
My Gacha Life

Rune, your average young male, shuts himself away into the world of Gacha Games after his family collapsed. Wasting away, his life is changed dramatically as Gacha becomes his power in a brand new world. Will the powers of RNGesus and Lootcifer allow him to survive his new life?

Eleets_Steele · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Idle Farming

"Alright kid, let's wrap it up here. You've been going at it for three hours. Still gotta get you learning some job skills."

Rune wiped the sweat from his jaw, taking a hefty breath. His eyes locked onto a notification, explaining everything to him in an instant.

'Ending Idle Farming.

Congrats! Spear Affinity has risen: D -> D+

Congrats! Fire Affinity has risen: D -> C-'

Rune took a quick glance, noticing that Marisa and Mae couldn't increase their proficiencies.

'Maybe starring them up will work? And this idle farming... I'm barely tired and yet I worked for so long. The half stamina consumption would also explain some of that.'

Garren shoved the door open, letting Rune step inside first.

"Kid, you've got something about you. You're definitely gonna give the worst of ours a run for their money very quickly. The training area is free to use as long as you want to. Just remember to get along with those assholes. Can't lose someone so promising."

Rune gave a sheepish grin, scratching the back of his head. After being alone for so long, being the way he was, genuine compliments were his greatest weakness.

"So, Guild Master, what's next on the agenda?"

Garren gave a quick guffaw before looking back down at Rune.

"Alright kid. You've seen me at my lowest. Don't even try that respectful bullshit with me. Gonna meet up with a few of the older boys. Got smithin, brewin and sewin in line. If you got the knack, even enchatin. Seems a pricked your fancy."

Rune didn't know it, but his eyes were shining at the though of job skills. His excitement was blatant and plentiful.

"Come to think of it, you're a pretty tall kid. I've got some roots in the Giant family, but you don't got the build."

"My family was pretty tall. Before they passed, my dad was a tall man. Impressed everyone with how quickly he could shrink down or move around obstacles."

Garren nodded.

"Seems like he had skills. I'd have enjoyed a chance to meet him. Us tall folk need to stay together. Keeps us from being as nimble as smaller people. You seen a big and buff assassin? Nah, they skinny and small. Let's them sneak around and surprise ya."

The more he spoke, the looser his words became and stronger his accent came out. A southern man from Rune's world would've sounded quite similar.

"Alright. They're in here. Tell the boys I sent ya. They'll look after your trainin. I gotta prepare for when the others return."

With a hefty sigh, Garren began to walk away. From behind Rune, a door creaked open.

"Did he leave? Could've said hi to us at least. Busy bastard."

'Name: Mason

Race: Dwarf

Age: 65

Level: 62

Emotion: Sadness'

"Oh. A Dwarf. Nice to meet you, I'm Rune."

Rune gave a polite bow to the short and stocky Dwarf. His aged face showed little concern for Rune's kindness, but he gave a quick nod in turn.

"Garren sent you. Name's Mason. I'm the best smith in Serro. My coworkers are upstairs. Be kind to them, we will be kind to you."

Mason's gruff personality left Rune at a loss for words. No more words were exchanged as he was led up a flight of stairs and into a wide open room, filled with light and books.

"A library? Or is this a study?"

Lifting a bushy eyebrow, Mason shook his head.

"You'll learn from in here first. Wallace, Boyd and Shen will teach you more later. I'll teach you some more about smithing, even mining. But we need a solid base. It's the same with every job skill and weapon class. The beginning leads to the rest. If it's hard to understand, you can give up. Every last bastard did too."

Rune noticed each section of the room was divided with a chunk of books based on different job skills. One held books on herbs, how to gather them, and how to brew potions or poisons. The second held larger books that seemed to be tomes on rune language as well as how to string them into enchantments. Third was filled with tanning techniques as well as sewing and stitching patterns for cloth or leather, even special ones for metal and alloy. The last corner held books on ores and where to mine them, as well as the separate texts on smelting and smithing them into ingots, all the way to finished arms and armors.

"You can sew metal? Huh. Strong needles."

A half there laugh escaped that corner of the room.

"Magic needles. Pure magic can penetrate any form of fabric or hide. Metal is no different."

An elderly elf sat in the corner, his eyes alight with curiosity.

"Names Wallace, young one. I'll gladly teach you more if you read my books."

Rune felt his lip twitch. Having enjoyed crafting mechanics in quite a few games from his past, he was eager to learn the real thing. To his audiences surprise, Rune took a quick beeline through each stack of books. Grabbing a few from each, he dropped to the floor in the middle of the room. Both Mae and Marisa stood over him as he began to read, but that changed as Mae curled up beside him and Marisa sat with her back against his. It was as if she decided to sleep.

'Auto Learning Enabled

Congrats! You have learned Basic Smithing!

Congrats! You have learned Basic Mining!

Congrats! You have learned Basic Harvesting!

Congrats! You have learned Basic Alchemy!

Congrats! You have learned...'

His notifications continued to fill up before his eyes as he felt his hands and fingers slip through the pages of each book. Before long, Rune began to see four separate sets of feet taking and leaving books for him.

'When did I become so aware of my surroundings? And my reading speed... I have the knowledge, but the capability is a different story.'


Mae curled herself up into Rune's lap. Her small eyes seeming to keep pace with Rune's. Even as he farmed the books, his hand still went in to pet the small fox.

'Congratulations! You have finished all Basic, Intemediate, Advanced, Master and Legend status books on crafting and gathering. The authors wish to grant you a reward.'

Rune closed the last book, then leaned back slightly. He could feel Marisa's hair flow over his shoulder, causing him to freeze for a moment.

"Hmm. A fine work. A mix of each of our talents. Though she is damaged... hmm... Wallace, Boyd, Shen... we got our work cut out for us. Hehe."