
Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-two

Steve POV

Anna told me what her plan is but I know that she held a lot of details from me and I don't want to ask her or pressure her, cause I don't want her to get mad and leave. I can't take down my sister-in-law and her son all by myself, I have tried and failed. There is something about her that I can't figure out yet, I think she is more dangerous than she looks and let on, I mean how did she know that my son is siding with George cause I can't remember telling her that? Could it be that she is a stalker and she has this crazy glint in her eyes when she was talking about her plan? I hope she will not kill anyone, I want to control Vincent Corporation but I don't want it at the expense of someone's life. I pray that I did not get myself in deep shit, but I will follow her plan and see how it goes.

I know that it will be difficult to get some of my men to start working in Vincent Corporation and I don't think that there is any vacancy in the Company. Luckily for me, several people are still loyal to me, it's time to use that loyalty card. I picked up my phone and went straight to the contacts looking for one of my loyal dogs in the HR departments, I found the name that I am looking for and I dialled the number. The line started ringing and the call was accepted on the fifth ring. Hello, the man on the other side of the line said. Hello Mr Sylvester, it's me, Steve, I said cause I know that he is not familiar with this number. Ohh, Mr Steve, how can I help you? He asked me sounding surprised and curious. I know that he must be wondering why I am calling him. I need to meet you cause I have something important to discuss with you, I told him. Okay, text me where you want us to meet and I will meet you there, He said and ended the call, seems like he is busy.

I wanted to ask him to meet me at the cafe near the Company but I know that is a bad idea, cause one of George's security men could easily see us and that is not good for our plan right now. I chose the coffee shop near my bungalow, inviting him inside the bungalow could have been less stressful but I don't want to risk it at all. 5:30 pm thirty minutes after the end of the day, I saw Sylvester walking inside the coffee shop, am already seated waiting for him to arrive. Me Steve, it's been a while, How are you doing? He inquired while smiling at me. I am the one that put him in the position he is now, he was a nobody, I picked him from the gutter and clean him up, so he is indebted to me. That's why I know that it will be very difficult for him to turn down my request. Yes, it's been a while Sylvester and I am doing great, I said to him returning the smile. You can order anything if you want, I told him. A cup of coffee is okay for me cause I need to sort out some files at home, he said to me. 

It's not like I give a damn about what he wants to do with his time, but I have to pretend that I am interested in what he is saying. I ordered our coffee and it did not waste any time for it to arrive. I know that you are wondering why I called you to meet me here, I said to him. He nodded his head confirming what I just said while sipping his coffee. It's there any reasonable vacancy in the Company? I asked him. He has that confused look on his face. No, there is no reasonable vacancy, the only vacancy we have at the moment is the post of a janitor, I don't know if that is what you are looking for, he answered. The janitor is too low, I don't think that such a position will be able to get close to Sarah and the worst part is that Anna did not fill me in on what she wants those people to do for her. I don't know if the two people I want to get a job for will be comfortable with such a job, are you sure there is no vacancy elsewhere? I asked him. Yes, I am sure of that, janitor is the only vacancy we have, he confirmed.

I sent a quick message to Anna to tell her what's on the ground and also to know if she can work with the position available. She replied and assured me that any position is fine by her and that janitor seems to be the best idea, cause it will allow them to roam around the Company without being suspicious. How did I not think of it this way? This is the reason I need to work with Anna cause that lady is too smart for her good. Okay, I can deal with that, I just confirmed with them and they assured me that they are good with it, I told Sylvester. Okay then, how many are they? He asked me. They are just two, I answered. Okay, I will fix them, send their details to me, he requested. I assured him that I will give him the details once I get home, he left afterwards and luckily for me I did not ask after the Company unlike before cause I don't want him to be suspicious. The problem now is who among my boys will I send over there that will match the profile of a janitor.

I walked to the bungalow and saw some of the men lazing around, am glad that our plan is coming into motion. With time every one of them will be busy, I signal for Kyle their leader to follow me while I walk inside the house.