
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs


The started my life as Ash Ketchum. The anime did good justice to Delia's character a tad bit, showing that she spoiled Ash a lot. I experienced it firsthand how loving she could be. She'd bring me to her workplace, which was a small restaurant which I believe she owned, but the employee's were often unhappy seeing me coming to the restaurant. The employees being unhappy was kinda understandable as a restaurant wasn't the place for a child to be but mom didn't want me stay home alone and do something accidentally that she might regret leaving my home. So despite the displeasure of her employees she kept bringing me there. Well she also used to give me restaurant desserts which was again something that earned the ire of the staff. So although my mom was a good cook, the restaurant didn't do well enough because firstly, part of the profit went into her spoiling me and secondly, the staff wasn't cooperative, they'd provide a very bad service to the customers and would often embezzle the restaurant money by privately taking the orders and taking ingredients from the restaurant food stocks. I think my mom wasn't cut out to be a restaurant owner or we simply lacked the resources to make it a good restaurant. I had often heard the staff trash talk about my mom, and I believe they did it deliberately. Sometimes human heart can go very far the way of evil. Well I just swore to help my mom in making the restaurant food enough and have her take more time off. Also I'll make sure that she doesn't overtime the restaurant business as a bar.

So to improve my life condition I first decided to do what a child can do best, be a child, just a week behaved one so she won't have to spend the restaurant resources into spoiling me and start playing around outside the house, to make sure that I enjoy my childhood and my mom had the least amount of worries regarding me. I started to reduce my demands for goodies from my mom and would often ask her for normal priced stuff that won't make a big dent on our family wallet. You know, being a child not being spoiled destroys the fun so I wasn't an entirely goodie two shoes but yeah my demands became something normal, like developing a like for certain fruits instead of candies or cakes and getting into normal household items instead of the original Pokemon themed things like clothes or shoes or beddings etc. Instead of asking for video games and stuff I started requesting to go out to play.

These small things did make it life a little better as she no longer had to work overtime thus stopping the bar service, which again earned a lot of ire from the staff as it's easier to cheat money in a bar. They'd often slander my mom, sometimes making sure that she hears it. I vowed to get my mom proper staff when I could, and started practicing for my psychic and body development.

I know that children so young can't exercise or the body development will be hampered, but I also knew that children's bodies have a different way of exercising, so I'd often run with the other children, making sure to run extra, practice climbing on trees to strengthen my arms and hands and make them more string and flexible, playing hide n seek to practice my body control and just splashing kicks in the water in local waterways to strengthen my feet. Not many people believe this but what a child wants to do as playing is something that's actually a way to develop it's body. The childhood tendencies of children are a way for them to create a body which can be built upon later by training. So I kept playing with children, just a little bit extra and I could feel myself getting closer to unlocking aura.

While paying with children I met a face that was supposed to be my first rival Gary Oak. Atleast he wasn't as shitty as the anime showed when the storyline started. I was able to befriend him based on the fact that both of us loved Pokemon. Sometimes he would best about his background, like him being the grandson of famous Professor Oak, he was destined to be a great trainer. I think I got why he messed up with Ash so much, common human psychology, a response to a taunt makes you taunt even more and derive pleasure from it. I ignored those ramblings and let facts do the talking as I had something he couldn't imagine, knowledge from my previous life about Pokemon. Thus he was still that annoying fellow but not towards me now as I had his respect for having more knowledge about Pokemon than him. I had planned to go to Professor Oak's lab anyway.

I used my space farm, put berries in it and raised the level of farm to 10. However, I couldn't bring out much stuff as I didn't have any background and often sold the produce to the farm itself. It wasn't bad as I was accumulating funds in the farm. However, I started replenishing or food stocks with the space farm produce lowering the financial burden of my mom, however I didn't do it for the restaurant as I planned to do it when I get proper staff for the restaurant.

