
My Demon Celestial System

Now it's the year 3577,the world is so peaceful we have different locations producing powerful weapons and high tier Armor even the earthlings are practicing different abilities I know it might come as a shock to you but everyone on earth has ABILITIES Now on earth you have to be very powerful to survive or even get recognised by anyone. My name is Demion Quin and this is my part to Absolute power and Domination

Xander_Quin · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

A Date or An Ambush

No body could move in the presence of Sil's dominating aura and no one has seen Sil mad before, with the little time they have spent with him, they have observe that Sil isn't some that gets mad but now here he is boiling in anger. The man who is always calm is now angry and his cool aura is becoming scary now

"What was our deal" Sil said in a low tone but his voice was filled with anger, although he talked so low the twins where still able to hear him perfectly clear

"I...a..am.....sor...sorry....sir....it...wo...won't ....hap... happen.... again" Bram struggled to breath as he apologize to Sil

"Get out of here... Now" Sil said again in a low tone but this time regaining his calmness and his aura started to settle and the pressure and suffocating atmosphere was gone, Bram and Blake wasted no time as they both ran in full speed

"Everyone get back to what you were doing" Sil said regaining his usual emotionless gesture as he carried demion and with a blink of an eye, they were gone.

Sil then appeared in the school sick bay, he placed demion on one of the beds but didn't call a nurse or any other medical personnel. Demion was still unconscious but his wounds were already healing, Sil then gave him an unknown pill, when demion took it he began to regain his consciousness

"Urgh...." demion rose as he scratched the back of his head "W...what happened"

"You need to stay here and get some rest, I've got alot to say to those twins" Sil said as started leaving the room

"I thought you said you wouldn't help me" demion said to Sil

"I can't watch someone die in front of me, especially my student" Sil said as he left

Demion was now sitting alone in the room and was getting mad at those twins

"Those twins are really gonna pay especially that Bram, he did this to me.... that jerk will pay with his life"

Demion got up from the bed looking angry

(That's the spirit too bad it's coming from a weak ass like you )

"I will end him"

(You ... do know he is 3 times stronger than you, Right)

"Ahhh yes, I really need to get stronger... just when I thought I'm super strong another person shows up with triple my strength" demion said sitting back on the bed 'In order to open a new realm of power I must evolve, no matter the cost'

(That's what I like to hear)

"But in order to do this, I need to obtain exp and right now it seems impossible cause I have no source of experience point"


( if you can evolve into a demon, exp won't be a problem only how fast you can become powerful)

"What does that mean"

(I mean If you become a demon, leveling up won't be an issue)


(Yes, Only problem will be how fast you can grow)

"Why is that"

(I can't tell you now )

"Oh comon, now you got me all curious"

(Evolve if you want to know)

"This has only grew my hunger and will to evolve"

(Then Evolve)

"I guess training now is the only way to evolve, Activate Training...." demion was about to start his training when he saw some one walk in the room

"Huh....pearl" demion said as he saw a beautiful red hair girl walk inside the room

"Hey demion" Pearl said with a cute smile

"Hey" demion said .... Blushing already

(Seriously, dude you have to control your self )

"I heard about what happened today, am so sorry" Pearl said looking concerned for demion

"Hey, don't be ... it was just minor injury"

(A Minor injury that completely knocked you out)

"Ok, I believe you are feeling better now ... right" Pearl said still looking concerned

"Well yes, am as good as new but I just need to wash off the blood stains from my body"

"Oh, ok that's go..." Pearl was still talking but something else caught her attention

"What's the matter" demion asked wondering why she stopped talking

"Yo...you...your blood" pearl said

"Yes, what about it" demion said wondering what she was saying

"It's black and red" she said still staring at it

"huh" demion looked at his body and then saw stain of red and black blood at the place he was stabbed

'Is this my blood'

(of course it is, when you become a demon it will be black but since you're still a demi demon, it's red but you are a peak demi demon about to evolve so it's still red but turning black slowly)

'Information I should've gotten a while ago, why didn't you tell me'

(ugh...uh....hey look, pear needs answers )

'Fine, Change the subject... am still gonna get back at you'

"Oh this is what Sir Sil applied to my wound to heal faster" demion lied

"Oh, that make sense... anyways, I came here to tell you that we can have our dinner today"Pearl said buying demion's lie

"Really! that's great" demion said getting excited

"Yeah, it turns out that I have nothing to do today"

"That's cool, So am I gonna pick you up"

"Usually that's how it's meant to be but the dinner is happening at my place and you don't even have a car so you don't need to bother your self, ok I will take my leave now" Pearl said as she left

"Ok" demion said smiling non stop

(Why Are you smiling, you have been training hard to become the demon monarch of the neither realm and that lady literally just insulted you and instead of punishing her, you are here smiling like a fool)

"Comon meliodas, she didn't insult me ... we are having dinner at her place there is no point of me picking her up"

(You think!, You should have thought of that before asking your idiotic question)

'How am I suppose to know'

(How are you not!!)

"Am sorry, I just get shy And confused when am around her"

(Only a fool will get confused around a girl)

"Uhm dude, am sure they're alot of guys that would disagree with that"

(So, human boys just go dumb around girls)

"Well, you can't blame us depends on how beautiful the girl is"

(Either ways, you are not meant to be like them, you are not a human and I'm pretty sure there are human boys that are not moved by girls beauty so you shouldn't)

"It's just that Pearl is so beautiful, when am around her my brain automatically stops"

(If you're going to keep drooling over pearl then you must be very stupid)

"If drooling over pearl makes me stupid then so be it)

(Urgh, you senseless idiot!!!!, talking to you is so annoying)

"Enough talk, if you would excuse me I have to go get ready for my date" demion said while grinning from ear to ear, Absolutely unaware of the life threatening event that awaits him


Hey guys so sorry that chapter came late, been having a lot of celebration and been very busy... which reminds me

MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄, Althought it came 5 days after, it still counts course we are still in the season, Next chapter will also be updated today

Thanks so much for all your support Love you guys


Kamsahabnida and God Bless