
My fate as Evil Antagonist

"Protagonist? It's kinda good to be a Protagonist, but what I'm focused on is Antagonist. Why are you asking? Antagonists can do whatever they want, they can be good, evil and many more! But their fate is in the Protagonist's palm. They have a plot where they get killed by the protagonist, defeated by the protagonist, and more. If the Antagonist defeats the protagonist, the protagonist suddenly gets stronger because of friendship power and they will defeat the Antagonist in future. Right Jake?" Said MC to Jake as the said person quietly nodded his head. "Uhuh, uhuh, uhuh." Nodding Jake while shaking his head up and down. Facepalms at Jake, MC irritated by his behaviors. "Do you listen to redheads?" Jake is still nodding his head upside down. 'I think he's like one of those people that nodding their head when they don't know what is happening, like Jake right here.' Sighing in disbelief, MC looks towards his books, the title is 'Why Antagonist is weak compared to protagonist in various ways.' 'Damn, I really wish I can make Antagonist more awesome, powerful, and cool than Protagonist, kinda boring when I always see Protagonist always win in the end.' With that word running through his mind, he just jinxed himself that day, that time, and that place where he sits.

MCijam_MC · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Choosing a Class

'[Reality] Change the rocks on my palm and inside inventory to 'Burning rock'.'

{What a… normal name you make. Can't it be cooler? Like 'Blazing Rocks'? 'Hell Rocks'?}

'Shut up, I'm bad at naming something.'

{It's not because you are bad, but because you are too lazy to use your brain to create a cool name.}


[Rocks>Burning Rocks

[Burning Rocks]

-A rock that is burning. Will burn something close to it.

Duration of burning: As long as there is no water hitting the rocks.]

[Rocks>Burning Rocks: 63]

MC looks into his palm holding a burning rock in each hand. The weird thing is it is not burning his palm. MC feels a warm thing around his palm instead of a pain sensation because of burning.

{You will not get hurt by [Reality] work, if you change water to Lava, it will not burn you if you dive in Lava that change because you use [Reality] on it. A harmful object that is caused by [Reality] can't hurt you, nor give any effect to your condition or your clothes.}

'What a good power I have.'

MC throws the burning rock in his hand toward the slime that is spinning a Scythe to him. The rock makes contact with the Scythe, instantly destroying it thus burning the slime hand? Tentacle? That makes the Scythe.

MC then throws it to another slime Scythe instantly gives the same result as the other Scythe. MC noticed the slime was small compared to its original size when MC first met it.

'So if I keep burning the slime, it will cause the slime to shrink because the slime is used to make the Scythe get burned.'

The slime changes color from black to yellow causing MC to raise his guard. The slime slowly gets surrounded by a yellow electric spark before it materializes an electric spear before throwing it toward MC with high speed while burning the grass on the path.

MC remembers what the color was capable of before throwing the Burning Rocks to an electric spear. The Burning Rocks and the spear make contact destroying each other.

'61 left. The other burning rocks that I threw earlier at the Scythe are burning the nearby tree that got cut by Slime Scythe not long ago.'

MC noticed the slime changed its color again to Red this time. The slime is surrounded by red light before pulling everything to it. MC gets affected by this before releasing the Burning Rock as it gets pulled by slime gravity power.

It hit the slime causing the slime to cancel the gravity power that pulled everything into it. MC facepalm at how idiot this slime can be.

'I'm lucky it is not that clever.'

{Yeah, a genius slime that knows to use its surroundings for its advantage while using its power is dangerous.}

The slime then changes its color to Blue before extinguishing the burning rock with water coming out of its body. It causes a thick smoke around the slime as MC can't see that slime anymore.

'Water? So Blue is summoning water from its body to extinguish the fire from getting close. That's clever.'

He suddenly felt a sensation in his legs. MC looks down, to see roots from the ground wrapped around his legs. He tried to move his legs around but couldn't since it wrapped around MC's legs tightly and never let him move an inch.

The smoke disappeared showing a clear view of slime that is in Green color right now. Then it changes to Purple color as the slime slowly casts a purple mist to the grass? The grass slowly gets hardened and sharpened but MC doesn't notice since his gaze is not that sharp yet.

'What? Is that purple mist poisonous? Bette gets myself out from these roots while that slime doesn't attack me at the moment.' While MC was confused by this, he used the Burning Rock on the roots to get himself out of the situation.

Then the time turns into a Grey color back before materials a sword then cut all the grass that purple mist effect earlier. MC seems like the grass falls into the ground like a needle. Then the slime turns into a Red, then casts the spell at MC's body.

