
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ash Ketchum

I opened my eyes to see myself lying down on a smooth blanket which seems to be lying in a garden of some sorts. The smell of grass and the air was somewhat stronger than my original works telling me that I had indeed changed worlds and the new world is how our original world should have been, beautiful and unpolluted. While I was observing the surroundings I heard someone's breathing and when I turned towards it I saw a beautiful lady sitting with her back rested on the tree trunk and sleeping. Seeing her tired face and rough hands I once again realised the extent of love of a mother. Having seen the anime and comparing the lady with my memories I concluded that she's my mom in this new world Delia Ketchum. Seeing her not even lying down to sleep, I knew that she had accidentally slept because of how tired she was and she wasn't even using a blanket or covers to protect herself from the winds. Since I was just a 3 year old child at this point I couldn't move her so I started racking my brain to think up of something to ensure that she can sleep comfortably. Just as I stated racking my brain 3 years (or something less) worth of memories rushed to me and I realised our current condition. We had come out for a small picnic for mom to take a break from her work and we were at a park on the opposite side of town from the home. I tried calling upon my systems and realised that technical library was locked due to body requirements. Well it would have been too OP if it opened up right now. When I tried opening space farm I was able to get into it and just like the novel, it had a small hut. I somehow came up with the plan to teleport mom into the farm and then onto the blanket I was sleeping on. Following through the plan I was able to have mom lie down on the blanket without much trouble. She stirred a bit but due to the warmth of the blanket soon fell into deep sleep with a relaxing expression. I tried walking around and use aura or psychic. I had the same reactions as technical library. My body was too underdeveloped for using aura. However, slight traces of psychic energy were felt and I started practicing psychic. The first thing I practiced was telekinesis with the leaves lying around. While trying the telekinesis, I had difficulty controlling it. Perhaps it's like those theories about magic that you got to have a clear image, I tried imagining the leaves to levitate but was unsuccessful after a lot of trials. I could somehow feel that the training methods were available in the library but I can't access it right now. Not having any leads I just gave up and went to my mother to sit down and rest a bit.

Just as I sat down a pair of hands grabbed me, and pulled me. I was startled but seeing the direction of pull I realised it was mom pulling me into her embrace. I thought maybe she woke up but no she was still asleep and probably just based on her instincts she knew I was there and grabbed me. Truly a mother's instinct is scary, loving but scary.

Although I was startled when I got locked in my mom's embrace I got a sweet scent which was emanating from my mom, not the scent as in a girl's scent buy something more pure, a mother's warm scent. I calmed down and hugged her back. The pose we lay in was comfortable for me and probably for my mom as well as I fell asleep testing my heart on her arm. I don't know how long we slept. When iv had gone to sleep it was around noon as the sun was almost directly overhead but now the sky was cast with an orange hue all over and I could see the sun half down the horizon. Thinking that it'd probably late I saw my mom who was still sleeping peacefully. Guess she must have been too tired taking care of a child and working to make ends meet. From my memory itself I haven't seen any man ever in my house so either my dad left my mom, or he's doing something important that requires him to stay away or the last and most painful option, I was a mistake and my mom was bearing the punishment for it. Anyway she's my mom now and I'll definitely make sure that she remains happy and proud of me as her son and until I live I'll always return to her. Can me a Mama's boy or whatever, I don't care. As my father in my previous life had told me. Every lady is a goddess, respect her and protect her, they're the origin of generations to come. Thus I'll make sure that she's protected as long as I live.

As these thoughts were roaming in my mind I decided to wake her up to go back home. While the thoughts in my mind were racing on how to wake her up, I realised that I had childish thoughts as well. Maybe it's because I was still not completely one with the memories that aged maturity is dominating but I could feel that my thoughts were becoming more childish. I didn't mind it though. Since I was a child now I decided to do something a child would do for her mom, I ran around the garden picking up flowers and vines and made a makeshift hair garland of blue flowers. Then I shook my mom a bit to wake her up. I immediately regretted it as she woke up with a start and looked around. I could feel that her heart was racing with nervousness and she looked like she regretted the fact that she slept. She looked at me apologetically and spoke in a very sad tone

" Sorry honey, I guess I slept. Silly me! Don't worry I'll make sure that we enjoy the next picnic, where should we go next time? What would you like to eat the next time we go for a picnic?....." She kept going on about going for the next picnic but I could feel her feeling of guilt and melancholy. Not being able to bear it I crept close to her and yelled

"Surprise!!!", as I held the garland in my hands, showing off to her.

Her looks changed immediately from sad to amazed and finally a bit happy. I could see a small smile on her face. I took the opportunity and attached the garland onto her beautiful crimson hair.

"You look like fairy mom"

As soon as I said he she clutched me into an embrace and gave me a kiss in my forehead and whispered

"Let's go home shall we?"

Nodding to her suggestion we packed up or stuff and walked back home.

We had our dinner and then just after the dinner she gave me a bag. Opening the bag I found a pokeball looking thing.

"Happy Birthday Ash"

Then I realised, it was my birthday and as far as I could tell the gift, which was a digital voltorb desk clock and it was premium stuff. Looking around the house I could see the the financial situation of our family was not so good so I could guess that she would have worked overtime to get money for this. That explained the tired look on mom's face as she had slept. I just hugged her tightly, kissed her cheek and said

"Love you mom!"

She returned my hug and after that she took out another surprise for me, the birthday cake made by herself. I loved the cake and take my word for it, I could sense and taste her love as I ate the cake.

Finishing the mini birthday party we moved to the bedroom and slept huddled close together.

Thus from this day forth, I'm Ash Ketchum.

Ash Ketchum from Pallet town.

Author note:-

Although this chapter may feel sort of cheesy, but believe me I'm not into incest and Delia is definitely not a romantic interest whatsoever. I dedicate this chapter to respect all mothers who sacrifice a lot for their children. Delia Ketchum is a representation of that sacrifice as even seen in anime she has supported Ash ever since he began his journey.

Secondly I'm into harem (a small one) and I would like your suggestions:

Nico Robin was my personal interest along with Misty. Please comment on your choices for harem.