
Chapter Four Hundred and Forty-six

Third Person POV

Vincent's mansion is quiet as a graveyard, the whole workers are in a state of mourning, they love Sarah so much cause she has not treated them different once since she started living with them. George's mother has been crying since she was informed about what happened, she can't bear the thought of something extremely dangerous happening to Sarah, all because of one psycho. Laura Sarah's mother has also been crying her eyes out, Jerry continues to assure her that he will do everything in his power to make sure that nothing will happen to Sarah and the unborn child. Josh was beyond angry and at the same time afraid of what will happen to his sister and the annoying part is that George Will not allow anyone to get the police involved. Though Fred is aware of what is going on, he is just one policeman.

That night, Jerry called George to know how far he has gone to ensure his wife's safe return. How is it going? Jerry asked him as soon as his call was accepted. George gave him the update. That's good to know that you have such a reliable person behind you, I will send my men over there so that they will help out with whatever you need, Jerry told him. I don't think that will be necessary Jerry, we have enough men here and they are all professionals, George told him turning down his help. Lesson number one George, in a situation like this, don't say no to additional manpower, cause you don't know what you are about to face there, Jerry advised him. They will be there around noon tomorrow, Jerry told him in a tone that indicates that it is not negotiable. George has no other choice but to accept the help, he went to his room but he is aware that there is no way he is going to sleep tonight when his wife is still out there.

George left the mansion as early as six o'clock in the morning cause he can't sleep while his wife is out there, only God knows what the psycho is doing to her. George received a call from Max informing him that he will be coming back today and he will meet him at Rose's security company. Max was not in the country when the ugly incident took place, but he cancelled all his meetings cause he need to be with his brother and best friend at this critical moment. George has tried Melvin's number many times but it is still not connecting, which affirmed his suspicion that all is not well with him, he is only hoping that he will be fine wherever he is.

George arrived at the security company and Rose is already there working on her computer. Good morning, Aunty Rose, He greeted her and sat down on a chair. Good morning, I will not inquire about your night cause of the black circle around your eyes, I know that you did not get much sleep, Rose said to him and continue working on the computer. What's new? George asked. We can locate the janitors but before we could get to them, they already boarded the plane and taken off and since this operation is not official, the police are not involved we can't ask them to turn the plane around or they should arrest them as soon as they land, Rose said. I understand what you are saying and I still maintain that the police should not be involved yet, George said, Rose did not comment on that and continued with what she is doing. Is there nothing else we can do to get them? George asked her. I already asked the people I know there to pick up the two from the airport, but it will take time for them to come back here and time is what we don't have, Rose explained to him.

Have you contacted Melvin yet? She asked him. No, it is still not connecting, I have this feeling that something might have happened to him, George answered. Maybe Anna finds out that he is against him and decided to lock him up, Rose suggested. That could be right but one thing that I am sure of, is that she will never harm him, George said with confidence. Before I forget, Jerry Williams men will be joining your team, according to him this operation needs more men, George informed her. That's thoughtful of him cause I was contemplating on hiring another hand but thanks to him, I don't have to worry about their capabilities, I know Jerry Williams men to be professionals, Rose said. Not too long Max walked in, and the two friends embraced each other, being in Max's arm allowed George to let out the emotions he held inside him. It's okay we will find her and we will bring them back safely unscathed, Max consoles his best friend who is sobbing on his shoulder. After some minutes George was able to get himself together and sat down.

Am glad that you can pull yourself together, what we are going to do now is to wait for them to call and state what they want, then we can trace the call, you have to buy us time to track down their location, Rose informed them. I am not shunning your idea down, I don't think she will call with a phone that will be traceable, I think she will use a burner phone making it difficult for us, Max said. I understand what you are saying, if she is using a burner phone and made it difficult to trace her, it will be a waste of time for us, but I still want to try and see what the result will be, Rose told him. They all sat down waiting for the call to come in, the silence inside the office they are was interrupted by the entrance of the additional men from Jerry.