
My fate as Evil Antagonist

"Protagonist? It's kinda good to be a Protagonist, but what I'm focused on is Antagonist. Why are you asking? Antagonists can do whatever they want, they can be good, evil and many more! But their fate is in the Protagonist's palm. They have a plot where they get killed by the protagonist, defeated by the protagonist, and more. If the Antagonist defeats the protagonist, the protagonist suddenly gets stronger because of friendship power and they will defeat the Antagonist in future. Right Jake?" Said MC to Jake as the said person quietly nodded his head. "Uhuh, uhuh, uhuh." Nodding Jake while shaking his head up and down. Facepalms at Jake, MC irritated by his behaviors. "Do you listen to redheads?" Jake is still nodding his head upside down. 'I think he's like one of those people that nodding their head when they don't know what is happening, like Jake right here.' Sighing in disbelief, MC looks towards his books, the title is 'Why Antagonist is weak compared to protagonist in various ways.' 'Damn, I really wish I can make Antagonist more awesome, powerful, and cool than Protagonist, kinda boring when I always see Protagonist always win in the end.' With that word running through his mind, he just jinxed himself that day, that time, and that place where he sits.

MCijam_MC · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Getting 'EXP', and meet a normal slime.

"A tree and rock… I think I know what I need to do! Every Isekai that has a system must have a crafting system right?" Said MC with pride, since in most of isekai he crafts a system where he can create anything he wants in there but needs an ingredient and level up.

{Craft system? You can get access to it after you reach level 5.}

"That's good, I can think I will collect the stone and cut some tree and put it on one spot." With that he stretches his arm a little like the sound of bone pop can be heard before he begins.

He collects stones one by one on the ground. Then he put all of it in one spot so he can use the rock later. Moving to a tree chunk, he makes his palm karate chop style ready to cut down the tree in half.

"Can I cut a tree like this? Using only my palm?"

{Only one way to find out.}

"You're supposed to help me! You are a system!!"

{Listen up, you are far away from your home MC, a system like mine is very different from the isekai show you are watching. Why not use that skill for you? [Creation] right?}

"You!… Wait, I suddenly remembered my skill, so how do I want to use it?"

{Close your eyes, calm yourself, then think the word [Creation] Inside your mind to begin the process. Then think of what kind of power you want to create and how it functions, what its weakness is, and what its name is, a power that can be used in various ways, like Element.}

'Ummm… [Creation].'

{Then think what kind of power/skill etc and name it.}

'Hmmm… a power type… can manipulate or Change everything using my thoughts… The name is [Reality]. Yeah, that good name.'

{Creating… Power type… it can manipulate or change everything… [Reality] successfully created!}

{Cooldown till creation can be used: 1 week.}

"I expected something like this to happen since it can create everything I want, there is a limit too." MC calmly thinks about what he should create next week but the system interrupts his thought.

{Indeed, [Creation] can create everything you desire, the more powerful you create, the longer the cooldown will take. Proceed with caution. Now go check the power information. You must think 'Information of (insert the thing you want to know)'.}

'Alright, "Information of [Reality]".' Said MC in his mind as a panel appeared in front of him.


[Type: Power

Rank: #1 Power.

Grade: Above God.

Can manipulate everything using only mind. Can mess with the reality of surroundings and change it according to the host's mind.

Example: Can fool enemies by thinking they are using their power, but in their perspective, in reality, enemy power doesn't come out.

The host can even make the water suddenly boil up to 1000°C, even though it sounds impossible, but using [Reality] is possible.

The host can even make the host's appearance look like someone else's perspective, but in the host's eyes, it remains the same as your original appearance.


1- Host can't create something, but can replace it with another object or living being.

2- The longer you use [Reality], the world might get affected by it and it will be permanent if the Host doesn't cancel the reality Host change.

3- Don't have a weakness. But had a power that can fight [Reality]. The power name is [Erase].

4- Will slowly give the host a headache if the Host uses it too long.

5- Can't revive someone or kill them. Can manipulate the mind thinking they get killed or die due to virus, cancer, etc. The host can mess up someone's mind to kill themselves.

6- Can't be copied by other people that can copy a power.]

