %#$."

'I don't think I hear the last part right'

"Ah sorry about that, I think it got censored because you shouldn't know about it. The main point is that you... a human, died and send here with your memory, and I an administrator should somehow solve it. Usually, I'll just talk it out to anything that comes and reincarnated it back to the world with some deal then wait it died again. But I don't think you have much time left to make a deal happen so I'll just..."

'Not have much time left huh' the young man thought while feeling blood in his mouth that taste like iron.

"keheheheh then let me heal you a bit..."

The demon shaped creature suddenly said from above his head, he surprised but he didn't show it.

"I'm not going to pay, no contract."

"kehehehe like he said I'm not a devil. And don't worry about it, what I want is just take lead in the deal you suppose to do with that old man"

"Hey, I'm not remember agreeing to this." The old man said angrily

"Kehehehe yes you're not. Kehehehe But in case you didn't remember, I'm not only can heal him" The devil like creature said while poking the seemingly invisible layer.

"You dammed bastard, even if it's you, you'll still get penalty if you do something like that..."

"Kahahahaha, like you didn't know who I am.... Kahahaha a mere penalty is not something I cornered about."

"Thought so... ok I'll let you do it, but I'll be here in case you screw it up too much."

"Kehehehehe, you should have do this from the beginning."

The old man takes a step back and crossing his arm, started to act like an observer. The devil like creature then circling the young man earnestly like given a toy in Christmas.

"Kehehehehe, back to you little human... Erm? No, you don't have any right here. Kehehehe And no, I won't heal you more than this, even if your wound started to open again that's not my problem."

The young man faces slightly became annoyed.

"Then start it right away, the deal..."

"Kahahahahha, you're really a funny, I'm started to like you more. Straightforward attitude, poker face, quick decision making, and arrogant. Kehehehe, what deal could be made if a deal was made with someone like you..."

"A deal supposedly made for both parties to get benefit form it, but my instinct said if a deal made with you, I'll have a hard time."

"Kahahahaha, damm right. Not a single being ever get a good deal from me, that include that old man."

The old man at the back sighing with a dejected face.

"Kehehehe, ok then I'll explain to you. Your soul is dirty, so to clean it up you need to reincarnated. Kehehehe but the cause of your soul being dirty is these guy fault. So they can't just clean your soul forcibly. Then.... the solution is a deal. Kehehehe they'll reincarnate you, but you given one wish to make."

"It's three" the old man interrupted the devil talk.

"Kehehehe, I'm the one making deal here, so it's my rule."

"That's not how things supposedly to work."

"Kehehe, just shut up you old man."


Silence fell a few second before the devil like creature continue, facing back at the young man.

"Kehehehe, you just have one wish, no negotiation needed." The devil said with a little heavier tone.

"Ok... but before we continue, I have a question?"

"Kehehehe, yes? Just ask it."

"Can I wish to have a chance to kill you?" The young man stared at the devil like creature and take a glance to the old man. His calm eyes get deviant and back to calm in short time.

"KAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this is the first time, yeah... this is the first time something like this happen to me, ahh this is so fun." The devil laughing, rolling in the floor. The old man a bit shocked but his face then turned to a bit of regret.

"Kahahahaha, of course not you fool, I'm the one makes rule here."

"Tch then just reincarnate me, I won't use any more of your time. No wish needed" The young man suddenly said.

"Kehehehe, hey, don't be like that... are you sulking just because I leave you with one wish kehehehe."

"If... if you really fine with that then I'll proceed, no wish right." The old man cut off their conversation hastily. His face looks really troubled. He acts like want to make the deal end faster. Not like before where he just acts cool and said want to make thing done fast, but he's like chased by something.

"Yes, I'm not need the wish. I life as a loner with no one, and have no regret left in me. Even if you just go ahead and skip this reincarnating process, that's not a problem for me... Worst case for me just got tortured forever." The young man stared back at the devil like creature. His face looks determined.

"Kehehe, not fun." the smile on his devil face instantly gone.

"Yes... Yes.... it is what it is, so I'll begin right away." the old man hurriedly came forward and clicked his finger, vanishing the young man from the white room.

"Kehehehe, what a weird guy."

"Yeah, a weird guy indeed, and you lucky he didn't wish anything." The old man said while tapping the devil like creature head.

