
MY FRIENDS AND I (I am Cassie)

I am Cassandra Williams A.K.A Cassie, I am the last of three children, I have two elder brothers. I am 17 years old born on the 28th of July. Making me a Leo, fierce but loving. My dad is a renowned architect and the CEO of Bricks&Steels Ltd. And my mom the love of my life is a business woman and the managing director of AWK foods and owns two supermarkets in the states capital too. We live in the Government Reserved Area of the states capital. And yeah my grandpa, the other love of my life and my ideal man...lol, my grandpa means a whole lot to me and he is the popular Chief Williams and the founder of Bricks&Steels Ltd. Abigail Gold my best friend in the world and my childhood friend also. I am older than her with a few months. Abigail and I have been in each other's life since the very beginning, we went to creche, kindergarten, junior school and now highschool together. I can vividly remember when she got her first tetanus shot to when she had her first crush and thought he was the one she would marry...lol, am pretty sure she doesn't even remember who he is anymore. Jennifer George my other bestie, we met in junior school and we effortlessly just clicked and became friends. Jennifer and Abigail are sometimes at logger heads and am usually the glue that tries to keep them close together as Jennifer sees Aby as a rude, proud girl and Aby sees her as unnecessarily being too over the top and well that's true, But to be honest I sometimes like been with Jenny though she is extra but then she loves books and I do too and Aby loves fun and vibes and I do but I still love books more. I love both of them still. Find out how Cassie will try to make Abigail and Jennifer have the best relationship and also try to change the notion of not being able to keep two best friends without loving one more and hurting the other in the process...and she might just find love on the way. Read to find out more...❣️❣️

Deborah_Ifeoluwa · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter three: The fight II

Mom, am back. Mom!. Cassie called out

Stop shouting sis, she is not around. Elijah replied making his way to Cassie's room.

And why are you going to my room??Cassie asked following him.

Cos I want to have a little chat with my junior sis, got a problem?. Elijah replied

Well, no just asking. Cassie replied getting her phone from her mini bag she took out. 

So Cassie, do you have Austin's new number. Elijah asked.

Ha, I knew it. Little chat with you junior sis. "Scoffs". Cassie replied half annoyed. 

Common Cassie, I just wanted to know if you have your best friend's brother number. Elijah said in his defense.

Really Eli, why would I not have Abigail's brother number??. Just tell me what you want already! Cassie replied

Well, I need it. You know I just got this my new phone, and my contacts were not backed up on my former phone, so please give me. Elijah pleaded.

Hmm, I see, you are forgetting I also just got a new phone, since my last was stolen weeks back. And even I did not back up my contact. Cassie replied not wanting to give the number.

Really Cassie, we all know how you hate loosing things and back up almost every second. Elijah replied knowing Cassie is lying.

Hmm, ok I forgot to this time and if you want the number so badly I will give you Abigail's number and you can ask her. Cassie replied already lying on her bed.

No, no, no and no. Aby is out of the question. She will throw a million questions at me as to why I didn't back up my phone and lecture me on how to use my own phone!. Elijah replied.

Well, you don't need the number that bad. Cassie said connecting her earpod to her phone.

You will pay for this Cassie, I will ask their cousin Julia for it, at least she is nicer than you both. Elijah replied already making his way out.

Oh that's true, Julia is still with them and has not traveled back, you could have easily asked her, why come disturb me. Cassie asked.

Cos disturbing you is my number one agenda. Elijah replied suddenly stopping.

I thought you are leaving already!! Elijah please leave, I want to rest now am stressed already. Cassie pleaded.

I thought you went out with Aby and Jenny to the mall?. Elijah asked

Don't even ask about it. Cassie replied

Now I will ask. Elijah smiled and sat on her reading chair.

Elijahhhhhhh, I said no. Now zoom out of my room. Cassie said shouting

Are you done? Cos am not leaving so shout as loud as you can and thankfully mom and dad are not home. The highest that could happen is the butler coming to ask and I will tell him that you are unnecessarily shouting at me and he will leave and I will still stay here, so just talk Lil sis. Elijah replied winking at her.

Arghhh, I hate you Eli. Cassie said frustrated and threw a pillow at him.

That's not new. Elijah replied mouthing I love you.

Alright, Jenny's brother sent her a watch from the UK and it was pretty actually, it looked so cute on her hand but Aby did not say anything, so I teased her and said she hasn't seen a wrist watch that pretty before and you know Aby and how she hates being feeling left out so she said it was indirectly fake according to Jenny, but those were not what she said, she only said her cousin's own was more expensive, I mean Josh her cousin. But then I saw when josh posted the watch on his story and I admired it then josh told me it wasn't his, that it belonged to his dad. So I told Aby that it was not josh's that he told me himself and he practically stole it, cos am sure his dad did not know about him taking the watch. So she got angry and went to my room I guess. So jenny was like we should go out as she was bored and I was like ok, let me call Aby but she refused and I decided to follow her with the idea that we would get ice creams and come back here and we will have like an ice cream date and I will apologize to Aby for revealing the truth at the wrong time and make her apologize to Jenny and it will be all good. When we were at the mall, I decided to call Aby cos am sure she would have been looking for us, then Aby came over and apologized to Jenny but Jenny was still mad and you know Aby's quick temper, she immediately flared and they started to exchange words, at the end Aby was hell bent on the three of us not going home together, so I left without either of them.

Whoa, that's…big! Like serious. Elijah exclaimed

Right?? Am just tired, these two are just…I don't even know what to say. Cassie replied looking unhappy.

Thinking about everything, in my opinion you're the cause of what happened. Elijah said looking directly at Cassie

Me? How am I the cause?. Cassie replied looking at Elijah with a "really" look.

First, you shouldn't have teased Aby knowing her type of attitude and you should have refused Jenny, imagine you did that, there is a possibility she would have stayed back as there is no fun going to the mall alone and if she really wanted to go then she will have given in and allow Aby to come with and it would have been settled here at home and not embarrassing yourselves at the mall. Cos am pretty sure the securities in charge of watching the surveillance camera must have been laughing and even the passers-by. Elijah analyzed.

That's true Eli, I need to rest cos am stressed out and they can both be sometimes annoying, yeah. Cassie said lying down back on her bed.

But they remain your besties or don't they?. Elijah asked smiling.

I don't know Eli, just leave me alone now, I need to rest and possibly sleep too. If am fast asleep by the time mom gets back don't wake me up and I mean it Eli, but if dad comes back today then wake me up. Cassie instructed.

Okay Cassie, you only want to see your dad, alright then sleep your life out! Elijah replied.

Thank you, shut the door on your way out. Cassie shouted as he was already at the door.

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