
Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-three

Third Person POV

Anna's face lightened up like an electric bulb when Steve informed her that he was only able to get the janitor position, cause to her that is the ideal position for her plan. A lot of evil plan is going on in her head knowing that Steve's men will be entering any office they want cause they will be cleaning them. Everything is falling into place, I know that it will take time but in the end, I will make Melvin happy, I will give him what his heart so desires, Anna muttered to herself while smiling widely. Melvin walked inside their office and saw the smile on her face and that sent chills down his spine cause it felt like he is looking at the devil itself. What got you in such a good mood, you are smiling widely. He asked her knowing that he will not get the answer he want but still try.

Oh, nothing new, am just happy with the way things are going for us, I mean the casino is making a lot of profit as the day goes by, she answered him. Melvin is not disappointed by the answer he got from her cause he is already expecting such an answer but that doesn't mean that he will not find the answer. He left the office to attend to the customers, as soon as he left Anna deleted the messages between her and Steve. She believes that her husband will not go about snooping around her phone but she doesn't want him to come across it by mistake, cause that will destroy everything for her, she does not want to take any chances at all.

Melvin on the other hand is looking for the right time to go through his wife's phone cause he knows that whatever got her to smile in that creepy manner must be from the phone cause he saw her holding her phone and the screen was lit up. This indicates that it was not too long since she made use of it, but he can't get his hands on it while they are still at the casino cause she is with her phone all the time. He need to wait until they got home and she is asleep. I hope I will not be late by then, he murmured, he kept on checking the time after one year later it was time for them to close the casino. The couple arrived home, they went about their business each of them with their thoughts.

Anna laid down on the bed and slept off cause she is really tired from all the standing. Melvin waited for her to be deep asleep before grabbing her phone and unlocking it, he went first to the call logs but there is nothing suspicious there, then he moved to the messages and still there is nothing there. He checked all her social media accounts and even her gallery and still the same result. It seems that she is deleting anything that will be incriminating, she is smart I will give that to her, but on my side, it is frustrating. There is no way I will be able to help George if I can't get any useful information for them, Melvin mumbled in frustration.