
Chapter Eighty-Two

Third Person POV

Laura Sarah's mother have been running around in the kitchen cause she want to give the meal her best, Sarah walked inside the kitchen to check if there is something she can help her mother with. When she saw her mother sweating profusely, this is first time she witnessed her mother been this stressed in the kitchen.

Mum why are sweating like this are you not feeling fine,if you are not feeling fine you can leave the kitchen Ella and I can continue from where you stop,Sarah requested while looking at her mother with concern. Am fine Sarah just that am worried your boss is very rich what if the food I prepared is not up to his taste Laura questioned her daughter with worry clearly written all over her face.

Jeez Mum chill I can't believe you are been stressed over this,my boss is aware we are not up to his class and there is a possibility that the food we cook here is not what he is used to,yet he decided to visit us so I don't think there is any reason for you to be worried cause am sure he know what he will meet here. Sarah tried to assured her mother that everything is fine, though Laura is now calm outside but inside her she is still trembling.

1:00pm dot George arrived at Sarah home bearing gift,he knocked at the door and Josh is the one that opened the door for him. At first George was confused and sad more like jealous when he saw the handsome guy that opened the door for him but he took a closer look at the guy and noticed that he resemble Sarah a little bit that's when he remembered that Sarah have a younger brother,that memory immediately brightened his sour mood. 

George stretched out his hand to introduce himself to the young man,Hi my name is George Vincent am Sarah's boss. Hi my name is Josh Croft Sarah's brother,younger brother actually Josh reciprocated the introduction. The two men shook hands while Josh opened the door wide gesturing for George to enter.

When Josh opened the door for George he noticed how the man mood suddenly turned sour the moment he laid eyes on him but his mood changed again to a pleasant mood after the man took a closer look of him. He wondered what could be the meaning of his behaviour but decided to wave it cause that might be the way rich people behave whenever they meet strangers especially those below their class.

George walked into the house and saw Ella sitting on the couch pressing her phone but Sarah is nowhere in sight. Ella stood up and greet George the moment he noticed his presence, good afternoon Mr Vincent Ella greeted. Good afternoon Ella please call me George you are not one of my worker and I consider you a friend George told while smiling genuinely. Okay if you say so George Ella responded returning the smile,let me inform Sarah and my mother that you are here Josh said.

Not too long Josh walked into the sitting room,Sarah and her mother walked in also,Boss good afternoon welcome please sit down Sarah offered. Josh and Ella face palmed their face because they forgot to offer their visitor a seat. George turned to Sarah's mother and greet her ignoring Sarah offer of a seat for the main time,Good afternoon Mrs Croft here is what I got for you. George greeted handing the wine he bought on his way coming to Sarah's mother.

Thank you so much George and please call me Laura Mrs Croft is so formal Laura requested. No problem Laura George responded and sat down,George give me few minutes let me round up cooking and I will set the table and she turned to her daughter Sarah keep your boss company let me hurry up. Sarah Ella,Josh and George sat down and started discussing on general life. 

George turned to Josh,so Josh tell me what are you doing now? He asked Josh,for few seconds Josh was stunned when he heard George addressed him on personal matter he can't believe that he will have any interest in him and this made him to start doubting this so called official visit because to him there is more to this. Am in school studying Civil Engineering Josh answered, mmm...mm interesting that means that once you graduate we will be able to work together am sure you aware of what I do George said.

Josh can't believe what he just heard,that means that all he have to do is graduate and there is work waiting for him but why is he doing all this. Josh wanted to ask him why he is offering him job but decided to shut up he don't want to be the reason his sister will be fired,so he resorted to gratitude. Thank you Sir I promise to do my best in school and not to disappoint you when I will start working for you Josh promised smiling widely.

You are welcome and please stop calling me Sir call me George you are not working for me yet so is okay for you to call me George. Sarah can't believe her ears when she heard what her boss just said and how nice he is to her family, Ella noticed the look on Sarah face nudged her side. Sarah turned and face her best friend,Ella mouthed to her Are you still doubting that he like you? Sarah blushed the moment she understood what Ella is saying.

Laura walked in to announced that lunch is served,everybody stood up and walk towards the dinning area. Ella purposely rushed and sat down beside Josh so that Sarah and George can sit together. Sarah noticed what her friend did shook her head in amazement cause her friend will not cease to amaze her.