
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

Be Mine Beautiful

Abigail picked the cloths one by one from the shopping bag stare at them with a bewildered expression. Drop this last piece of clothing on the bed staring at light with a complicated look.

" He asked you to wear this cloths today. don't tell me you seriously going to wear this rubbish just because he said so. your a pastor daughter may I remind you " Abigail strictly warmed not liking the thought one bit.

" Abigail I have been living under my parents shadows all my life doing everything the have told me. yes I do love God with all of my heart and I haven't done anything evil so far. but I came to university of Lagos not keep doing what I have been doing right from home I want to try something different let me choice my own path on my own not my parents doing it for me. I need this experience " Light explained she didn't want to live the christian life because her parents said she should she wanted to live it because that was what she truly wanted in her life.

Abigail sighed in defeat" But you know your parents love you right that why they have been trying to keep you on the right path something light freedom is not always sweet it can cause you a lot of problems. I just hope you making the right choices on this one. but I will support you all the way as you best friend not because I like this " She spoke with a straight stare.

Light hugged her best friend" Thank you for loving so much we are always going to be sisters "

Abigail smiled" Yeah for ever now are we doing this. if we are going to at list put on one of this terrible dresses at list let make it count that means am the one doing your hair and makeup the thing you have been doing on yourself. dear sorry to say it terrible "

Light laughed she wasn't really good at applying makeup to her face most of the time she looked like a village witch.

Abigail pulled her too the mirror picking up are instruments with a wide grain.

" Let get some magic working" She smiled spinning the comb between her fingers before starting her job. After she was done she stepped back smiling victoriously at her hand work.

" Wow you haven't lost you touch why don't you go to school to study beauty work than law you are way more skilled at that " she teased seeing Abigail roll her eyes trow the mirror. staring at her own reflection with satisfaction but she felt maybe it was to much because it was only class she was going too. she didn't want to give a wrong impression but she had to do this she breathed out really deeply staring at the cloths placed on the bed finally picking on of it at list that looked kinda conformable in her eyes.

" You choice that black laced gown. oh goody am expecting suitor many at my doorstep" She spoke in a sarcastic manner light only smiled lightly at her friend statement.

She placed on the dress a bit confused at first with the Three cuts on the dress she could tell which were the neck. Abigail shock her head side ways helping her with her tangled problem.

" Thanks what will I do without you" Light spock appreciation.

" Literally nothing your useless without me so you better stick with me much longer " Abigail spock proudly pushing light to the mirror after the dress was on. light stared at her own reflection really seeing her beauty glow.

" You look bad ass today common am ready for school let go you can't stand here and stare at your own reflection all day . or don't tell me you backing out know Anthony baby girl " Abigail spock teasingly walking towards the door opening wide stepping aside for light..

" You can do this light . Just pretend you are a music stare and everyone in front of your is be low you. Like you mum always say your are a queen because of the father you serve is the Lord of all the universe" Sh straighted her posture winking at her reflection before walking out of the apartment with her head held up high. Abigail short the door behind them.

The had taken a vehicle instead of working because light couldn't take the staring from guys around anymore she kept pulling on the gown any time it went up. it was amusing to Abigail but she had too spare her friend out of the torture.

Finally dropped down from the vehicle at the school gate. Light looked way more confident now that she had gotten to the school premises she wore a proud look slowly and elegantly cat working into the school ground.

Abigail whistled out loud at her friend " Go girl I wish you all the very best " Heading to her own department waving light goodbye after light reached a far distance. Abigail prayed for her silently.

" Who dear father forgive her for she doesn't know what she is doing please guide her path make sure . she doesn't fall into a big mess. I know you have a reason for everything hidden under the sun please give my best friend her purpose" She ended the prayer with an amen going straight to her hall.

From a distance light could sense many eyes on her but she didn't frit she had made up her mind in doing this.

All the students in her department was out side many walking around the place while some chatted happily she wondered why they weren't inside.

working trow the hallway she could hear loud gasps coming from the ladies as the sported her and guys smiled at her others waved some were even bold enough to comment.

" Omo you package come school today " A guy spock graining stupidity. she ignored him walking towards her class room.

Samuel one of Anthony gang mate sported light from a distance and tapped Anthony who was leaning against the wall his eyes closed against the noise and students walking around the place.

" G isn't that your babe coming she looked dem men " Samuel spock in a deep voice eyeing light from a distance. Anthony looked around and his eyes caught the lady walking down the hallway elegantly his heart melted into cream she was the most beautiful sexy interesting thing he had seen the whole morning.

He didn't expect light to pull true with the dress he had bought her because of the bar ground she came from but it seems she had proven him wrong.

He smiled suddenly singing in his sweet seductive voice of an angle it was hardly to hear Anthony sing it was either he was loved the tone of the music he was listening too or something made him excited that got in singing bouncing walking over to her with his guys his hand buried in his pocket singing as he walked.

🎼 Music By Ruger ' Wewe"

🎶Me no fit lie your an angle in a demon body that why me no estate to screw you.

🎶She walked trow that hallway with a sainted body. call on make a man knows the hmmm

🎶 Can you... move ... to dey raga no he blues....

🎶 Sa noo ya ri ya make I sucky your nunu

🎶 me like the way you roll it a gegi like that and you know that me feeling here and everybody evil nobody holy like that put your hands on the pole wine solater

🎶 she pouf cana she smock and she light it her body of the highest order crazy girl me I dey jonez me I no dey reason like that my brain in disorder.

🎶 give me that ,sweet, for real ,for me... twist ,say lavivi stala livivi looking pretty na.

🎶 me need it now whoo bebe cook cook kill bad girl rere co co kill me na co cokocoko bear it on her niece she say na wewe na .

The hallway was filled with dancing as Anthony sang girls clapping their hands and guys dancing the all clapped loudly the song finally heading.

Light saw the guy walking towards her singing at the same time she screamed inwardly.

" His he singing for me " she couldn't believe it she heard the loud beat of ladies clapping and guys dancing as he sang the guy had a powerful angelic voice . She thought inwardly not trying to smile at their performance.

" He most have been a singer in the church and had lots of practice because his voice was dem sweet "

The whole hall screamed in excitement light finally smiled brightly blushing a bit no one had ever sang for her mostly like this.

Anthony fell on one knees playful Infront of her.

" Be Mine beautiful " He spock with a wide grain on his face loving the dum stroke look on light face. He stood up laughing loudly.

" Just jocking stone head you are not yet mature to be my girl but at list your look gorgeous today all thanks to me " He spoke feeling proud of himself placing his hand around her neck.

Her smile disappeared she should have expected that one coming from the guy.

" How annoying stupid he devil " she cursed him grumbling under her breath .

Thanks for reading guys byeeee ♥️♥️♥️♥️✌️