"That beyond OP, and Grade… is 'Above God' is the highest?"

{It is second to the highest. The Grade rank is like this. It is from lowest to highest.




-Below Nature/Disaster


-Above Nature/Disaster

-Below Heaven/Hell


-Above Heaven/Hell

-Below Divine/Corrupted


-Above Divine/Corrupted

-Below God/Fallen God

-God/Fallen God

-Above God/Fallen God

-Above Everything

And don't fool with this grade, if you are skillful and powerful you can beat a Grade above you even though you grade below them. It is about skill and power, you must have both of these to defeat everything that stands in your way.

The weapon, accessory, equipment, and power… it doesn't matter as long as you have more skill, are full and expert than your enemy. Having a God sword doesn't mean you can slice everything easily.

Having the #1 rank in the world doesn't mean you can't be defeated. Always remember that you are weak before and don't act arrogant to weak enemies, we don't know what they prepare for you.

And always remember MC, win and use everything to survive and win. Lost is not an option. Since you are 'Antagonist', you will die when you lose… since most people you will face will try to kill you… and if you are lucky you will alive, but maybe you will become a slave or some torture toys.

Your former body is supposed to die today. But fate has changed because of you taking over this body for him.}

"Yeah… die because overdosing on drugs is the weirdest way to isekai. I don't mind if I am reincarnated as a spider or something like that… but reincarnation as a drug addict?!" Shout MC with disbelief after he remembers how this body died.

{No, he didn't die because of drugs, he died because of being stabbed by a Protagonist harem. You should look at your face when you know this body is a drug addict… especially right now.}

We zoom to MC facepalm at his system that is supposed to help him. The system got him, not gonna lie. You should look at MC's face right now.

"Why y-… No… what are you?" ask MC as he manages to over calm himself.

{Me? Just a system that helps people like you.}

Sighing, MC tries to think about what the system told him before… killed… himself in this World gets killed because of the protagonist harem. What did he do in the first place?

"What did my body do in the first place to provoke the protagonist to kill me?" ask MC in confusion, since there are many possibilities of himself in this world… is he doing something stupid or just a typical antagonist that dies because he messed with Protagonist?

{I will tell you only this once. I will tell you more details about someone your body knows when you meet them. Well, let's get to the story. There's a match, just a friendly match that's all.

And your former self, defeat the protagonist without even trying. This led many people to laugh at the Protagonists, and it caused the harem members… they are not official yet, angry because of you defeating the protagonist.}

"Let me guess, all the candidates are strong and have the high authority to do whatever they want right?"

{Indeed, the protagonist's plot, right?}

"Yeah… a plot where the protagonist is surrounded by hot chicks that are strong and have the authority to do whatever they want…" Said MC with disappointment. He knew it was very hard to kill the Protagonist, against a harem protagonist that had a powerful woman around him. Even if MC manages to defeat the girl, the protagonist probably gets a lover 'PoWEr', and defeats MC with the most awesome entrance or whatever fighting scene that is cool.

Yet here he is standing and has been tasked to kill the protagonist after making his life miserable. MC has watched many anime that have fuck up plots where protagonists get the bad ending. He has a lot of ways to make the protagonist's life miserable.

First, stole the Protagonists' spotlight while trying to not make the harem girl kill him.

Second, created a huge misunderstanding for The Protagonist to make him look the opposite of what is him.

And third… he hates it because he suddenly realizes how bad it is. It's NTR. Or long as Netorare. This is where MC… makes the harem candidate fall in love with him when they are in a relationship with the protagonist.

{You probably worry about them, but don't worry… somebody stronger than they will be by your side soon… not now but probably next week… or month… Or year… But I'm sure they are really strong enough to make an apocalypse to this world.}

"Is it? I'm glad. I don't even know how strong I am right now. The stats don't show my HP, attack, etc." MC felt very grateful after the system told him that someone would accompany him.

{Now, go do whatever you want to do earlier about stone and tree.}

MC nods his head before looking at the tree in front of his mind.

'Better use my new power. [Reality] a tree that can be cuts easily with anything'





"Nothing happened at all."

{Try to Karate Chops the tree.}

Pulling his arm as MC prepared for the result. His hand broke because he karate chopped the tree. Or his hand successfully cuts the tree smoothly.

