
My Cold-blooded Prince

A thief and ex-con finds himself in trouble again while stealing a Magical antique. He meets a mysterious lord but suddenly the magical world is in chaos, who is the reason for that? “I've waited long enough, will you still leave me? I suffered so much, do you really not care? Will you still say to me that you don't remember me?” "I don't care just leave me alone!" "......I can not." Because I can not bear the pain of losing you again..... Are they destined to love? Will they be willing to die for each other, will He choose responsibility or to be responsible? Find out by reading~ Cover credits to the original artist it's not mine I don't own it :) A/N: just check the coments I might have attached a few aesthetic images that I imagine for my characters. thanks.

Bluepuppet · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


In the wind kingdom's Castle Inside the royal hall, was filled with silence. The old king in gold robes sat staring down at the official responsible for guarding Moon Elve's Sword stood trembling in fear.

From the king's and the officials' expressions, we all can expect how grave the situation was!

Just then the eldest prince broke the silence shouting "Impudent! How dare a mere lowly thief steal from the imperial palace!? Do you think our security is so lacking nowadays!?"

His voice echoed loudly in the hall making the already trembling official fall to his knees. All the big officials were silent watching the scene.

The king narrowed his eyes "Summon the general" he spoke in a grave tone. A servant bowed to leave and summon the general.

"No need your majesty"

Came a voice that was colder than ice. He directly nodded to the emperor making the emperor sigh in relief. Only the emperor knew of this seemingly cold lad's power, he's efficient and loyal he must've found some clues.

As the king expected the general didn't disappoint him. The general brought out the perception ring and played a scene In which a little boy seemingly an elf breed because of his long ears and yellow skin was meekly walking among the crowd and then suddenly he took out a talisman and vanished inside the alleyway.

Seeing till here the official that was shivering shouted "yes! this is exactly how that thief vanished! he used the same trick!!"

The emperor waved "Take him away" the official will be published, yes because he still slacked at such an important job which caused the Elves' sword to be stolen, he fell for the thief's tricks because he was greedy so he has to be punished for his crime.

To others' surprise, after that official left the king dismissed the court as if it never happened and Called the General inside for discussion. The officials looked at general in silence and took their leave

The general Coldly walked in and sat down at his seat, then the emperor began to speak "about the exploration of the dark forest we want you to go and bring the black Rose".

The general's eyes flickered "black rose? I heard that it's just a rumor and such a thing doesn't exist." He looked at the emperor's back and warned "Your Majesty be careful not to fall for some tricks."

"You just do as I say, We know that the potion of immortality is real I want you to get black rose.... because that's the most uncertain part of the potion that is least affected by restrictions"

"I know the hunt for Immortal potion has begun didn't you hear what happened to The crystal of Eudora, as the prophet said the end is near we need to become Powerful to survive, soon the gates to the dark forest will open many people will be going there, I have to take the opportunity and grab the black rose that blooms once in a million years. If we have that we can finally have the power to create the potion of immortality and you will bring me the ingredients"

The general spoke coldly clearly he was unhappy "What potion of immortality, your majesty. how will you get the other ingredients? And by chance even if we get those ingredients do you know the process, the price you've got to pay.... "

Magic is a pure power that cannot be tainted by greed and evil if you do there may be consequences afterall this world's principle is Equivalent exchange. When it gives you something precious it'll take something of the same value the history is the proof of this law, even the strongest magician wasn't able to escape the calamity it brought along. But the general didn't and couldn't explain it to the king.

"Your majesty don't pursue the path of immortality through shortcuts You already have heirs let your bloodline continue and live peacefully don't fall for desires."

"You how dare you lecture me! Don't you know know that your life is in my hands and Only I have the key to- *smirks* well you will do as I say and you will protect me? Don't tell me you will break your father's oath?" after all you're my family's lowly servant you can only do what we want.ha~

The general silent perused his lips and looked coldly at the emperor.

"Hurry leave now! You'll set off after one week with the mercenaries"

"...Yes your Majesty"

My baby general UwU he's less of a general more of a Knight ara he just works for the King not for the Church so I call him general.


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