
MY FRIENDS AND I (I am Cassie)

I am Cassandra Williams A.K.A Cassie, I am the last of three children, I have two elder brothers. I am 17 years old born on the 28th of July. Making me a Leo, fierce but loving. My dad is a renowned architect and the CEO of Bricks&Steels Ltd. And my mom the love of my life is a business woman and the managing director of AWK foods and owns two supermarkets in the states capital too. We live in the Government Reserved Area of the states capital. And yeah my grandpa, the other love of my life and my ideal man...lol, my grandpa means a whole lot to me and he is the popular Chief Williams and the founder of Bricks&Steels Ltd. Abigail Gold my best friend in the world and my childhood friend also. I am older than her with a few months. Abigail and I have been in each other's life since the very beginning, we went to creche, kindergarten, junior school and now highschool together. I can vividly remember when she got her first tetanus shot to when she had her first crush and thought he was the one she would marry...lol, am pretty sure she doesn't even remember who he is anymore. Jennifer George my other bestie, we met in junior school and we effortlessly just clicked and became friends. Jennifer and Abigail are sometimes at logger heads and am usually the glue that tries to keep them close together as Jennifer sees Aby as a rude, proud girl and Aby sees her as unnecessarily being too over the top and well that's true, But to be honest I sometimes like been with Jenny though she is extra but then she loves books and I do too and Aby loves fun and vibes and I do but I still love books more. I love both of them still. Find out how Cassie will try to make Abigail and Jennifer have the best relationship and also try to change the notion of not being able to keep two best friends without loving one more and hurting the other in the process...and she might just find love on the way. Read to find out more...❣️❣️

Deborah_Ifeoluwa · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

Chapter four: The reports

Am I truly the cause of everything, did I instigate the fight? Well, I think so as Elijah had said if I had not teased Aby she wouldn't have gotten angry and if I had refused to go with Jenny without Aby coming along, Jenny would have had no choice and everything will have been settled one way or the other. I am really the cause, I really am, now I have to be the one to settle it and be the glue that sticks them together as always. Cassie thought and went to sleep.

Cassandra is the reason that silly girl rained such insult on me, she couldn't stop her until she had finished insulting me before her brain could process what was happening and all she could say was "we are at the mall for crying out loud, stop embarrassing yourself." By the time am done venting my anger out on her she will be the one crying out loud and that Aby that thinks she can talk to anybody anyhow, I will put chilli, very hot one, so the next time she wants to insult anybody, she will remember what I did to her. Jenny vented.

I am sure Cassie would be mad at me for all that drama at the mall, but even I should be angry too. Abigail said out loud.

Big sis why are you talking to yourself and I think you said Sis Cassie would be angry at you, what really happened. Little Austin asked.

And how is that your business. Abigail snapped.

Big sis, just tell me, remember a problem shared is a problem half solved. Austin replied with a puppy dog look.

First, it's not a problem and even if it is, Austin you are the last person that will solve it. How old are you 12?. Abigail replied.

Yes I am 12 years old but am a good listener. Austin replied winking.

Ewww, don't wink at me. And yeah we had a fight. Abigail said.

You and sister Cassie?. Austin asked

Not really with Cassandra, it's Jennifer and I. Abigail replied.

Oh Sis Jenny, your other best friend??. Austin asked.

Don't call her sis, only Cassie is qualified to be called that and she is not my best friend, am only trying to cope with her cos of Cassie. Abigail replied.

And why is that cos you yourself told me you had two best friends, Sister Cassie an sis…oh sorry Jennifer right. Austin asked wondering.

Well, I am best friends with Cassie since God knows when and then Jennifer came along, she became friends with my Cassie and turned to her bestfriend, and I can't lose my bestie to some random girl, so I just had to put up with her for my Cassie's sake that's all. Abigail replied.

Ok, I get it but what caused the fight. Austin asked.

The stupid girl's brother sent her a wrist-watch from the UK, to be honest it was quite pretty but still. She started bragging about it blah blah blah and I kept quiet so I won't say something offensive but then Cassie teased me, I replied using Josh's watch as the center of attention but it turned out it wasn't for Josh but his dad, what actually got me angry was the fact that she revealed the truth in front of Jenny that too at the wrong time making me look stupid, so I left to Cassie's room and they went out. So I went to meet them at the mall.

You did! but how did you know they were there? Are you a magician or something. Austin asked cutting Abigail short.

If you will let me finish, you will know how I got to know they were at the mall. Abigail snapped.

Ok, sorry. Go on. Austin replied.

So yeah, My anger subsided and I went to their living room but then I did not see them rather I saw Mrs. Williams instead and she told me they had gone to the mall, so I went there and when I got to the mall I apologized to Jenny cause I know I had offended her just a little bit with what I said but then it made her more angry I guess and she insulted me and I did the same too, at the end Cassie said we should go to her house to settle it but I refused and said only one of us could come with her, so she left without either of us and am not mad at her for that because thinking about it she did the right thing you know. If she had gone with me, Jenny would have been mad and if she had gone with Jenny I would have been more than mad and Cassie has this idea about equality and wanting to treat me and Jenny the same so neither of us will feel jealous or bad which I believe is a lie, she will always love me more and that's a fact cos am her twin. Abigail smiled at little Austin who was listening attentively.

Hmm, Quite interesting if I would say. Austin said.

Interesting??. Abigail questioned

It is somehow, imagine this THREE BESTFRIENDS FOUGHT, I could write a short story about it and make money. Austin said.

What!! Do you know what it was a mistake telling you this, listening ears my foot. Abigail said astonished and half annoyed.

Sorry sis, just trying to lighten up your mood cos you seemed sad and angry at the same time while narrating and what Sis Cassie did about not following either of you was right and whatever you may have done to Sis Jenny-...yes I will call her that, I get to choose what I call people not you!...-was wrong. So you owe both of them an apology. Austin said.

Nope I won't apologize to both of them, only my Cassie. Abigail defended.

That's up to you sis, you get to decide that. Austin replied.

Off course, where is mom and big bro. Abigail asked.

Mom went to get groceries, while Bro David went to the cinema with Sis Julia. Austin replied.

And why did they not take you along. Abigail asked.

Sis Julia said it was not for kids my age, but she promised that when they are showing a r12 movie she will take me. Austin beamed.

Ok, let me call David to get me pop corn and some ice cream, am really craving some right now. Abigail said and picked up her phone.

I want some too. Austin said.

Ok, I want to go take a bath now and sleep. Come wake me when they get back. Abigail said heading to the shower.

Anyone home, Jenny, Mom!. Anthony shouted.

Anthony, where did you go to. Jennifer asked.

I went to the arcade. Anthony replied.

Oh really! and you didn't invite me to come with. Jenny replied squeezing her face.

I would have but you told me you were going out too. Anthony defended.

I regretted going you know. Jenny said.

And why is that? Cos you claimed you were going to see your best friends. Anthony asked.

Cause it was a disaster and we fought. Jenny replied.

Disaster, Fought...with who? is it that girl you call Ca....the..rine??. Anthony asked.

Not Catherine, Cassandra. Jenny corrected.

Yeah whatever and the other one Abi..Gail right?. Anthony asked again.

You got that right, to be honest the fight was not really with Cassandra but Abigail mainly, she is just too annoying, so full of herself, she thinks she is always better, she thinks she can control everybody and do as she pleases and even Cassandra is to be blamed cos she can't stop that silly Abigail from always running her mouth like running water and doing as she pleases. Jenny vented.

Thanks for reading ❣️❣️. I would really appreciate your likes and comments.

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