"Kehehehe, even if he does, I won't grant it."

"That's the more reason for him to hate you."

"Kehehehe like he ever got a chance to do something to me."

"That's a flag, and sometimes it happens, a human killing a God."

The devil like creature suddenly got afraid.

"You didn't reincarnate him to any mid dimension, right?" the devil asked with worried tone.

"No, of course not, you think I'm crazy? He already looks like an Ascended. There even a possibility he ascended if reincarnate to a lower dimension."

"So... where do you send him?"

"A distorted dimension, My Hero Academia."


'Tch, I'm thinking about that demon again.'

My bad memory about certain creature like demon flashed, make me furrowed my brows. Actually, it's not like I'm want to kill it so much, but still that thing leaves a grudge inside me. If somehow, I died before kill it, then so be it. But my goal right now is to kill that thing. No reason needed, I just need something to do.

'Well, that's what I think but maybe it'll changed soon.'

I opened the window and looked back at a crib in the room, at the baby inside it to be precise. The baby looks at me, her blank expression turned into smile and soon a laugh.

"My sister is cute indeed." I muttered without thinking, then proceed to play with her cheeks. No smile showed in my face but my actions tell otherwise.

After I reincarnated, my parent named me Satou Hitohito. That tells me I reincarnated at Japan.

I'm four years old now, no major event happens. And I haven't fully known how my surrounding is. First year of my life is likely common, same for when I two and three years old. No, maybe it's feels common because I can't remember most of it. Something called infantile amnesia make me can't remember my memory when I was a baby.

My conscious as reincarnated person began to surface when I three years old. I think the first three year of this life I lived as how normal baby do. But from my ability to read and speak two different language I know something must be wrong. Not like I can remember it.

When memory of my past self surfaced, everything already feels familiar to me. How I moved my body, what my surrounding looks like, my parent face, and how I used to play with this little sister of mine. No no no, this is not me playing with her, but more like I'm playing her cheeks.

'Somehow it's really calming just by looking at her.'

I stared at her with straight eyes. I know how my face usually look like. It's emotionless bored face no one like to see, coupled with my plain or maybe ugly face, no one like my first impression in my past life. Maybe this body will different but I'm not have much hope in it.

"Gwa ha ha ha"

Looking at her laugh when seeing face make my hope risen a bit. She's not much different from any other baby I ever seen. Best description I can give is black hair and skin color skin. But still, she's like something special to me. Must be blood that make it happens. I never meet any blood relative person to me, but that must be it.

This blood connection happens too to my parent. Even though they're not the best parent I could describe, still... I feel grateful to them.

One year have passed since my memory of past self surfaced and my urge to revenge against that demon god began to waver. Yeah.... it's good to be alive.

I thought that old man will reincarnate me in North Korea or other conflict zones where I'll likely die fast. But instead, he's reincarnated me in Japan. A way more future of Japan. I don't really know what happen in this world but history said mutant take over the world and now everybody is a mutant. The mutant power called quirk though.

I am not really complaining that he reincarnated me here, but one hundred year gaps from my last life are a little bit too much. With the quirk came I don't think my knowledge as reincarnator held much value. This is must be that demon revenge to me. Tch I should have kept my mouth shut. I hope he can't meddle with what quirk I'll got.

Averagely, people get their quirk at the age of four. My birth certificate tells me my fourth birth day is yesterday, so my quirk could be manifested now or later.

'I actually didn't really care what quirk I got, but the likely of my parent abandoning me is lesser if I got a good quirk.'

When I thought about it my hand slowly turned transparent. I rummage my clothes to observe extend of my quirk but it looks like my body part that turned transparent just from elbow down. It's not even invisible hand but transparent like glass and just the right one at that. I think this is my fault for not get my wish.

I studying my quirk for the entire day but nothing changed. My quirk is transparent hand.


Suddenly the door slammed open. And an average looking woman come in. She is have long black hair, her face is quite average but not the one that easy to forget. She's wearing a quite nice dress, yeah overall she's not that bad but her annoyed face make me a little scared.

This is my mother, she works as prostitute. Something bad must be happen at work for her to act like that.

She said nothing and close the door. She goes to bathroom, taking a bath, change her clothes, boiling some water, sat down then ask me.

"Anything happen today?"

"There's no problem but I think my quirk manifest."

