
My Friends Call Me Bas

"Something is calling out for you. It is the greatness hidden in your blood, demanding you to display it!" Among the myriad worlds in the multiverse, there exists one that is not too dissimilar to our own, yet possessing depths none have hopes to fully explore. Follow Basileus, our young protagonist, impelled on all sides by the need to become great. With a heavy weight of glory resting on his shoulders, he knows he will surpass every expectation and create a name that will resound for all time! The first six years of this story will be fairly fast-paced, since the main plot of the story will begin once Basileus begins to attend university. The initial chapters will serve mainly to introduce the world and the fun dynamics to be had in the Sayre household. Entrance into University will occur at chapter ten. Updates will be two chapters a day five days a week. Expect chapter lengths from 1500 to 2500 words. My goal is to write at minimum 10,000 words a week. I am immensely dedicated to producing a story with professional level grammar and a non-cringe-inducing narrative, so have a little grace if I aim for quality over quantity of content produced. P.S. Borrowed the "Sayre" name from a Harry Potter fanfic that I read, though I can't remember the name of it. Someone point it out in the comments for me and I'll give them credit. Don't own the image.

Mithridates7 · Urbain
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7 Chs

Isn’t it Nice to be Young?

Basileus POV

Fireworks rang out in a constant bang bang bang that announced the New Year with great aplomb. It is a tradition in Basileus's family, at least for every year he could remember, to spend the two weeks of winter break at their vacation home near the mountains of Jackson, Wyoming. They had been here for over a week now, having arrived a few days before Christmas. They weren't scheduled to leave for a few days yet, planning to take a plane back home on the fourth of January. Being here is always pleasant, I suppose. Basileus gazed at the constant explosions in the sky with the awe fitting to such a beautiful display. Never could it be said that Atticus, Basileus's dad, spared any expense in the celebration of the New Year.

Basileus felt a soft warmth pressing against his side a moment later. He removed his eyes to look to the presence responsible for a great deal of his mental angst recently. Looking down at the girl quite a bit shorter than himself, he saw a face that in its beauty and innocent warmth Basileus could not help but feel it made the firework display pale in comparison. "Happy New Year, Bas!" Basileus's twin sister, Benaiah said with excited enthusiasm, smiling brightly up at him while resting her chin on his chest.

Basileus cursed himself for the shudder that ran through his body, and the unconscious twitch he felt in his lower member. Calm yourself, he mentally commanded himself as he gave her a smile in return. "Happy New Year, little sister."

She pressed her cheek against his chest, turning her gaze to the sky to witness the fireworks which continued to burst in the sky. He knew the display would continue bursting for a couple more minutes, as his father spared no expense on the frivolities he enjoyed, excessive firework displays being one. To his brief consternation, Basileus found it extremely difficult to take his eyes off of his twin sister. He could see the fireworks in her eyes, making the deep brown of her irises light up with each color of the rainbow. Her plump pink lips were parted slightly, and Bas could barely make out the pink wetness of her tongue lying in her mouth. Her skin, which resembled the color of caramel, looked extremely soft and Basileus's hand twitched with an urgent need to stroke her cheek, which he resisted with great effort.

Benaiah's eyes moved from the fireworks back to his own, and she smiled sweetly at him, before stepping on her toes to give him a kiss on his cheek. "I love you, big brother." She said while simultaneously hugging him a bit tighter. It was a near thing that Basileus did not make a fool of himself by choking on air, such was the harshness of the breath he took the moment he felt her soft lips on his cheek. Determined to not make a fool of himself, he waited a moment before saying back, "I love you too."

For some, this may seem like a special occasion of sibling closeness, but the curse of Basileus is that this was constantly his life. He did not want to feel such…unnatural thoughts… for his sister, but she was a marvelous amalgamation of all good things in the world. This one instance is just a small sample of the daily physical closeness she insists on…daily! And good luck if he tried to distance himself, because then she would pout with such genuine sadness that he would feel like he had just kicked a puppy.

Basileus felt a shiver run through his sister, to which she tried to further meld her body into his. With a huff she said, "I'm ready to go inside, it's too cold out here!" Basileus nodded and said, "Only a little bit longer. Dad spends so much time preparing the fireworks that he'd kill us if we didn't stay for the whole show." At this moment, he could hear his mom exclaim, "Love, look how cute the twins are! Do you have your phone on you? I need to take a picture!" His father looked away for a moment to glance at the twins, before smiling briefly and turning his gaze back to the sky. "It's on the table." He told his wife and seemed to enter back into his own world of fireworks lighting up the dark sky.

Basileus's mom quickly picked up the phone and moved to a position in front of him. "Alright y'all, stay just like you are and smile!" His mom was smiling brightly, the sight of which he could not resist reciprocating, and he smiled widely along with his sister. His sister had her head leaning against his chest while looking at the camera, and he was only slightly ashamed at the thought that ran in his mind as the flash captured the scene. I hope the picture doesn't show my dick print.

