
Chapter 240: Nasty Moment

The guests were mesmerized by the entire place because of a breathtaking decoration. Every table were covered with a simple, yet beige silk with small detail.

If only one among hundreds of guests noticed the debutant's name that was inscribed in the middle of it. Aside from the customized table coverings, the utensils and glasses were also personalized only for Maxine's eighteenth birthday.

And every chair was covered with a smooth, cozy garment that relaxed all the guests' body.

"And tonight, let us begin with eighteen people who truly cared for our dearest, beautiful girl Maxine. All guests who were chosen to offer the eighteen candles, please come forward and we will begin it shortly."

While Maxine sat on the elegant chair, she laid her eyes on Halora who genuinely laughing with her friends. She looked beautiful even though she wore a simple make-up that emphasized a woman's natural beauty.