
Chapter Fifty-Four

Third Person POV

           23rd December

The D-day finally arrived every company that are inside the venue for the competition have already submitted their designs and they are all waiting for the judges verdict. The M.C announced that the Judges requested for one hour break so that they can be able to go through their designs and pass their judgement fairly.

While they are seated and waiting for the judges to start their verdict, Anna decided to parade herself inside the hall while she was at it she saw George and his team and decide to go and annoy him.

She walked towards where George and his team are seated. Hello who do we have here, oh my God it's George the genius and his beautiful girlfriend Sarah,Anna said while smiling which everyone can clearly see it's fake. When nobody respond to her ranting she decided to pinch George where it will hurt him so that she will get the reaction she want.

Don't tell me George that you are here for the competition after what happened last time,that's interesting are you not afraid that history will repeat itself since your personal assistant is also your girlfriend you seemed to be making the same mistake again or haven't you learn from your past. She finished her sermon yet nobody talked to her George was looking at her with that emotionless expression.

Sarah on the other hand was itching to slap that lady because she can't believe how someone could be this wicked,no remorse for what she did and she still had the guts to bring it up to George's face. Ella who came to cheer for her friend and her boss noticed how stiff Sarah is and she is glaring at someone she followed the direction of Sarah glare that's when she saw a lady that was talking to George but the man is like a statue not moving at all.

That's when she put one and two dots together and figure out who the woman could be, she decided to intervene because she is sure that Sarah will jump at the woman any moment from now. Hey Sarah who is she? Ella asked Sarah while tugging Sarah's shirt, that brought Sarah back. Hmmph that's Anna the same Anna that I told you about Sarah answered.

Oh that's explain why your boss is like a statue now. Sarah you have to calm down and focus on the competition no need for you to be distracted by her antics cause I guess that's what your boss is doing too by not responding her Ella adviced Sarah and that calmed Sarah down.

When Anna noticed that nobody is paying attention to her nor the man he intend to provoke is not even talking or showing any emotion at all. She decided to leave but that will happen when she finishes with her so called advice.

I don't want any awkwardness between us so I will be the bigger person here and wish you godluck and I pray that history will not repeat itself here today,who knows it might happen again She said with that evil smile on her face. Immediately she left everyone on George team released their breath including George.