Journal Entry 1

My name is Basileus Damien Sayre. My uncle directed me to start keeping a semi-regular journal, so in obedience to what he construed as 'advice to turn a boy to a man', I'll start now.

I guess it's not out of place to give a brief summary of who I am. I was born on April 26, 2006, along with my twin sister, Benaiah. My family is as nice as could be hoped for, in my opinion. My parents are Atticus and Lorraine Sayre, who both are subjects of predictable conversations. 'Wow I can't believe you have so many kids! And you're so young!' Every time my parents meet someone when us kids are present, this loop repeated again. Which isn't that surprising to be honest, since they got married and gave birth to my older sister when they were just sixteen, which certainly shocked people.

I have five siblings, one sister who is older than me by a year named Anastasia, a twin sister named Benaiah, two younger brothers named Cassiel and Dominic respectively, and one younger sister named Isabella.

Moving to the present, it is currently January 1, 2020. The most important event in my immediate future is my upcoming fourteenth birthday in a few months. More importantly is that on that day, I will go through my Awakening. I could write much about that event, but I don't want to make this journal excessively academic.

Hard segue coming here. I am going to write the most extreme thing I can think of about my life. Maybe it is a passing phase, but I am greatly attracted to my sisters, Benaiah and Anastasia. Despite the 'basement-dwelling pervert' comments I can hear shouted by the heavens, I know I'm not just defective in a way that would not be able to attract other women.

Even at my present age, I definitely surpass six feet tall, and expect to grow quite a bit more, seeing as how my dad is over six and a half feet tall. Owing to a strict fitness regimen monitored closely by him in preparation for my Awakening, my physique is also immaculate, if I can be so vain to say that.

In any case, I find my aforementioned sisters to be extremely sexy. Sexy enough that they haunt my dreams. Case in point, the dream I endured last night consisted in the rather unbrotherly massage Benaiah insisted I give her, which progressed as can be expected by the subconscious mind of a teenaged male. It has gotten to the point that I almost try to avoid them because I don't want to fuck up our family dynamic. With us all being very close, there has never been any real conflict between us, so it would definitely disrupt the status quo by displaying this unwanted perversion.

Let me write about my sisters to make it clearer why this conflict exists. My older sister, Anastasia, is only a year older than me. She is just about everything you could want in a sister. Extremely sweet, funny, caring, and obviously loves me greatly. If you can just imagine the archetype of an older sister who loves her younger brother and supports him in his endeavors, then you have described Anastasia. The problem, however, is that she is so extremely fucking attractive that it invariably twists what should be an ideal sibling relationship into something in which my lower member stiffens irresistibly.

Seriously, on Christmas morning a few days ago, my sisters were in their pajamas, nothing too revealing: cloth pajama pants with some cute shirt. Yet my sisters are so fucking thick. Their hips are too wide, while their waists are too narrow, to the point that it is almost as though someone made them to exemplify the feminine standard men want! That is to say nothing about their ass, which is so thick that I have never seen them in a piece of clothing that could fully cover it up. Even in the dresses they wear to church, which are chosen with modesty specifically in mind, their asses still protrude as if to object to being covered in the first place.

It would be an affront to the heavens to speak nothing about their breasts, which are nothing short of mouthwatering. Our household is extremely conservative but also morally innocent. Not once have my parents presented a dynamic between my sisters and I to suggest that they should be ashamed about their bodies. So, it is not uncommon for my sisters to not wear a bra around the home. Before my burgeoning puberty, it had never been an issue. Yet in the last year or so, it has proved a constant distraction.

Benaiah is probably more attractive to me, impossibly so. She is similar to Ana in her demeanor, having the same feminine docility, gentleness, being sweet, caring, and careful to take care of others without them needing to ask first. Yet she has a drier wit and dark humor that will appear suddenly, which combined with her disposition will always catch me off guard. With her my problem is exacerbated because she is extremely touchy. I shit you not, I cannot sit down anywhere without her wanting to be close to me, either cuddling with me or flat out sitting on my lap. I love her and her 'very physical touch centered love language', I just think that it's going to fuck up our dynamic.

This is a problem that has been very prevalent in my mind lately. I have never before felt dread at the thought of summer, but I am seriously dreading the one upcoming. With the pool at our home and my sisters' habit of wearing bikinis that their assets seem to want to fall out of, I can only hope my libido will submit to me by then.

This is going to be a novel set in an AU-version of our modern day, with elements of cultivation-esque power development thrown in. I hope it would be plenty clear from this first chapter, but it will also be a man of culture's wet dream. My first attempt at writing something for an audience, so hope you enjoy it! Comments are appreciated!

Mithridates7creators' thoughts