
My cold-blooded Boss

• • • • • • "Hey- I wanted to talk to you- Please, listen me one time? I am serious. I am not joking- trust me?" I am begging him to stay. he needs to take these seriously- if he don't mom is going to kill me. "I am done aurora. we are not doing these again-" he hang up call. If mom finds out, she is not going to be happy about these, not at all. "you know mom- she is not going to be happy if she finds out that." my little sister looked at me with horror. she looked at her phone and her eyes widen, mom is coming home? I don't even remember that guy's face. "hey-" "aurora, look these." she gulped and hand me her phone. 'Amettro family business is sold to Alex king. Breaking news- Amettro family had sold their whole business to Alex king and Mr Amettro has found dead in his office and Ms. Amettro has gone missing too. Police is trying best to found Aurora Amettro and also trying to find Sophia Amettro too. we are going to Inform our readers if we got more news regarding Amettro Family.' "what? that's why dad told us to leave?" I should cry like my little sister is crying but I don't have any emotions for my parents. "what we are going to do now?" Sophia sobs and cover her face with her favorite teddy. "we are going to leave these house and Run!" • • • • • •

_olivia_s_p · Sports, voyage et activités
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16 Chs


• Aurora •

"Sophia, please get ready. we need to go to your school to register your name in diary too." I told my little sister she just groaned and throw blanket on her face.

I sighed and rub my 4 month pregnant belly. I don't have time to finish my studies but I can take English classes in 1 to 5 standards students. my uncle talk to the principle who gave me chance to take small classes so that I can earn money for Sophia.

"Sophia Amettro- Wake up now- I don't have a really time. I need to take class at 10, if I-" she throws her hands on air and wake up and glare at me. she had hit her puberty last week and she is in her periods at worst time.

I don't have much money to buy sanitary pads, that's why I brow money from librarian teacher. she is kind enough to buy me us some sanitary pads and some painkiller for these queen- my damn little sister.

"fine- I am going to take shower." I nod my head as she confirmed, she looked at her phone and run towards bathroom. I shake my head and starts cleaning her room.

we live in small apartments- landlord of these apartment told me that he can give us these apartment if I work as baby sit his daughter all day. mostly in 3 days in whole week and yes, his wife told me to clean their big Manson mostly at weekends.

I never did cleaning stuff but after what happened last 4 month ago, I need to learn everything. I almost broke their The most expensive glass vase too.

"Sophia- get ready now. we don't have time-" I yelled and leave her room. I enter in our small kitchen, I had prepared some toasted bread slice and some milk for her. Today, principal of the school is going to pay me 5000 dollars.

Time always changes, one time I had more then 50,000 dollars on my bank account.

my bank account get hacked the day we get that damn article and it says clearly that 'Alex king' is damn monster. he had destroy everything- No, he is not the only guy destroy my life these unknown guy- the guy I gave up my virginity- he is the one who left me pregnant with kid.

"I am here- thanks for breakfast." Sophia had done her hair messily. I shake my head and take comb from counter as she take bite of her toasted bread. I started to comb her hair and make two braids like mom did when I am at her age.

she just silently finished her breakfast. she is so scared when we leave our house- only property left for both of us but when we run away- Alex king has send so many agents to check our house.

Good thing is that we leave the house- we are at least safe.

"sis, I had done my hair perfectly. my hair style look so weird-" she told me, after I am done with her two braids, she is looking at me with confused look.

"mom has done same two braids when I am going to enter in-"

"okay." she cut me off and rolled her eyes.

"hey, don't roll your eyes." I glared at her, she just chuckled and nod her head.

"let's go then-" she looked at her phone as she told me, I put her dish on counter and nod my head.

we both leave for school, I drop her on main gate and told her that I am going to come with her. I don't have car but we took Texi to travel around- I had earn money through working on grocery store and book store near the school.

I should thank my luck that they believe me. they let me work on their store after classes are done. they are so kind except Grocery store's owner, she just hate me a lot but still let me work one her store cause I am the only one who is ready to work for her.

As I exit Texi, I paid them and immediately run towards book store. I know I am pregnant, but I need water bottle and a book too. If I don't have that dusty old book, I can't go to the class to gave lessons and if I don't work- who is going to pay money for Sophia's school fees.

"hello- Layla." I am panting hard as I enter in bookstore, dammit if I run again. I am sure these baby inside me is saying me what the hell?

"hey- aurora relax honey. don't run again- take these book and hey tell Sophia that her book materials as arrived. if she wanted to read, she is accepted to read here for free." Layla told me and gives me the brightest smile and hand me two books.

"I don't know what I am going to do without your help Layla." I told her while trying my best to keep my smile plastered on my face.

"don't worry dear- I am here for you." she patted my back and hand me two water bottles. dammit I forget to pack launch for Sophia. "now- I think you forget to pack launch?" she reads my mind and hand me two launch boxes.

