
My Cold-blooded Prince

A thief and ex-con finds himself in trouble again while stealing a Magical antique. He meets a mysterious lord but suddenly the magical world is in chaos, who is the reason for that? “I've waited long enough, will you still leave me? I suffered so much, do you really not care? Will you still say to me that you don't remember me?” "I don't care just leave me alone!" "......I can not." Because I can not bear the pain of losing you again..... Are they destined to love? Will they be willing to die for each other, will He choose responsibility or to be responsible? Find out by reading~ Cover credits to the original artist it's not mine I don't own it :) A/N: just check the coments I might have attached a few aesthetic images that I imagine for my characters. thanks.

Bluepuppet · Fantasy
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6 Chs


The kingdom of Eudora belonged to the most powerful mage clan. The source of their magic is- was the crystal of eudora.

The crystal of Eudora was a transparent crystal that emitted pale blue light. It wasn't any normal energy crystal it was so powerful that even the most powerful masters fear the power of it.

No one could control the crystal because it was said to have their own consciousness, the mages of Eudora kingdom, they survive because of the breath of Crystal of Eudora. It's even fair to say that Eudorean mages are born because of the Existence of Crystal of Eudora.

When you say broke..... just imagine a human who is helpless, weak and you take away oxygen, dying slowly suffering.... until their last breath.

That's exactly what will happen to Eudorean mages, thier Magic will dry off and they will dissappear.

The little boy shivers all over when a hand smacked both of their heads from behind! A female dark elf with long straight brown hair and long ears held them from behind their neck spoke to them, the smile on her face that looked not much like a smile

"Xi! 🙂 didn't I tell you not to scare your little brother when he comes!? And I told you not to gossip!! even little girls dosen't gossip as much as you do!"

The bigger boy named Xi spoke pouting into a pumpkin "Little momo just came out from his baptism, I thought that he didn't know about the things happening around so I just wanted to tell him fresh news...that the moon elve's sword.....and Eudora crys..... "

his voice grew lower and lower as he spoke of course he realised that he is lately gossiping too much and if he spoke more It'll be straight asking for a beating so he shut up.

As soon as the female elf heard about 'Moon Elve's sword' she suddenly stiffened just for a moment.

She pretended nothing happened and took them back to their hut at the border of the dark forest.


A long time seemed to pass, the youth on the bed opened his eyes. Blinking those big lashes as his bright watery eyes looked around curiously, he seemed like he's still sleepy but was not willing to sleep.

His appearance this time looked like a small stubborn animal who dosen't look even a little bit harmful.He sat up on the bed his blond hair that turns shiny silver now has grown who knows how long slid from behind his long pointy ears.

His jade white skin made a deep contrast with the black velvet bedsheets was more seductive than the most powerful aphrodisiac.

Currently he was looking a little confused with sleepy eyes, if you look at him you would just want to ravish him and want to Bully him make him cry and beg underneath you.

At the same time the man with long pointed ears and long raven black hair wearing a blood red robe sat at the throne of his castle.

The temperature around him was colder than ice you couldn't tell his expression from his face he looked colder than ice. But at this moment, only he knew how much he was controlling himself as not to go to that youth and forcefully make him his inside out and eat him up.

He lazily leaned on his hands and his lips lifted up in a relaxed smile

Ahhhhh my cutie finally woke upppp \(≧▽≦)/

plz leave a smol comment ara~

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