One year passed the same way and now was the time few days before my 4th birthday. I started going to outskirts of the first near Pallet town as most of the dangerous Pokemon were often removed by Professor Oak and his Pokemon. However, during summers it was often that Pokemon stampede would occur, not towards the turn but in the forest itself. I was there in the forest to see if I could find some pokemon to get along with. And heavens was I lucky, I found an injured and unconscious Mr Mime, a family of miltanks and a group of chanseys all of them in unconscious state due to injuries. I took them into my farm where I heard the notification of their submission to me and paid the coins to get then treated by the system. All in all I got 6 miltanks and 4 chansey. I allowed the Mr Mime to breed within the space to get 4 Mr Mime in total. I brought them home, took then to our huge backyard and waited for my mom's arrival from work. When I say huge backyard I mean it as huge, almost 300 metres in depth and as wide as our house. I planted a lot of different berry trees and watered then with the spring from the space farm which enabled them to grow quickly and within 1 year we have an orchard of different berry trees laden with fruit.

When mom came back she was surprised to see a bunch of Pokemon in her backyard who were listening to me and I introduced them to her. The introduction went smoothly and I was able to convince my mother to let go of the staff and hire the Pokemon instead. It wasn't easy but the staff's misbehavior played a good part. After that the next day we closed the restaurant for some time and went to Professor Oak to handle the legal process to keep the Pokemon for working in business. I don't remember much but I guess we were told about guidelines for Pokemon in business and their rights, not that we're gonna abuse then. After taking care of the legal process mom started training Mr Mime in cooking and two of them had the talent for it. Mom sold off the old restaurant building and bought the building next to our house and it was refurbished with some good stuff. The be building was small as we had saved money, but with extended the size using Mr Mime's barriers and got a very clean looking restaurant. One thing I found out that the original Mr Mime had a passion for cleaning and the way he cleaned made me remeber the Mr Mime in original story. Guess it was the original one. Not that I mind anything.

Miltanks got themselves a small garden to roam around and were also trained to welcome customers. One of the Mr Mime got trained for standing guard and the Chanseys being the true fairies took themselves to wait tables. Since the restaurant was closed for a long time, the employees were layed off which they agreed to quite happily. Hehehe... They're gonna regret this.

Anyway I asked mom to let Mr Mime who was the cleaner to do the inventory. It was difficult to convince her but I asked her to test Mr Mime and I was able to convince her.

Yeah! Now I can allow my space farm produce to come out and make money for my family. We reopened on my birthday and the restaurant was a blast. Miltanks gentle and welcoming demeanor, Mr Mime's cooking and presentation followed by the most caring waiting service by the Chanseys and the dessert items made from miltank milk stole the show and the restaurant was a huge hit.

Mom-"Now I can spend more my time with you honey. Let's go for a picnic next week and and now since we have Pokemon we'll go to the riverside in the forest."

I just jumped up in delight and did a champion pose which made my mom giggle and then pick me up and hug me. What can I do? I was a 4 year old cute baby boy and being the child I was I returned the hug and enjoyed myself.

Mom-"Happy Birthday sweetheart"

As I was enjoying our time together she said something that shocked the daylights outta me.

" You deliberately went to to forest to find these Pokemon didn't you?"

Scary...Mom's intuition's scary.....

Mom-"Awwww... look at you all silent and scared. You're my baby boy and I know you did this for me, for me to relax and accompany you more. I ain't angry but don't get yourself in danger ok! There's no way that I'm gonna be angry with you for this. Mommy loves you so don't worry."

Delighted that I got away with my plans, I kissed my mom on her cheek and allowed her to pet me. But

Mom-"But I'll give you a punishment for going into the forest as I never allowed you to leave the town"

Scary...Really Scary....

Mom-" so now Mr adventurer will be mom's hugging pillow tonight"


This day marked the beginning of the change.

The change of our lifestyle, change of our living conditions and finally change of destiny of Ash Ketchum.

Next time-

First Pokemon