"Hmm...? so what's your quirk is?"

She asked with a clearly brighter face. My stomach started to hurt. I think I can't really answer it honestly.

"My... my hand can turn like this and, I think my mind can thinking more."

She looking at my hand then 'tsked' seems disappointed. But nonetheless my quirk manifest changes her mind from any trouble she has at work.

"At least you know how to use your head."


"Tomorrow we will go to hospital to register your quirk, tsk if only you can go alone."


The sound of boiling kettle heard. she gets up then make instant noodle for us. I'm usually just get to eat once a day at noon when my mother get home from work. I'm have no problem with it. A child body is full of energy, for me to eat one cup of instant noodle a day is enough. Not like I have a labor to do.

What worried me sometimes is my sister. My mother rarely bought powdered milk for her. The good thing is the one who responsible for her feeding is me. So, I can somehow make her milk last longer. She's not crying over it is too a reason for my mother not abandon us.

But yeah... the main reason for her to not abandon us is the child support money she got from the government. Even from a document I read this 4x4 room is a part of child support program.

She's not best parent you could get, but there's a fact that she is my mother. In my birth certificate not even my father's name written there. The same thing goes for my sister. For her not abandoned us is more than enough for me.

This is life, sometimes you get good thing like my sister, and sometimes it's a little bad thing like my father. But still... you must enjoy it.


Two more years passed since then. I discover many things about this world, about quirk and about myself.

This world or dimension is similar with one where I came from but it's slightly different. Economy and power history of this world is the exact same. There's a world war I, South Asia Economy break and other fact that exactly same like what I remember. But the culture isn't same.

There's no Potter here. And not just it, another famous novel does not exist too, memes too a little bit different to the memes from my former world. That's not really a problem, not even something I need to think about. But if... if this world is the same world as the one I came from then there's must be a super quirk user that can change the world. Or the devil has access to this world and change it to confuse me.

The later possibility makes me restless sometimes. It's stupid but I can take it out of my head.

The second discovery I make is that... my quirk can get stronger. Or more effective. This is not really a discovery, there's a theory about quirk essentially can get stronger but not everyone can get their quirk stronger.

Even though I said it's got stronger it's not something that amazing to get praise. My right hand which can become transparent became invisible. No, not invisible. It's like my hand dematerialize from this world. I still can feel my hand, but it's not there. No practical use of my quirk for now.

Not many major things happen. The most annoying one is that my mother trying to sell me and my sister. Actually, she's not had any plan to sell us at first, she's not that smart. If he's at least a little bit smarter, she must be still alive now.

This dammed event started when my sister quirk manifest. At her fourth birthday, she suddenly growing two horns from her head. And her eyes change from black to red. it's look like a really strong quirk so my mother immediately going to hospital that day.

Her quirk, opposite of my transparent hand is a really strong one. The quirk name is 'Oni' which gave her super strength, super regenerative body and a control over fire. It's like a package of three super quirk. I wonder if all of my talent got absorbed by her.

One week after her quirk manifest someone came to talk with my mother about adopting my sister for large amount of money. No smart mind needs for to know he's real intention is to experiment with my sister.

First solution from me is to blow this case up so media will focus at my sister. Afterward we will send to orphanage. Shady evil scientist that likely trying to kidnap her aside. With this at least government wouldn't trying something funny to her.

But I don't know are this because my past memory, my anxiety about the devil or my past lonely personalities. But I hate the very idea of involve with other people.

So I revised the plan.

Instead of blow this up to attract media I chose to hide it as much as I can. The call to the police is not for human trafficking but for noise report. Two police first came when the transaction happen. The man who thought this is a trap set for him immediately using his quirk to kill the police.

My mother, instead of running away jumped in from the man and trying to explain this is a misunderstanding. I even set an escape route for her to at least let her escape as thanks for kept me and my sister.

My mother death a gruesome death with her head decapitated from her body. Fortunately, my sister is at the outside now.

This man quirk is to make a sword come out of his hand. Even though his quirk is making a sword, he seems not really good at it. The two police body at the corridor got cut from the shoulder. He's clearly targeted the neck but missed, nonetheless his sword sharp enough to cut the police in half.

I just need to escape from my home and leave everything to the police. That was the plan. But suddenly my sister shows up from behind the man, ignoring two dead bodies she stuck at the door looking at me with horror. She's supposedly playing at the park with neighbor kids, she's usually came home in the afternoon.