MC's body gets surrounded by Red light before his surroundings get pulled into him. He manages to get himself out of the roots before blocking a tree trunk. He slid back a little before dodging a rock coming into him at high speed behind him.

'That's nice. The VR game I play gives me good reflexes.' Yes, MC has played a game that uses VR, the game is to dodge any upcoming throwing object by the character wife he used. Yes, weird game, but good at giving a user a good time since it's about an assassin's husband dodging an object thrown by his wife.

The Red light around his body slowly faded away making MC face the smile again.

'That short, I thought it would be 20 seconds like that, but it was just for 10 seconds. *notice the slime color* It was the original color when I first saw it. What can it do?'

An orange light surrounds the grass that gets cut earlier before it gets lifted into the air and points the grass in MC's direction. He saw this and already figured out what kind of power for Purple and Orange color.

'Purple 'is a release that makes everything it touches harden and sharpen. While Orange is telekinesis. I take back what I said about the slime.' MC ran into the tree to get cover from the grass that got sharpened and hardened.

After he got into the cover, he heard the sound of something pieces the tree making him sigh in relief. Looking around, he found a tree branch the size of a sword as he used [Reality].

'[Reality] Change the Burning Rock on my palm with those branches.' Suddenly, the Burning Rock switches with the branches before MC uses another Burning Rock to burn the branches. He then uses the [Reality] again to make sure the fire in the branches can't be extinguished.

'[Reality] The fire at these branches can't be extinguished by anything.' After using it, MC raises his head to see the slime out of the grass as it changes color to purple and releases the purple mist again.

'If I throw these burning branches into the purple mist, will it get garden and sharpen? Like a burning fire sword?' MC takes a deep breath before he stands and throws the branches to the purple mist.

The branches slowly turn into a stick in the fire making MC grin as he watched the like try to extinguish the flame on branches but nothing happened no matter how much water the slime poured.

The slime then grabbed the branches upside down before pouring water from top as it went down to the spot where the flames were stuck. No matter how many times the slime did, the flame didn't extinguish much to the slime shock.

The slime then shot high-pressure water to the burning stick… but the like effort is worthless as the flame doesn't get extinguished at all.

A hand suddenly grabbed the burning stick as it was revealed to be none other than MC himself.

"Rest in peace, Suraimu" He then proceeded to swing the burning stick into the slime as the slime burned for a while till there was no slime left.

[Level Up!]

"Finally" MC smiles before opening his status to see how much he gets EXP.

[Name: MC]

[Age: 21]

[Race: Human]

[Class: None]

[Title: - ]

[Level: 25]

[EXP: 0/25]

[You can choose a 'Class' that will help you in your journey!]

['Craft station' is unlocked! Host now can use it to craft some items more easily than others. The ingredients must be correct so you can craft the item you wish.]

"Probably around 300Exp I get from killing slime? Maybe. Better see what I can craft first. [Craft Station]." The status panel then changes into a crafting panel as it shows him various items that can be crafted.

"*Awe face* Look at this stuff! There are many types of things I can craft. I wonder what kind of weapon or item I can craft at 'Above Gods'." MC then taps a label that is named 'Above Gods' as it shows MC many various weapon and item grades 'Above Gods'.

MC scroll down as he can't wait to craft this item in the future. He keeps scrolling while seeing the awesome names of weapons and items.

[Life Scythe]

[Bottle of Life]

[Time Gods]

[Mokushiroku Sword]

[Dai Sanji Shield]

[Kyūshū Armor]

[Oxygen Nuclear]

"[Oxygen Nuclear]? What is the mind of nuclear power?" He then taps the name as it displays the ingredient and description of [Oxygen Nuclear]

[Oxygen Nuclear]

Size: 15cmx3cm


-Celestial Dragon Tear(0/10 ml)

-Celestial Dragon Scale(0/70 piece)

-Gunpowder(0/100 kg)

-Titanium(0/50 bars)

-Uranium(0/50 Capsules)

-Meteor(0/10 rocks<10 Meter>)

Description: Oxygen Nuclear is the most powerful nuclear. Only used it to destroy the world. Why? The Nuclear will explode to oxygen molecules. Since this planet's living beings need oxygen, they will die.

The radius blast is dependent on oxygen. It will stop when there is no oxygen left. There is nothing you can drop this explosion.

Tips to survive: Go to areas where oxygen is not there. For example, Space.

"Wait what? So this nuclear plant will respond to oxygen. That means this whole planet will be destroyed."