With one fast movement, the tree gets cut in half by MC's palm. Noticing this he smiles in happiness.

"I feel like a Master Kung Fu right now." He then tried to grab the tree to see if it was heavy or not. But to his surprise, it was light.

"Since when have I been this strong?" He is confused since he can't see his stats, plus his physical strength in his past life can't even lift this tree branch.

{That is because your body is one of the tops of your colleagues.}

"Colleagues? How old is this body?" MC remembers his past life as an 18-year-old. He took the final exam at that age because Covid caused a lockdown at his school.


"The gap is small between this life and my former life. Is there anything I should know about this former body? Like is he from a noble family etc?"

{No, he is from a normal family. You have a girlfriend. You are the strongest in school. And his life always had misfortune because of Protagonist.}

"Is the world some sort of show? Or manga?"

{Yes. An anime.}

'This is like one of those trash manga and anime I have watched where the protagonist gets a harem there and thereby doing some cringe thing.' Though MC as he began to flashback those cringe manga or anime he has watched before.

{You isekai in an anime name "I want to stay as low as possible, but what with my luck?! It attracts every woman I lay eyes on! This must be a dream if I'm dreaming right now."}

"What kind of name is that? Why is it so long?"

{Ask the one that makes the anime.}

"No thanks. I can feel he/she will tell me various nonsense reasons about the name of the anime." MC tells the system as he has gone through this before. And the author gives many reasons why he wrote that cringe plot.

"What about his girlfriend? I expect she will fall in love with the Protagonist." It has been spun around MC's head the moment the system tells him about another girlfriend.

He already concluded about his 'girlfriend'. It is not his real girlfriend, but since he possesses this body forever… It is technically his girlfriend.

Well back to the topic, MC's suspicion of his girlfriend will hear about the news of his 'death', it either she moves on, or she doesn't move on and is grieving over his death.

{For your answer, your girlfriend has little feelings for the protagonist… I will just get to the point. She will become a protagonist harem member. Both you and her rarely spend time because of reason. You want to become the strongest human ever, while your girlfriend is against it since she doesn't like trouble.

What a trash plot of this anime right? The girlfriend of the antagonist is against her boyfriend's ambition but suddenly changes because of the protagonist. Hahaha, the fact the author of this anime has a huge plot ready for the protagonist is amusing. The author wants the protagonist to have a harem. Like a huge harem. Even his own friend's girlfriend, the protagonist, wants to lay his hand on her. It you btw.

The protagonist has a huge armor plot with him the whole time. No matter what the antagonists plan, the protagonist's plot will save him. Can you imagine an antagonist trying to kill the protagonist? It's impossible. But not anymore.

And spoiler alert, the protagonist dies fighting a Mythical Dragon… but the plot armor is with him, he gets revived and kills the dragon as he gains the title 'Dragon Slayer'. He is not the one who kills the dragon by the way.}

"Wow… just wow… Can I defeat him in the first place? He has plot armor with him after all. Plus you even say he is not the one that kills the dragon. The person that does that gives the credits to the protagonist… it is one of his harem rights?" Ask MC as he finally solves the puzzle in his mind.

{Indeed… but don't worry, we choose you not for fun after all.}

"We? There are more annoying systems like you?" Said MC with a facepalm.

{Nah, they are not a system, they are like mythical beings. You will meet them and train with them… if you are still alive after the test.}

"… I wish they weren't annoying like you."

{Trust me, they don't. But each of them has its personality. Ego, arrogant, noble, too high, and more.}

He then continues cutting the tree and putting it in one spot so he doesn't need to cut the tree again.

(Timeskip 2 hour)

"*pan**pant* Finally! 64 trees with 64 stones! Oh my God, I can feel my level is as high as my expectations already!" MC breathing heavily as he watches all items… that is what he calls since he is a Minecraft player.


"Why did you make …? Wait, how do I make …? Whoa!!! I did it again! Anyway, 'status'" Blue panels appear in front of MC that makes his smile turn upside down.

[Name: MC]

[Age: 21]

[Race: Human]

[Class: None](level 5 to unlock)

[Title: - ]

[Level: 1]

[EXP: 0/1]

"Bruh, why? I'm pretty sure cutting trees gives me EXP!"