One of my rare curses came out that day.

When the man looks at my surprised face, he's immediately turned his head looked back at my sister. Not much thinking needed at the time. I took out the knife from inside of my clothes, run toward the man then stabbed the knife into his solar plexus or what ever it is.

He's not down just because of that. I didn't actually expect much either, I'm not what they call battle genius. At that time, I'm just waiting for my death, get stabbed by the man sword then meet the devil again. He's probably going to laughed at me.

The man swinging his sword at me. fortunately, I'm still a kid so height gap makes him missed. I'm shouting to my sister to run, planning to take a step back and running too. But suddenly I feel all of my internal organ inflating. The man kicked me so hard I'm flying out from second floor. I'm pass out before even know where I land.

When I woke up, I'm already at the hospital. Nurse at the hospital tell me my sister is safe without scratch in her, I can check it myself, her bed is right beside me. I got up from my bed even though the nurse forbids me. I came closer to her inspecting every part of her body. Not a scratch like the nurse said. But she's breathing heavily. I hold her hand feeling her warm hand. Not like in another story where she's supposed to be more clam, nothing much changed. But at least at that time I'm there right beside her.

Not long a policeman come. He's began to calming me right away then slowly ask a simple question to check my mental health like "do you hungry?" and "where do you hurt?"

He's explaining to me that a 'hero', literary, saving us from a villain. He's had a hard expression when he explaining to me that my mother is already dead. Of course, that is load of bullshit. Looking at my sister condition already explaining to me that she is the one who subdue the man.

It's impossible for any backup to come right away. If my sister didn't fight back, the man must be at least holding her hair to control her, but no such mark left at her hair. Worse could be happen if he's fight back which is I'm sure she does. but with no marks on her body... she must subdue the man easily. No, I bet the man must be already dead.

With my calm demeanor the policeman started to asking harder question. Of course, I'm answered to match it with the scenario I created. I'm began asking to the policeman too. Just simple question like what I and my sister should do from now on.

Like my expectation they'll send me and my sister to an orphanage and give me and my sister education which I didn't get for the last two year.

I revised my plan too much. From stand with people, to stand on my own and now go to government side. I'll somewhat agree if they ask an experiment to be condone but if it too much, I'll protect my sister, even if I must become everyone enemy. Heh... it's not going to be that hard. I have done it once, doing it again will be much easier.

I'm furrowed my brow unconsciously. Then door to my room opened and a horned girl with long black hair come in with big smile in her face.


"What it is again?"

She hugs me with her super strength. I think one of my rib broke.

"Eheheheh... you know... there's the hippo boy calling me Oni again and making fun of me."

"His name is Kenta."

"Yes.. yes Kenta, that Kenta said 'owooh the Oni girl came, where the beans we must keep the Oni outside' then then he started throwing beans at me with his friends."

"And then you punch him in the face again...?"

"No... I mean not yet, as you said violence is not the answer so I retorted back at him. 'What are you doing hippo? Why are you throwing your food like this? If you keep doing this you might became thin like donkey you know.' And he's got angry at me and hit me, so I punch him as self-defense, yeah self-defense."

'Not the best insult you could get, but at least she's learnt something.'

"Yeah, it's a self defense, you really learn fast." I said while patting her head.


"But still, you shouldn't punch someone in the face. It'll hard for you to get a friend if you do that."

"Eh... no no no, I have friend too brother. Sooo many friend... even more than you."

"Sacchan ?"

"Yes Sacchan."


"Er... For now it's just Sacchan."

"I'll wait it's increased."

"Um.. you don't need to worry brother."

This is my Little Sister. Her name is Ayame Hitohito. She is two years younger than me. Our appearance is almost same, same skin and hair color. But apparently, she's not just absorbed my talent but my looks too.

She is cuter than any other Idol I ever seen in my past life (not a biased judgment). But I'm look as plain as rock. Maybe she is a protagonist of some sort story. And here I'm will become a support character. No, from our face gap quality, even serving her as a support character is not feasible.

Wait, if this is really a novel story should I died from that man kicks and left her as sole survivor of that incident. Maybe it will give her some sort of character development. Tch is that devil send me to a story. Is novel, film or comic I don't know but it seems like it.