
Chapter Four Hundred and Forty-seven

Third Person POV

Anna went back to the casino and informed the manager they hired two months ago, that she and her husband are going on one week's vacation and they will not be coming to the casino. She doesn't want their absence to raise suspicion, she needs to tighten every loose end with no space for mistakes at this moment. She called her men who are with her husband and instruct them to take care of her husband and warned them not to harm him for any reason. She drove back to the bungalow knowing today she will call George and she can't wait to hear his voice begging her not to harm his wife. Anna walked inside the house and asked for Steve, she was told that Steve is with his son, but Anna doesn't understand why Steve loves his son so much, she shakes it off cause that was none of her business.

Anna gets to the room where Victor is and the father and son duo are arguing with each other, the two men shut up the moment they saw Anna standing in the doorway. It's time to call them, Anna announced and left. Dad think about this one more time, she is pregnant, she is in a delicate stage anything can happen, please don't do this, Victor pleads with his father. But Steve can't have any of that cause he has come so far and he is not going to turn back, not now he is positive that it will be successful. He left the room without another word to his son and instruct the guards to make sure that Victor does not leave the room. Anna and Steve enter the room where Sarah is and the pregnant woman is sleeping, Anna walked to her and taps her.

Wake up sleepy head, it's time to call your husband, She tried to wake Sarah. Sarah open her eyes and looked around her, that is when it dawned on her the second time, that they kidnapped her. She sit up and looked Steve in the eyes and the man stared back at her with no emotion. Okay, stop the staring contest already, am now dialling his number, we waiting for him to accept the call. George accepts the call when it was about to end, cause he was waiting for Rose to be ready. I know that you are trying to track me down that is why you wasted time before you pick up, I will advise that you don't do anything stupid cause that will cost you your wife, Anna ends the call and trashed the phone. Sarah at that point knows that it will take a miracle for George to find her.

Anna brought out another phone and called George, which he accepted immediately. I will get straight to the point, sign the ownership of Vin's Company to my husband and bring it to the location I will tell you after you have signed it and send the evidence in an email I will send shortly, and as for what your uncle wants, He need one hundred million dollars, you will send to the banks he will send to you, I don't think such amount will be difficult for you, you worth more than that, She finished with her demands and end the call. You are crazy you know that, and I can't believe that you can be this greedy, your son must be very proud of you, Sarah said to them in disgust. Anna gave her the creepy smile, while Steve maintain his blank expression.