
My cold-blooded Boss

• • • • • • "Hey- I wanted to talk to you- Please, listen me one time? I am serious. I am not joking- trust me?" I am begging him to stay. he needs to take these seriously- if he don't mom is going to kill me. "I am done aurora. we are not doing these again-" he hang up call. If mom finds out, she is not going to be happy about these, not at all. "you know mom- she is not going to be happy if she finds out that." my little sister looked at me with horror. she looked at her phone and her eyes widen, mom is coming home? I don't even remember that guy's face. "hey-" "aurora, look these." she gulped and hand me her phone. 'Amettro family business is sold to Alex king. Breaking news- Amettro family had sold their whole business to Alex king and Mr Amettro has found dead in his office and Ms. Amettro has gone missing too. Police is trying best to found Aurora Amettro and also trying to find Sophia Amettro too. we are going to Inform our readers if we got more news regarding Amettro Family.' "what? that's why dad told us to leave?" I should cry like my little sister is crying but I don't have any emotions for my parents. "what we are going to do now?" Sophia sobs and cover her face with her favorite teddy. "we are going to leave these house and Run!" • • • • • •

_olivia_s_p · Teen
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16 Chs

The bloody club!

• Aurora •

I see Sophia saying goodbye to that young man- Aaron. she is smiling like idiot. I can't believe that I can see my self in her, we both are sister after all-

"hello my dear older sister- now, let's see I had make these list of questions that I am going to ask you." she told me and handed me a list with so many questions are written- I rolled my eyes.


"no- what the fuck was that-" she swore? her eyes immediately widen as my eyebrow raise.

"Sophia Jason Amettro- it is last time, if you swore again-" I glare at her and start to walks away from her. these girl is spoil when dad is alive and she has still some habits like our dad. mom don't likes when someone swore at age 12- she had starved me for 3 days for saying 'bitch'.

"I am sorry- sorry Aurora- my dear sis, I am so sorry. I promise I am not going to do these again." I looked at her as she run towards me and stand next to me. I stop on my tracks-

"if mom is here, she might have broke your neck so don't do that Sophia." I told her and pull her in unexpected hug. she hug me back, it is so hard to believe that our life turned upside down in last 4 moths.

"I am sorry to giving you hard time Aurora. I just feel like these baby is also having hard time just like us?" I nod my head and pulled away from hug. I smiled before we both make our way towards book store.

as usual Layla welcomes us warmly and ask us if we are hungry. I am not hungry for any food but Sophia is needs some snacks- I gave her my launch and starts to clean books. she take sit on corner of the book store and start to reading the books.

"aurora dear, eat something these baby inside you is also hungry. I am sure he or she is ready to kick your belly too." Layla come around the corner and hand me a sandwich. I shake my head but she still hands me three sandwiches.

"Layla- you are helping us a lot." I told her, she just shake her head and looked at me with small smile.

"honey, I understand you- it's just hard to believe that how life can change sides too. I never think that Aurora Amettro the biggest business man's daughter is going to be here helpless-" and these is the fact about Layla is that she helps me a lot but she speaks truth loudly and clear. she is in her end of 30s and she is handling these bookstore with her husband.

"um-" I give her awkward chuckle, her eyes immediately widen and she apologized. I don't blame her and I can't blame her- my fate and my little sister's fate has turned upside down.

"I am sorry-" she again apologized but she suddenly stopped and looked at bookstore open door. Aaron? what that guy is doing here? "oh- Aaron? how are you? it's been awhile-"

she leave me alone and started to talk with blonde hair guy. he looks decent guy but- no aurora don't. I don't want Sophia to have same troubles- she needs to be aware that she don't need to make same mistake as I made.

I finished 3 sandwiches and focused on cleaning self for new books, I also need to be prepared for tonight- that guy. he told me that after 10 I need to be their to clean kitchen and also wash dishes.

I can do that after 3 month of cleaning at my landlord house. he is a decent business man and his wife is also a artist. she had her own production line too. yeah, she is singer-

"aurora, someone is here to meet you-" Layla yelled at her top of lunges, I try my best to not give annoye look. as I made my way I see him- that guy or say my new boss.

"well- hello there-" he smirked and looked at me with smug look.

"hello- um-" I give him small smile- 'I don't know my boss's name.' he smirked and looked up and down on my body.

"call me Mr. king?" I nod my head try best to ignore these king surname. there are so many humans who have King surname too.

"okay, Mr. king-"

"so you work here?" he looks around with annoye look. how can someone change expression so fast? whatever-


"aurora, I make a doctor appointment- we should go and check up-"

"okay" I reply her calmly. I don't want her to finish that line- if my new boss found out that I am pregnant. he is going to fired me from job-

"what doctor appointment?" he asked me with raise eyebrow. I cleared my throat and just looked away from him. what should I tell him?

