
Chapter Eighty-Three

Sarah POV

Am inside my room after the lunch with my boss, the lunch went well my boss praised every food that he ate and that made my mother so happy and all her worries flew away. My boss left thirty minutes after the lunch, it's very clear from the way he scrunched his face when his mother called him asking him to come back that he still want to spend time with us,before he left he promised my mother that he will visit again.

I went upstairs immediately my boss left cause I don't want Ella to say another thing that will make my mother and brother to start questioning me. I laid down on my bed while staring at the ceiling replaying all that happened today when my boss visited.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard knock on the door,for the person on the other side to knock that means is Josh cause my mother and Ella are the last people on earth to knock before entering my room,they just barged in. Come in the door is open! I shouted,as expected Josh walked in. Am wondering why Josh is here is not that I don't like having my brother in my room just that we finished lunch together not too long ago.

Hey Josh why are you here? Hope nothing is wrong? I bombarded him with questions. I don't know but something inside me is telling me this have to do with my boss, Mm mm I want to talk about your boss Josh replied. Okay my heart is now beating so fast maybe he don't like him,but he was smiling when they were talking maybe he is just pretending to be happy with his presence. This is what kept on going on in my mind,jeez Sarah stop is not like your boss came to ask for your hand in marriage and your brother is here to tell you that he don't accept the guy I cautioned myself.

Sarah I want to ask you something, Is your boss the person Ella was talking about earlier? Josh asked. My jaws dropped on the floor when I heard his question cause I already have an idea of what he is talking about,I thought I was able to convnce him earlier that Ella was joking around. What do you mean I asked him to make sure that am not hallucinating that I really heard his question. Okay since you don't understand my question I will ask you directly, Do you like your boss? Josh asked.

This time am already sweating, why is he asking all this question? Should I tell him the truth or lie to him? Maybe I should tell him the truth he can be able to access my boss behavior from a man perspective and tell me what he is really feeling. That's what I kept on thinking over and over again forgotten that my brother is still waiting for my answer.

I....I...I think so I finally answered, you think so? That means you are not sure of your feelings for him? Josh asked. Not that am not sure it's just that am afraid of him not liking me back because it's clear as the day that we are not the same class I responded to his question. What if I tell you that he likes you Josh said. Huh?