{I already warned you.}

"Bullshit! You never warned me! You are supposed to be a system that helps me accomplish my task! Right?!"

{Listen up, I'm a goddamn system, I can do whatever I want. You forget that I'm not like other 'systems'. I'm different. I can simply delete you from this universe with my mind, it is what I called… mercy.}

"Is that Thanos reference? Never knew System like you watch it."

{Nope, I just read your memory like a hentai book. It's really fun and amusing to see all your embarrassing moments. You have 0% charm. Don't you ever try to put a skill on it? Reading some books, watching some drama, or anything that will increase your charm. The females in your worlds fall in love with you, but after knowing how awkward you are, especially weird, they instantly change their minds faster than light. On second thought, I don't know if you can NTR the protagonist, I can feel you will fall miserably… and I right here will watch it with others.}

"*sigh* So, how can I get EXP?" Ask MC with a lost hope voice after taking critical damage on his heart who heard the system insult.

{Kill something. That is you will get EXP. By killing somebody else. Oh, forgot to tell you that you will choose 2 routes. Villain or Hero.


-You will gain more EXP if you kill somebody.

-Will gain access to a corrupted place.

-Fallen God will try to make you as allies by helping. Remember, they will NOT try to kill you, all of it is according to their plan to make sure you are their allies. You can ask for power from them.

-God will try to change you by showing you the lights.

-Female likes hot and evil males, which you already have one right now. Hots.

-Hero will try to defeat you.

-Your life is not peaceful since you will be hunted by many people, except you become the strongest or the scariest person ever to live.

-Evil females are hot! Go get them and bang them! Like demon kings! Even though 'King', he is she! So it's good to bang! And fuck gender bender too. If a male turns into a female by cursing, it is good to bang, but by surgery, it is bad to bang.

Hero: Opposite of Villain.}

"Uh… you are not gonna tell what hero will get it?" Ask MC with curiosity. He will NOT choose a hero, but he wants to know what he will get if he becomes a hero. But still, that is not gonna change his mind.

{Seriously? I don't want to waste my time explaining hero things. Just be a villain. Being a hero is boring. Villains make strong allies on the way, but you have a little plot with you, especially antagonists that are supposed to die.}

"Oh ok then… but why do you just tell me now?" This damn system really gets into his nerves. That system tells him after he does something. MC can feel the system will do that a LOT.

{Nah, I just like to watch you suffer or do something worthless. Then I will tell you. You should look at your face. It's amusing.}

"I wonder why you all choose me out of many people. My life is already better than this. Urgh… I can feel you don't care at all." The system only nodded at his statement. MC just sighs in disbelief before looking at the pile of trees he collects for nothing.

"I'm pretty sure I have some sort of place that can keep my stuff right? Like inventory?"

{Yes, you can keep everything you want inside inventory. And reminding, time inside inventory not moving. So if you try to keep something that will be cold later, it will melt. You can keep that stuff in inventory. How to use it is simple, just think "Collect" at the stuff you want to keep inside the inventory. The stuff will automatically disappear as it goes into your inventory. To make it appear on your hand, think "show" as it will appear on your hand.}

Nodding his head before going to the pile of trees as he places his palm onto it before thinking "Collect". The tree suddenly disappeared on the spot as a panel appeared in front of MC showing how much he had collected.

[Woods: 64]

'Better take the stone too. Maybe I can craft a stone axe with this??? No, it's nonsense. The way it is crafted is probably different.' Though MC before he did the same to stone.

[Rocks: 64]

"Done, now time to find any living beings. I wish it was slime." He then walked away as he looked to his surroundings to see a field of grass. He hasn't spotted any living beings yet.

{You're not gonna disable the reality effect? It will cause you a headache if you keep using it. Think "Disable" to cancel the effect.}

'Disable' Within a moment, MC felt his head light a little. 'It is probably the effect. Though I don't feel any headaches at all. Maybe when I use reality on something powerful, maybe it will cause headaches.'

