
Deep Impression.

Fiya went to her office as usual. When an employee came to inform her that the representative of the company's HQ has finally arrived. She nodded her head, took the black documents and headed for the conference room.

The conference room was not that large and could only take 50 people. It had a long rectangular table. And a man who looked like he was in his early thirties was sitting in the seat next to the CEO's seat at the head of the table. He was good-looking and had on a pair of black spectacles. He wore a brown suit and was looking elegant and dignified.


Fiya walked in and said professionally "You must be Mr. Carl, sorry to keep you waiting". The man who was Mr Carl heard a melodic feminine voice and looked up and was immediately dumb strucked. He had never seen anyone has beautiful as her before. She looked especially charming and graceful with her suit and she gave off a dominating aura. She looked like someone who was dominant but didn't give off a cold and unapproachable vibe instead she had a calm and matured personality. He was impressed.

Carl finally snapped out of his thoughts and finally answered. "Yes". He said with a smile. Fiya sat down and the meeting started.

As Carl started reading, he was fascinated at how detailed and organized the analysis was. It was quite intriguing and in between reading he glanced at Fiya who looked unperturbed.

When he got to Accounts department he saw something wrong and looked at Fiya for some clarification.

Fiya smiled slightly and seemed like she expected it. "Our former Accounts chief embezzled company funds under the nose of the old CEO. Unfortunately for him I became the new CEO and carried out investigations on every department and found out about the theft. Now he's been fired and I had our company's lawyer sue him."

She said and added with a cold smile on her face" Don't worry I'll make him cough up every penny. He won't go unpunished."

Carl gulped and was wondering how a young girl could have this kind of aura. She said like she was talking about the weather and her tone was light.


He read the file, asked some questions and every time she replied he was astonished. It was calculative and precise. Even when he asked tricky questions she still answered tactfully.

When he was done he got up, shook hands with Fiya. Before he walked out he glanced at Fiya and smiled. In his 10 years of experience in the business world, only a few people could make him scared and have this kind of aura.

She left a deep impression on him. He knew if she carried on like this, Vera would soon be one of Varon's biggest company.


After he left, Fiya breathed out in relief and shook her head. She came out of the conference room and was about to go to her office when she saw posters on the wall that were extremely colourful. However, upon seeing them, Fiya frowned. These posters read;

"Face your fears"

"You can't run from your past"

"Never give up" and stuffs like that.

It was like those posters were directed at her and she was immediately displeased.

"Luke!" Fiya called out an employee named Luke who was passing.

Luke answered quickly"Yes, Miss Falls"

"Why are there posters all over the place?" She inquired and Luke could feel she wasn't happy about them.

"Erm.. the posters are here to motivate the employees to work harder, Ms. Falls" Luke responded while stuttering. Everyone was scared of Fiya even before she became the CEO. She was frightening even when she was just the manager. Though, she never bullied anyone or made things hard for them but she hated laziness and employees who spent time gossiping rather than working.

"Motivate them you say?" She asked with her lips curled up. Luke nodded his head.

"How about this one?" She said.

"There are many qualified unemployed people on the streets". She said with a smile. Her voice wasn't loud but it was audible enough for everyone on the floor to hear and they all felt shivers running through their spines.

She was telling them, if they didn't do their jobs properly, they would be fired and it was very easy for her to find replacements.

When she saw the scared look on everyone's faces she knew her message was passed clearly, so she didn't say anything more and walked away.


Fiya entered her office and saw that they had already put curtains on the windows. The curtains were large and covered the whole window. It was dark blue and was very thick so she couldn't see outside even if she wanted too.

She sat down and was going through some documents, when she heard her phone ring. She looked at her phone and saw it was an unknown number. Then she picked it up.


"Hello" she heard a masculine voice from the other side.

Before she could say anything she heard the person on the other line say

"About my car?" Fiya hung up and immediately blocked the number.

How could she not recognize that cold , scary voice and besides, she had only gotten into trouble with that man's car. Ordinarily, she would have owned up to her mistake, but how could she afford to fix that car. Even if she worked from now till 30 years she still couldn't afford the car's damage. So it was better to just play dumb and innocent.

She went about reading her files. Then she heard a sound on her phone, which showed a message had come in.

She opened the message and her heart sank.

{Unknown number: ignoring my calls won't solve anything.}

She decided to not answer, thinking that the man would give up after being snubbed so many times. But she was so wrong.

Few seconds later, another message came in.

{Unknown number: Meet me at Lucio's restaurant at 7pm.}

{Unknown number: It'd be better if you showed up.}

Fiya got goosebumps from the last message. It sounded normal but she could feel the warning behind it.

She knew she couldn't ignore it and decided to go.

Out of all the cars to hit,she just had to hit that one.

She sighed.