
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Eight

Third Person POV

Claire arrived back in the country and she is so ready to catch up with all that she misses and also she wants to see George. Her father is curious to know if there is any improvement in his daughter cause he is praying that the spoilt Claire is no more, that the Claire that came back is more refined and ready to be a lady. Her parents gave her a warm welcome and she is so happy that her father is no longer mad at her but she doesn't know how to bring up the topic that she wants to see George. But she has to tell him one way or the other cause needs to see him. Dad, I want to tell you something, I mean the both of you, Claire said to her parents after they were done with their dinner and seated in the sitting room about to watch an evening program. Okay, darling what is it? Me Davidson asked her. Don't be mad at me but I want to see George, Claire said. No way! That is not happening, there is no way you are going to see him, Mr Davidson started firmly.

Claire's mother sat down beside her daughter and held her hand cause she is disappointed with what she heard, Honey, I thought we have passed this stage, she said to her daughter. Mum, Dad, it's not the reason you think, I want to see him for an entirely different reason I want to see him not to make fool of myself but to do the right thing so that I can be able to start afresh, Claire told her parents. Princess are you sure that's what you want to do? Me Davidson asked his daughter when he heard her explanation. Yes, Dad, my visit will be harmless I promise, she assured her parents. Okay, then if you say so but I will personally arrange the meeting cause judging from the history between the two of you, I don't think he will be thrilled to meet you, her father told her. Yeah, am aware of that, that is why I told you so that you can help me with that, Claire said. Okay, I will see what I can do, Mr Davidson replied. Just as they were about to settle down to watch their evening program, Claire's phone started ringing, she is wondering who could be calling her at this hour and she made sure not to announce her return to her friends yet.

She checked the caller but the caller is not registered on her phone but she picked up the call anyway. Hello, who am I speaking with? She asked the moment she picked up the call cause she want to get back to the program she is about to watch. Claire, Claire sugar, she heard the voice on the other line call her. She instantly recognizes the voice and she knows that only one person calls her that way. May is that you? She asked cause she want to be sure and she is also wondering why May is calling her on a strange number. Yes, Sugar that's me and guess who is in your city, May said sounding so excited. Not excited because she missed her friend but excited that the person that will assure her stay in this city is back, yes, her source informed her that Claire is back but she is not going to tell her that she is spying on her. Wait, you are here? Claire asked. Yeah, darling am here and I decided to call to know if you want to hang out, May told her. May want to use the opportunity to tell Claire about her plan of having Max to herself and she is hundred percent sure that Claire will support her cause Claire is also like her in many ways.

Sure I will like that, so when do you want us to hang out? Claire asked her. Tomorrow will be fine if you are not busy, May proposed. Yeah, tomorrow is fine and I will see you tomorrow at our favourite spot, Claire told her. After some girl's discussion, they ended the call, each lady anticipating seeing the other. May is contemplating if it is okay to tell Claire her main agenda for coming here or if she should wait and discuss business with her first and see how it goes. Maybe after she secured the business then they can discuss her plans. Me Davidson can guess who just called his daughter and he doesn't like that person one bit, apart from the part she is from an influential family, he doesn't see any other good thing about her. Let me guess, May is the one that called you, Claire's father inquiries. Yes, Dad, she said she is in our city and we are meeting tomorrow to hang out, Claire answered her father. Don't you think that it is not a coincidence that she called you on the night of the day you came back, Claire's mother pointed out? Mum, May can be a spoilt brat like me but she is harmless, Claire told her mother.

Am not saying that she is not harmless, I just want you to be mindful of what you discuss with her cause I have this feeling she wants you to assist her in one of her pranks, her mother told her. Princess your mother is right, am not comfortable with you hanging out with her but you are an adult I can't restrict your movement but I want you to be careful, I don't want you getting yourself into an unnecessary mess, Claire's father advised her. Sure Dad I have heard you and I will make sure to be careful, Claire promised her parents. The both of them smiled at her, they are so happy cause of the changes they are witnessing in their daughter. They hope that it is not a camouflage for them to stay off her case, they hope that she changed cause her change will attract a responsible suitor. If there is one thing Mr Davidson has learned in George's issue is that money is not everything.