{Indeed. Proceed with caution. And always analyze something that you want to mess with reality first, who knows they are strong from you? It will give you a painful headache, and if you can't hold it any longer, you will faint.}

"I see. Now for the hunt, I think I can defeat a similar beginner? I don't know what kind of animal/monster in this world. Maybe a slime I fight can materialize a sword? Canon? It is not possible since I have played a game where a slime literally is like a boss but actually, it is not." MC then felt a shiver run through his spine as he remembers a game where it was hard as fuck.

The game's name is "Tales of Strongest", where it shows our protagonist named 'Ijamus' have a task to save his world by clearing God Dungeon. Where a bug can kill a player if they do not kill the bugs immediately. The bugs explode like a nuclear weapon if the player does not kill them in 1 minute after they make the bugs mad.

There, NPC act very arrogant and high to the point they see players as enemies if players stare at an NPC for 10 seconds. Gaining NPC as allies is very good because they are strong enough and clever enough when facing weak or strong enemies.

The boss can slap the player like that, and they die. Oh forgot to tell you that if a player dies, they will restart from the start. This makes many people stop playing the game, except MC, he plays it with Jake and manages to get many legendary weapons.

The loot they can get from any living being they kill is 60% legendary, which is a very good mechanism that helps players to survive more deadly enemies in the future.

Wait, why am I telling the reader this? Let's go to what MC is doing right now. He has encountered a slime and is ready to fight it, that's good news. He finally can get EXP.

'That slime? Why do I get goosebumps?' The slime made MC get nostalgic about the game he has played. "Tales of Strongest", which he hates because he knows how annoying and hard it is to kill a single slime.

{Think "Analysis" to analyze the slime. It will show you what that is capable of.}

'Ok, "Analysis" that slime.'

[Name: -

Species: Slime

Type: +A

Ability: Materialize a weapon, casting magic, non-stop regeneration(fire is the weakness)

Weaknesses: Fire.

Description: A normal slime. It can materialize a weapon from an enemy they have fought before or a weapon they have met before. It is capable of learning an enemy 's fighting style. Will use everything to make sure enemies with fire type don't meet with them. They fear fire.]

"Oh shit." MC then looks at the slime as it changes color to grey as it materializes a cannon with its slime. Then it aimed toward MC that widened his eyes as he dodge by rolling to the side.

A tree behind him was destroyed to nothing by a cannon made by SLIME. MC looks at the tree that was destroyed before looking at the slime that changes its body to black before materializing a Scythe.

The Scythe spins around at high speed as the slime slowly moves toward the MC location and cuts the grass while it moves. MC seeing this knew it was bad news, like very bad news, slime that can materialize weapons.

'Man, I love this world. *look at reader* Stop, don't daydream of your isekai to another world. Look at me, facing a slime that can materialize weapons. ' Said MC with sarcasm before looking at the slime with both Scythe spins at high speed as the air gets pulled by it.

MC takes a deep breath before walking towards as he summons a rock in his hand before throwing it at the slime Scythe. The rocks hit the Scythe making the slime Scythe destroyed. But the slime makes a new Scythe with it before spinning it like before. Seeing this MC smirk as he knew how to face the slime.

'The Scythe can attack one hard target like stone. Meaning I got an advantage, I will try to make sure it doesn't change its colors to grey. Maybe grey colored is range weapons?' Though MC before summoning a rock in his hand. He looks at how much rock he has for a moment.

[Rocks: 63]

{For you though, it is indeed true. The slime will change its colors to materialize a weapon. Grey is range type, while black is melee type, another you must figure it out. Good luck MC. You need it.}


---To Be Continued---

It Looks like MC meets a slime that can materialize a weapon and cast magic!

The slime has various colors with surprises on it.

Orange: When MC meets the slime it is already orange, don't know what it will do when in an orange state.

Grey: Range weapon.

Black: Melee weapon.








Thank you for reading my books. It's for fun, so don't expect me to update it in a short time.

And I'm bad at English, except for a lot of bad grammar. And hey, if you see a grammar mistake, you can correct me. I really appreciate it.

The app that I used for fixing my grammar is Grammarly, and Docs. Even though this app helps me with grammar, I still can feel there are mistakes that this app doesn't fix.

Oh, can you guys/girl suggest what next normal 'Monster' MC will meet?