
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urbain
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72 Chs

Taking You For Shopping

over the past two weeks she had spent in school she realized Anthony wasn't that bad of a person he had helped are with some of her homework which she may have not understood the way Anthony thought her was very easy and fun and she was still learning she realized the guy was also a book worm like herself. He had helped her make new friends both in there department and in other departments he knew a lot of people.

She still had people who didn't like her much maybe because their crush was always glued to her like a lich. He wasn't giving her breathing space to an extent she felt he was doing it deliberately to piss her off.

They had gone to the library or let just say just went with her because she was the only one studying and from time to time she would ask him a question too see if he new the answer.

" How are you even getting all the answers correct ? you haven't even opened the book to read . you don't look like a library person " she asked taking a slight pick at the guy leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He slowly opened his eyes she was mesmerizing by his beautiful eyes she stared at him her gaze staying longer on his handsome face.

" I know am a beautiful being to behold but please don't look at me that way before no one stares at my beauty without payment and I know you can't give me what I would ask for " The guy smiled moving away from the wall snapping his finger at the girls face.

Light glared at him rolling her eyes shorting the book in her hand. she got to her feet walking off.

" Hey wait up did I do something wrong am only jocking you can stare at me any time you like " He screamed running after her smiling brightly.

He caught up too her pulling her into his armies on a motion like everything had slowed down light spined her hair falling backwards as she landed into the guys hard chest.

" You don't walk out on me and besides I give you the permission to stare at my handsome face anytime you like infact if you want to do more than stare go for it ' The guy kept talking not knowing a setting someone was raging her eyes raining down bream stones on him.

" You bull let me go most you always take advantage of your position in the school and think that all girl are the same. I don't know who lied to you that you were so handsome tch I have seen better don't you ever pull me like this again if not I will stick my two fingers into your nose hole and it hurts a lot " She spock in a high peach tone glaring at the guy who still kept a smile on. she stepped on his foot pulling her hand away walking off out of the library.

Anthony smiled his hands buried in his pocket.

" Ouch... Anthony baba Lola I thought you were the only handsome guy in the whole school it seem your stone head as seen better hot guys . You should be challenged" The guy talked to himself a childish grain on his face his eyes sparkled with an unknown mischief.

Walking out of the library picking up the bag light had left out on the table.

Light did what she did because what Anthony had just done remind her of her ex boyfriend it was the same way he had pulled her back into his armies she smiled bitterly her heart pounding against it rib


Her doom ex had broken up with her because he said she was too Christian like to be is girl. He just broke off a three years relationship because all of a sudden he didn't like that she was too into the christian life maybe that was also why she wanted to change herself.

Her eyes stringed with tears she hatred the feeling why couldn't she just forget the bastard and move on she slapped herself repeatedly like she was driving some evil thought away.

Anthony rushed over to her side holding her hand to stop it from slapping her face.

" What are you doing?" He asked looking worried. Light pushed him away covering her crying face. But the guy didn't back off. He ran blocking her path.

" What making you cry ? tell me light who made you cry ? " His voice was so cold she felt the air blowing really hard against her skin it gave her goose bombs the guy looked so serious like he was ready for a war. she cleaned her face laughing lightly.

" Why do you care so much about what making me cry do you know how you looked just now don't ever keep that face again you look like a angry old vulture and vulture are not cute or handsome" She giggled teasingly.

Anthony flicked the lady on the forehead she was laughing insulting his features when he was so worried about her. she took his consign for a jock.

" Ahh whoo that hurt " she glared at him crying out in pain. the guy walked ahead not looking back at her.

" Why are you the one angry you were the one who hit by forehead wait for me " She screamed running after the guy so the could walk on the same lane.

One like the guy usually self he wasn't trying to annoy her or state a conversation with her either. she tried to get him too talk but to no avail.

" I'm sorry I said am sorry a billion times now don't tell me you want to go baby on me know" she spock staring at the guy plan expression.

He turned to face her suddenly smiling again . but she knew that smile was too good to be true.

" come with me " He spock walking ahead

" Too were " Light screamed trying to keep up with the guys pace.

" Taking you shopping" He responded casually. Light pursed in her tracks.

" What why ?" she asked raising a broil at the guy. Anthony smirked still staring forward.

" Have you checked yourself in a mirror apart from the first day of school you wore that black dress that looked nice on you the other clothes you been putting on looks like rags " He responded wanting to piss light but at the same time he was speaking his true feelings.

Light stared at herself from head to toe she didn't dress bad in her eyes the veins in her head popped in anger what was the he devil talking about she looked great.

" My dress are way more expensive than any dress you could buy me " Light spock her hands crossed against her chest.

" Are you sure you might just be surprised and no matter what you say your still coming to shop with me hurry up stone head . Haven't your parents told you the early bird gets the worm "

She grumbled but stayed silent following the guy like a puppy being lead by it master.

Thank you all for reading see you on the next page am dancing my good bye 💃💃💃😘😘♥️