
Chapter Twenty-Six - I Thought I Found You

Rey was sitting in the library, reading a book on Love. Funny that it says it last forever .

Rey was rather upset , not that Ben and her were no longer in love but that her vows were fake .

They promised till death do the part and this wasn't death. "Mom?"

Rey turned to see Aiden. "Hey , what's up ?" She asked blinking away her tears.

"Mom ... Are you okay ?" He asked taking a seat .

"I'm fine ... Why ?"

"You and dad are breaking up... Isn't that sad?"

"It's for the best sweetie ... Your daddy and I don't love each other anymore ... But we will always love you ...." She said running her hands through his hair .

"Mom... What does that mean for the family ?" He asked .

"Well... Your dad and I haven't figured everything out yet... But your dad is gonna live here with grandma and uncle Luke ... "

"What about you ?" He asked .

"I'm not sure we'll see -"

"And what about me and Hadley and Elia ?"

"Your dad and I need to talk about those things..."

"Speaking of which " Ben said coming in. "Aiden can you let me and your mom talk for a bit?" He asked.

"Yeah dad" he said and then hugged Rey and walked of .

"Is he okay?" Ben asked .

"He's fine ... He wanted to see how I was doing ... We really do need to talk about the kids and stuff "

"Do you wanna live here still Rey ?"

"Ben as nice as that sounds I don't think in a couple years when you get remarried your wife would be to happy with your ex-wife still living here " Rey smiled .

"Well I don't plan on getting married any time soon... Or ever again "

"Ben don't be ridiculous.." Rey said and laughed "you'll find someone -"

"Long ago I thought I found you -"

"I thought I found you too Ben ... But sometimes things are found that don't belong to you " Rey said sadly . 

"I know ... Remember my Rey ?" He joked .

"For the past eight years I've had to deal with your stupid jokes .... But to be honest I'm gonna miss them "

"I'll make you a book of them ..."

"That's be great Ben " she smiled "now honestly ... What are we gonna do with the kids "

"No clue ... Maybe we can do like you have them a week then I do -"

"They can't go back and forth all the time " Rey said .

"Why does this have to be so hard ?" Ben asked "why can't this just work out right ?" He sighed .

"Because it's us ... It's difficult for us to work -"

"Rey ... I don't want this to end like this "

"Me either ... It's funny ... While we were together all we did was fight , now that we're breaking up were getting along -" Rey said .

They smiled and looked at each other . "When was the last time you shaved Ben?" She asked running her hand over his jaw .

"I have no clue Rey" he smiled . "You have an eyelash" he said and moved it from her cheek.

They hadn't been that close is so long , it felt safe , it felt warm , it felt happy.

Rey closed her eyes as did Ben . He could feel her breath dance on his lips .

"I SAID ITS MY TURN !" They heard Hadley  yell from the hall.

"ITS ELIA'S TURN !" Aiden shouted .

"WERE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE PLAYING BALL INSIDE !" Elia shouted and then there was a sound of glass smashing on the ground . Rey and Ben ran out the door out to see what they had done this time .