"um- it's just I am having a- headache these days- a lot so- that's why Layla suggested me-" I shuttered twice- no- not twice it's-

"no, you are not having headache aurora-" Layal speaks- I looked at my truth speaker Layla. I give my sis sign for- help. she smirked and nod her head.

"Layla auntie- ah- it hurts." Sophia groan loudly and looked at me then Aaron and then Layla. she curl up on floor and Layla eyes widen.

"what happened Sophia? oh god- are you on your periods?"

A pin drop silence for moment but that cut of by Aaron chuckled and shake his head.

I chuckled at Layla, she just give confused look. everyone in room just laugh except my dear sis. Sophia's cheeks turn red and she hide her face with books.

I shake my head and Layla leaves us alone, the good part of Layla is she can forget every thing in few seconds too.

"oh- so are you on same page as that girl, huh?" I looked at Mr. king with what the fuck look. I am not in my periods- but yes- I am pregnant you can ask my one night stand. he left me pregnant- "hello?" I snapped my head at Mr. boss and shake my head.

"it's nothing- how can I help you?" I give him polite smile and trying my best to resists his handsome appearance. he looks damn hot and I shouldn't be having crush on him.

"oh- you should come early tonight that's it and-" he is about to finish his sentence but needs to stop in middle cause of his phone. he looked at his phone and raise his eyebrow. I waited until he is finished with phone call but he just ignore me and exit book store.

I stand their with dumb look, at least he had told me goodbye?

I shake my thoughts and continue cleaning shelf and also opening box of new books. After another 4 hours of working in these book store. I asked Layla if she don't mind taking care of Sophia for tonight.

she agreed and asked me if I get another job and I described her situation. she told me to be careful cause that guy Mr. king is new in town. I do need job for my sis and these unborn baby.

after talking to her I bides my 'bye' to Sophia- but she kind of ignore me. of course, Aaron is still in book store. These bar is not normal bar that's what I heard from Layla. she told me that these bar is for expensive and high class people and also kind of stripper club too.

as I enter in bar, alcohol strong smell hit my nostrils. I see two girl wearing only two piece of cloth. they both looked at me with what the hell look and it describes that they are going to hate me to their last breath.

I see so many champagne bottles are on display with whisky, beer and others that I don't know yet. I feel my stomach twisted cause of these strong smell. I can't stand here- I enter in room to see whole bar has expensive furniture, sofa- tables- like everything damn expensive.

I never think that I am going to think that how much expensive stuff can be- when I am at age 12 my dad buys me anything I want and now Sophia- stop thinking about your damn past events.

I see whole bar red lights, it's make sense- one pole bar is middle in room- no- hall. I see a sign of kitchen and boss area. boss area?

"hello miss? you know dress code?" I jumped from my place and looked at a young man wearing only boxers. what the fuck? I feel my cheeks burn and shake my head.

"then get out-" he gives me disgusting look and try to grab my arm.

"hey- Mr. king hire me here." I managed to yell cause I get attention of everyone in room. they all looked at me with raise eyebrow.

"Mr. king? wait tell me these guy did-" he pointed me that guy- that guy I meet in morning but these time he looks so damn different. he looks gay? but still he is handsome-

"yeah-" I shuttered and looked at everyone in horror. oh god- these is not prank right?

everyone in room started to laugh and look at me with smug look. Mr. king looked at me and then looked down at my clothes. I feel shiver running down on my body, what's happening?

"oh dear- these is strip club and Mr. king is not boss of these club. he had job to find a helpless girl here so that we can add them into list of venerable club that mean- poor girl, helpless." one of girl behind me speak and laugh so loud.

"yeah, now remove your hoodie and give us show darling." one of drunk man speaks. I gripped my hoodie tight. no, I can't do these-

"hey, now lose it or either drink these blood." the guy who put a bloody drink on table next to me I looked up as I see that Mr. king guy who lead me here to these hell hole. I again shake my head look around for escape but they have lock doors behind me- shit!

"why not now? drink these either we are going to rip off your damn hoodie." another guy speaks from other corner. I feel my tears rolling down on my cheeks.

"oh look at these innocent baby- you had to feed your sister too? then why don't you just remove these cloths and give us show? it can solve we can pay you million dollars too. we are not poor like you-" Mr. king told everyone, in the room loud laughter roars.

I am not going to sell myself once again-

"I bet 1 million if you give me private show-"

"I bet 5 million-"

"why don't we throw her in blood pool? so that she remove clothes by her self?" one girl start to drag me another corner where downstairs lead too a big underground pool.

"let me go- I am not going to do any of the thing you are saying-"

"if our master comes here- you will honeybee." I sobbed and try my best to get out of her tight grip but she throw me in pool. I feel my chest wave up and down- my breath hitches as I see many of guys laughing at me and that girl had laughing at me too.

what trouble I have gotten into it- I can't. I sobbed and looked around to see that girl approached me and try take hold of my hoodie.

"what's going on?" I hear a familiar deep voice, I know these voice- I looked up to see red bloody eyes looking down at me until I feel my self falling into darkness.

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