
"You Are Fired"

Fiya called her bestie and informed her that she might be a little late for dinner.

It was already 6:29pm and Fiya was getting ready to leave for the office.

Lucio's restaurant was an Italian restaurant and was an upscale restaurant. Not anyone could book a spot in the restaurant.

When she was Dimitria, she visited a lot of places like this. It was part of the job. She looked back thinking about her life as Dimitria and how it came to an end. No one could understand the unbearable pain more than her. These are scars she could hide but not erase them. She just wanted to start afresh and make a new beginning, far away from all the pain and the hate. She wanted nothing to do with Dimitria. She was now Fiya Falls.


She left the office, ordered a taxi and drove off to Lucio's. The place was a little bit far so it took about 25 minutes to get there. Luckily, there wasn't any traffic. When she got there, she paid the driver and watched it drive away. She looked at the restaurant and it reminded her of a place she loved to visit as Dimitria. She entered the restaurant and saw it was beautifully decorated in an Italian style. All the tables were filled with people that looked dignified and wealthy. They all wore expensive clothes and designer jewelleries.

Fiya texted the man that she was there and he texted her back and told her he was going to send someone to bring her up. And she texted "ok".

Just like he said, a young man dressed has a high class waiter walked up to Fiya and asked

"Are you Ms. Falls?"

"Yes" she answered

"Great! Please follow me!" The handsome waiter said. Fiya nodded and followed the waiter.

The waiter led Fiya to the 3rd floor. The 3rd floor unlike the other floors didn't have tables but had private rooms. These floors were only for those who had personal connections with the owner of the restaurant. They both walked in the lobby which was decorated beautifully and had gold chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

It looked fantastic. Especially the red rug that rolled from the beginning of the lobby till the end. The rug had dragons drawn on them. It looked really cool. The walls were also red.

After what seemed like forever, the waite finally stopped at a red door and asked Fiya to go in.


Fiya thanked the waiter and entered the room. When she entered, her eyes landed on the table at the middle of the room. The private room had the same decors has the lobby. It was very spacious. There was a couch in the room, a mini-fridge and a flat screen TV. In the middle of the room was a circular table that had a red table cloth and a man was sitting at the table.

The man was looking at his phone but he was very handsome. He had a well chisled jaw, a beautiful nose, black hair that was combed neatly and sexy pink lips. He was super handsome. In fact he could beat most of the models in the industry. Many girls would die at the sight of him, unfortunately, Fiya wasn't part of them. Sitting there, he looked like a painting but Fiya didn't fan girl over him. He was handsome but Fiya didn't fall for his looks and only admitted the fact that he was good-looking but she would never say it out loud.

She walked up to the table, pulled out a chair, sat down and placed down her bag on the table with a thud.

The man just looked up and plainly said "You are late".

"Just cut to the chase!" She rolled her eyes.

He brought out a black document and placed it on the table. Fiya picked it up and asked "What is this?" The man simply said "Read". She kept quiet and read the file.

"What the heck!?" She exclaimed. The man looked at her calmly.

"This is clearly extortion!" She slammed her hands on the table. The man's lips twitched.

He was loosing his cool. This girl was extremely cute, especially when she was angry. But she was as cute as she was unreasonable.

"What do you mean extortion?" He asked angrily.

"How do you expect me to pay 20 million? This is obviously robbery in day light". "Look here little girl, it wasn't my fault you hit the car. It was fault and it is only right for me to bill you!" The man said frustrated.

"Wow grandpa!" She clapped."Not only are you blind and old, you are also capable theft. If not because of you are old, I would have beaten you to a pulp!" She threatened.

The man's eyes narrowed and became cold. It wasn't that Fiya was unreasonable, it's just that 20 million was to huge for her to pay. It was more than her 2 years salary.

"You are a fool!"The man said exasperated.

'How dare he, call me a fool!'

"How dare you call me a fool!" She shouted with her cute round face turning red.

"What should I call you then? A fool should be called a fool!" He argued back.

"Then if am a fool, then you are stupid!"Fiya retorted.

"What did you just say?" He gritted his teeth.

"You heard me! I said you are a stupid grandpa." Fiya repeated.

He became angry. Who did she think she is?

"You are mentally ill!" He said.

"Well you are mentally deranged". Fiya retorted. The both of them stared to hurl insults at each other while yelling at the top of their lungs. It was a good thing the walls were soundproof.

"Crazy girl!"

"Crazy grandpa!" They both said and glared at each other.

"If you have the money to buy that kind of car, then u should have d money to fix it. I am not paying a dime!" She said resolutely.

"Well I would have fixed it, if I was actually the one who damaged the car!" He said. And he was right.

"First you hit my car, then you shift the blame to me,I still took the time to call you but you blocked me, now you are asking me to pay for the car that YOU damaged? I don't think so!" He told her hitting the nail by the hammer.

Fiya pursed her lips and looked at him with resentment. If looks could kill, the man would have died a hundred times over.

"If you don't want to pay, I have another option". He said meaningfully.

Fiya who was cornered, wanted to hear this option. So she said eagerly"what?"

He smiled knowingly.

"My personal assistant tried to seduce me and I fired her. Now I need a new personal assistant pronto" he told her the truth. When Fiya heard it she immediately burst out laughing.

"Wait, wait, wait! Is your P.A blind or what?". Fiya couldn't believe it. The man frowned at Fiya's reaction.

"It's not funny" he said.

Fiya composed herself and stopped laughing.

"So what has that got to do with me?" She asked.

"I need a new P.A that won't seduce me" he spoke honestly. He was getting tired of him firing P.As. This was the third one this month.

"Then get a male P.A" Fiya said reasonably.

"Yes, I was thinking of doing that, but after this morning incident, I thought to myself;. Why not get you as my new P.A. " Fiya looked at him like he was crazy.

"Well, if you are too blind to notice, I have a job already, so I can't be your P.A. Besides, I'd rather be a racoon's Personal assistant than yours". She scoffed.

Did she have to be so brutally honest?

He was hurt by her statement.

Nonetheless he said with a serious face.

"I know. That's why, you are fired".

His tone was like an emperor given a decree. It was firm and resolute.

For a moment, silence reigned until Fiya bursted out laughing.