
My Gacha Life

Rune, your average young male, shuts himself away into the world of Gacha Games after his family collapsed. Wasting away, his life is changed dramatically as Gacha becomes his power in a brand new world. Will the powers of RNGesus and Lootcifer allow him to survive his new life?

Eleets_Steele · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Doll Arts and Fox Magic

"My lady, was that truly wise? You sent away such a young spirit fox. Worrisome enough, he was an outsider. Someone we know nothing of."

Laying leisurely, a long pointed ear perked up.

"Worry not. I felt that she... belonged. Heh, just wait for that bastard king to see her all grown up."

Nine tails covered her body, a soft smirk hidden within the fluff.


"Garren, do you know of somewhere I can-"

"Train? Yea. Kid like you, you're gonna need the work put in. Behind the guild, I got a training ground. Can let ya learn some skills too, though it depends on what you're really capable of."

"So you're gonna have me learn job skills?"

Garren let out a hefty sigh.

"Truth be told, this town may look like a rose, but it still has thorns. These thorns, they ain't here right now. We can't just cut them off either. Some of our finest, as well as strongest are part of said group."

Rune nodded.

"They're the ones that get your necessary materials to live your lives here."

"You're smart kid. We can't lose them, but we don't want someone so young to be kicked to the curb. They'll be gone a while, foraging or hunting. This gives the rest of us a chance to take care of ya. We'll make you capable beyond your wildest dreams."

Rune laughed softly.

'To think, I'll be more capable here in two days, compared to my previous life of nearly thirty years.'

With a bright smile, Rune gladly accepted the town of Serro's aid.


Not long later, Rune stared in amazement from within the Guild Hall of the Adventurer's Guild. The building was large, open and cleaner than one may think possible.

'I was expecting a bar, broken and untidy. This is insane!'

Rune inner thoughts seemed to glow from within his eyes. Garren laughed heartily, giving Rune a pat on the back from his massive hand.

'Oh shit!'

Rune hit the ground, sliding across his chest. Mae hopped down, her nose tapping Rune as she whined softly.

"Ah, sorry ki- Gah. The hell're you doin!?"

Rune pushed himself up, his eyes widening in alarm as Marisa was trying to stab Garren with her fingers. His tough body didn't even budge as Garren stood there, confused.

"Marisa! Stop!"

His eyes went wide as he slammed his hands over his mouth. Marisa had stopped, but now Garren went to get a real look at her. With a simple wave of his hand, her hood was pulled back. Her hair fell to her waist, while her reflective eyes looked up into Garren's.

"Hmm. She is a beauty. So many cracks though. Family heirloom? Ancient enough to be one. She has that good ol' defense mechanism too. Very ready to protect you."

Rune nodded slowly, Garren's reaction much better than what he expected.

"Ah. Got one. Let's go ahead and tie her hair up. Keep the buggers from grabbin when she fights."

Rune watched as Garren became a hair expert, deftly tying her hair into a high ponytail. The end stopped between her shoulder blades, swaying softly as she moved back beside Rune.

"Don't worry. Dolls like her are everywhere, though not as well made. Just tell people she's a doll. Most will back off if they are smart."

Garren began to lead, the stunned, Rune out the back door of the guild. As he finally stepped outside, a new notification appeared.

'You have entered a designated combat zone; Serro Adventurer's Guild Training Ground.


x2 Training Exp

-50% Stamina Consumption

Due to the current summons, Broken Doll and Spirit Fox, access to their abilities has been added to your Fate Link.

You have unlocked Broken Doll Marisa's Doll Arts.

You have unlocked Spirit Fox Mae's Fox Magic.'

Rune rubbed his eyes slowly, his notification suddenly changing.

'Due to the only acquired magic and lower level of the user, would you like to incorporate Fox Magic into your Fire Magic?

Incorporating magic together will ban the learning of other base elements. Only higher tiers of Fire, Holy and Dark Magic will be permitted. Variant Magic will be withheld from this list of lost magic.'

Rune looked up at Garren, his smug smile fading as Rune began to speak.

"How good is incorporating magic together?"

"Depends. I'm no mage by any means, but if your ability is capable of combining properly, you're better off losing the other elements. I've heard a story from an old friend, even an element disability can be overlooked if you have the right match for your element. Hmm... with Earth Magic, the Steel Mountain Turtle can give you an incorporated magic. This will make you tough enough to even ignore the power behind a water mage."

Garren had his hand on his jaw, hidden within his scruffy beard. He made Rune feel like a student learning the basics from a master.

"What about Fire Magic? Which can it get better with?"

Garren gave Rune a blank stare.

"That's obvious. Fire elemental creatures, like dragons or a phoenix. It's hard to incorporate magic due to how rare the beasties are that you need to find. I just prefer to smash things."

In the blink or an eye, Garren whipped around and punched the air. The atmosphere seemed to ripple, leaving steam on Garren's fist. Rune stood there, mouth hanging open.

"Sonic Fist Style. I got speed and power, kid. Impressed?"

Flexing ever so slightly, Garren seemed giddy when Rune nodded quickly.

'Spirit Fox... Mae is best with Fire Magic. Maybe...'

'Incorporating Fox Magic and Fire Magic. Banned elements include: Earth, Water and Wind. System recommendation: Incorporate more types of Fire Magic's.'

Rune took a deep breath before feeling the magic, as well as his connection to Mae through it. As he exhaled, his eyes narrowed on a target dummy in the distance. In an instant, it was surrounded in blue fire that seemed to almost dance as it consumed the wooden target.

"Damn kid. Was that from the fox? Or do you have a dragon hidden away?"

Garren gave a smirk, but Rune could only stare in wonder at the flames.

"Garren, are we allowed to go all out in here?"

With a quick nod, Garren took a step back.

"Show me what you can do. Job skills can wait."

Rune reached into his inventory, pulling out his newly acquired weapons. Outfitting Marisa with the sword and shield, she continued to stare blankly.

"If you can use Doll Arts while fighting, go ahead. Try to keep yourself safe."

For the first time, Marisa moved away from Rune. As if possessed, she brandished her the sword and launched forward.

"She has some incredible speed. Sure she should be holding a shield? Seems assassination or rogue skills would work better."

Rune stared.

"That wasn't her. That was her skill."

Rune took another deep breath, feeling his connection to Marisa this time. He could feel an extension form on his fingertips. Looking down, crude thread seemed to flow from his fingers.

"I think... it went like this."

Rune flicked his hand up, watching the thred latch into the ground a couple meters ahead. With a quick yank, he jumped up slightly.


Garren watched as Rune flew forward, skidding on the ground a great distance forward. Before he could stop, his feet gave way from beneath him. He tumbled and rolled until his face stared up at the sky.


Mae stomped her paws on Rune's chest, causing him to laugh softly.

"I'm sorry, sorry. I forgot you were still on my shoulder. You didn't get hurt, did you?"


"So you jumped off before I slipped? That's good."

Rune sat up, cradling the small fox.

"Let's train until we can handle ourselves better!"