
Chapter Twenty-Five- Then What Are We Doing ?

Rey had been holding that in for almost three months . True she didn't want things to get worse but she and Ben were always fighting , always yelling , always ignoring each other .

Rey walked to their room which they shared . She saw the couch that Ben would sleep on, usually because they fought but he would say 'didn't wanna wake you'

Rey opened her drawer in front of her vanity . She saw the wedding ring she no longer wore , was in a tiny ring box .

"Rey ! What do you mean if I still love you ?" Ben asked coming in the room.

"Nothing just forget it " she said and closed the drawer .

"Rey ... Do you think I don't love you anymore ?" He asked coming next to her .

"Sometimes -"

"Sometimes ?!-"

"All the time Ben" Rey sighed and sat down on the bed .

"Me too" he added sitting down next to her . "I've been feeling that way for a while "

"Then what are we doing ?" She asked looking at him .

"We're doing what's the best for the kids -"

"How's us fighting all the time good for the kids Ben ?"

"Then what ? Get a divorce?" He said .

Rey sighed "I think that's best"

"I'll get papers and stuff " he said.

Rey put her head on his shoulder . "I guess so ... I'm really sorry Ben ..."

"I'm sorry too Rey" Ben said and rested his head on top of hers .

"Maybe things will be better for the kids ... Especially Aiden"

"Yeah ... How are we gonna tell them ?"

"Tomorrow at breakfast?"

"Sounds like a plan ... I'll be here for you Rey ... I hope you find someone who will make you happy" and Ben rubbed her hand .

"I'll always be there for you too Ben and I want you to be happy ..." She said and hugged him .

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed and I'm gonna sleep in a guest room tonight " Ben said and rubbed her shoulder.


Rey woke up and she felt like very thing was the same . She threw on her clothes and walked to the dining room .

Leia was there with the kids and Ben was right behind her "ready?" He asked .

"Yeah" Rey said and sat down . "Everyone ... We have news -"

"Another baby !" Leia said happily .

"No " Ben said .

"Can I train with uncle Luke then ?!" Aiden asked excitedly .

"No t yet ... Ben and I have some news ..." Rey said and took a deep breath "Your father and I are getting a divorce " Rey said .

"What - "

"Why !"

"Ben !  Rey !"

"'Daddy ?"

Everyone said . "Listen ... Your mother and I think it's best that we get a divorce we'll talk more about it later ... You need to go do your studies now " Ben said .

The kids all nodded and walked up to their study room and Leia looked at them . Rey walked out .

"Ben ... What's the matter ?" Leia asked .

"We've been fighting... And we just don't love each anymore ... We're both fine with it-" Ben said .

"Are you really ?" She asked.

"Yeah , of course " and he left .