
My First Sex With A Soldier

Ikbal_Saputra_7683 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

The Third

I was asked to go to the back countless times because I refused to "smile while suffering". When I couldn't bear the humiliation anymore, I started sorting for PLAN B which involved bribing one of the camp officials to grant me easy pass into the office because that was what most people were doing; but my effort failed. That's when I remembered the last thing #prince charming told me when he dialed his number with my phone.

As i quickly brought out my phone to call him, it turned out i couldn't find his number in my call log anymore. I had changed my sim in attempt to get a stronger network without saving the number. I hated myself for that, not just because I couldn't get him to help but because I couldn't get to know his intentions. All story short, it took me two days before I could do the ICT registration.

Fast forward to 5days later when I have lost hope and forgotten about him (Prince charming), then he resurfaced again. It was Sunday evening, I went to mami market with a new friend I made in camp whom I will refer to as Lekan. We were still scanning the market to know which restaurant to eat from that night, when suddenly, a deep angry voice called my name from one of the restaurants we had just passed. I turned to know who was calling.... Lo and behold, it was him. My long-lost HELPER