"Layla-" I feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment. god, I am damn stupid- I packed Sophia's bag but forget to pack launch and water bottle.

"it's okay- now, don't run again and hey finish launch. I am sure you are skipping meals. it's not good for the baby." she smile and leave me alone. she had to clean whole bookstore before open store.

"okay- thank you." I yell and run towards school. I don't have time for walk right now- Sophia is going to be late.

as I show my teacher ID to security, they let me inside. Gates are already close- I enter in hallway to see Sophia talking to young man same at her age. she chuckled and nod her head.

"Sophia?" I asked her- to get her attention. she is the literally the only person don't see me running through hallways?

"I think Sophia- someone is calling you." that young man looked at me and give me polite smile.

"oh- she is nothing." I feel my eyebrows raise.

"Sophia Jason Amettro." I almost yelled at her. she looked at me with pure awkward look- these is not time for us, we need to work hard and get in our two feet.

It's not time for her to get into same position as mine. I am just like her before, but I know- what mistake I have done- I am not letting her do the same thing.

"oh shit- um- I am going to talk to you later Aaron." she give him apologetic look and start to drag me out of the hallways. I rolled my eyes and shake my head, these girl-

"why you have to say my full name?" she huffed as we both enter in principle office.

"cause I don't want you to go in the same hell hole like mine." I told her. I am honestly Fucked up- I am responsible for these unexpected pregnancy.

"Maria?" I asked red hair girl, she gives me smug look and show me sign that principle is in the office. I nod my head and knock on principle room's door. Sophia stand next to me.

"come in-" I take deep breaths and plastered smile on my face, I enter in room.

"Good morning, Mr. Hanson." he looked up and raise his eyebrows before nodding his head.

"Good morning, aurora. what do you want? oh wait- Sophia here is your stuff for the first day." he immediately notice Sophia and gave her these years school materials.

she take it with confused look but she leaves the room too, I am sure she is going to ask me many questions regarding principle's behavior.

"so what do you want aurora?" he gives me look of what the fuck. I really wanted to kill these guy- don't aurora.

"Mr. Hanson, as per your deal with me- you agree to pay me 5000 dollars per month- and let Sophia study here for free." cause my dad's brother- my uncle pay Sophia's whole year fee.

"yeah- here you go." he hand me 5000 dollars. I smiled and put in my mom's old wallet.

"thank you, Mr. Hanson" I give him polite smile and turn my back to leave principle office until I heard him clearing his throat. I looked behind, he gave me small smile.

"I think, we need to sit and talk here aurora Amettro." I raise eyebrow but still nod my head and take sit on the chair near to desk.

"what happened?" I asked him.

"Aurora as you see- I am paying 5000 dollars you- with no experience as teacher and I think it's batter if you just leave these Job. there are so many teachers who are experienced in these job and we like to hire them for my school." he explained me like he is just ordering. no- wait- I can't leave these job.


"look- we try right? so I think you are done here aurora- you can leave my office." he sighed and focus on his laptop.

"but- Mr. Hanson look I need these job-"

"please Leave-" he glare at my direction. "if you are that needy for job then why don't you work in club maybe they are going to hire you and pay you batter for your body." he chuckled and stand up from his sit as someone called principle. he gives me smug look as he leave his office.

God- what I am going to do now? Uncle Justin has pay Sophia's school fees for only one year and he had cut all contacts with us.

I exit principle office to see Maria smirks at my direction. I sighed and Ignore her- what I am going to do now?

"hey look up while walking or either you have hit your head on wall." A unknown but familiar voice- I look up to see white wall. I immediately looked around to see a really powerful? but strong man standing near the door.

"it's first time seeing a hot man?" he smirked. I give him what the fuck look and shake my head but- he looks hot. No- not now Aurora. "then staring at some stranger is sin honey." I raise my eyebrow.

"thank you for telling me about wall." I immediately started to leave the hallways until I heard him chuckled. I know these voice but where?.

"looks like trying to find a job for your self? I can offer you position in my club if you remove that hoodie and leggings from your body." I snapped my head at his direction and smirked at him.

"I need job and I am going to do anything but not removing my dear hoodie and leggings. why don't you offer me as waitress position? I can do that without removing my clothes." I give him small smile as I tell him.

"my club doesn't need Boring nerd. I can still hire you for position of washing dishes." he gives me smug look. I can do that washing dishes, maybe I can do that but wait how much he can pay me?

"how much-"

"15000 dollars per month." he told me like he had just read my face. wait- 15000 dollars? it's too much for washing dishes.

"wait- I am doing washing dishes job only then why-" he raise his eyebrow and crossed his arm on his chest. I licked my lips and looked away. not now- job- you need one damn job for you fucked up life.

"it's my club I can pay anyone I want- no one is going to stop me from paying you more money." it makes sense but what if he is going to take advantage of my vulnerable position. I looked up at his icy blue eyes- Fuck it. I am going to do everything for Sophia and these baby.

"okay- what's address?"

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