{Indeed. All living beings need oxygen to breathe. Well not all of them. But I can guarantee you craft this item only for you to use at that time.}

"Yeah, I don't want some dumbass idiot to use this bomb thinking this a normal bomb they always use. I don't know nuclear bomb can be this small. Well, time to choose my 'Class'. Better have some good classes that fit me as villains." He then thinks [Class] inside his head as the panel changes to the [Class] panel.



~A Class that-



~Very expert with-

"I have various sword skills in a past life because of the stupid tournament Jake arranged me."


~Super sneaky, fast-

"I don't like assassins. Plus assassins make many people raise their guard around this class of people."



"I hate to support"


~Always make sure your food-

"I know how to do farming. Jake always eats my food when visiting my house."

-Chosen one.

~Can only wield a weapon that needs a worthy-

"Already know it sucks. Imagine trying to find any weapon that needs chosen people but can't find one."



~Very good at lying and-

"A troublemaker. Not 'Trickster'."


~ Have a high defe-

"I don't like to be heavy. Plus, this class has a taunt skill that makes all enemies attack the shielder.


~A mage class that used-

"Choose [Necromancer]."

[Choosing [Necromancer]…]

{What made you choose Necromancer? There are at least 2 other classes you haven't seen yet.}

"Don't worry, I already have made up my mind. Necromancer skill is what I need. Arise… if you read 'Solo Leveling' you will know what kind of skill I talk about."

{Don't worry, I read Solo Leveling too.}

"Ehh! My man!"

{Finally, I meet my long-lost bro. Where have you been?}

"Searching for girlfriend, but get rejected"

{What did it cost?}

"My pride"

[Successful choosing [Necromancer] class. You gain a few skills!]

[Class: None>Necromancer>Creator of Necromancer]


{What the?}

[New skill!]


~Can revive everything that dies to be under your commands without failing.


{Damn bro!}

-Death touch/gaze(Lv1>LvMAX)

~Intanly kill anyone that you touch/stare at.

{It's supposed to be one skill only!}

"*confused screaming*"


~You can corrupt e everything without being held back by holy shit light.

{This isn't supposed to be happening!}

"What should I do?!"

{Don't know, shutdown your panel?}

-True change(LvMax)

~Will turn any weapon you used into a true weapon. Where physical, magic, poison and much more resistance are useless. The weapon has this true change, being able to penetrate anything depending on user strength.

{The Strongest skill!}

"It like True damaged from the game"

{It is}


~Bloodlust is capable of scaring an enemy, if you used bloodlust too long, your enemy will die because of fear.

{Never heard bloodlust can kill people before}

"You are supposed to know about this!"

{I never experienced this kind of moment ok?!}

[New power gains!]

{Oh shit}


MC shut down the panel. He then takes a deep breath before looking at the field of grass.

"Am I too OP?"

{In terms of power and skill, yes. But in terms of your strength, durability, and other things about your body. No. But be grateful you got this kind of surprise… stats. Well, time to go home.}

"Wait, I have a home?"

{Dude, you recainarted into someone's body that has the same appearance, and personality as you. Of course, you have a home. Let's go.}



"Where?? Like I know where you say 'There'! You are a freaking system."

{You're right, I forgot that I am systems. Well, go North, just walk, till you see a beautiful city. Then I will tell you what you need to do next.}

"Really wish I had a compass."

{Oh forgot about that. Go at 2 o'clock. That direction is North.}


MC turns to 2 o'clock before taking a deep breath and walking in the North direction. With the power he has, he can finally have a chance to defeat the Protagonist's harem.

'I hope nothing bad happens to me.' Said MC with hope as he hoped there's nothing bad happening to him when he goes North.

{You just jinx yourself.}

'Listen up, I'm antagonist, there's no such plot that will happen to me. Remember?' Being an antagonist that dies, really makes MC think he will not get that kind of plot.

Oh, he was very wrong about that. Very wrong. He thinks because he is an antagonist to the world he isekai'd, he will not get that mind of plot? MC, you are 'Protagonist' in my books.


In a field of grass, we can see a man and a woman. The man is holding the woman's arm with one hand while the other hand is pushing her face.

The woman's expression is very… crazy. She has a drool drip on her mouth as her eyes show how lust she is for the man that is holding her from getting close.

"Please! I will do anything!! I will even accept you as my husband! We can have many children!! A-and I don't mind harem at all!! Just please, let have sex with me!!" Scream the woman into the man below her.

"No!" MC said back to the woman as he seemed struggling to free himself from this woman's grasp.

"You left me no choice… don't worry, you aren't the first man to get raped by a woman~," The woman said before putting some strength to her arm as MC's hand can't hold it anymore.


To be continued.

Seems MC met a new horny woman! But who's she? And why does she really want to get into MC pants?