
My 5 Adorable Husbands

Mo Hai is her name, and she enlisted in the military to train to be an officer. Her first mission, however, sent her tumbling into a strange dimension where she encountered five beastmen whose presence would change her life forever.

Roo_Roo · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Tribal Conflict and Personal Struggles

"You purposely disobeyed tel'quiet! sal don't kerradun var leaving bren shesh len again!"

"But you said--"

"Who cares siilen all aul Tel' past!"

This is the elder who had lost most of his family to a powerful feral snake, The one who had pointed his spear at Mo Hai and Zou Guanting in the tribe of Musk-Ox.

Due to his trauma, he fiercely protective of his tribe and would mark any creature not of his race or tribe as an enemy or even a demon, regardless of their actual nature.

His grandson, the only family he has left, had recently been punished by having all his hair chopped off for showing kindness to the outsiders that the elder believed as a threat.

"Since you think that! I'm running away! You don't need to worry anymore... I'm tired of taking your abuse grandpa! If you truly care and love me you wouldn't hurt me."

"oh. Sal raised var too seh, it's called tough aestar thiramen quarlani'har!"

"I don't care about this tough love!"

Which was said and then the sound of a door began slammed shut.


Mo Hai fell from the sky seven weeks ago and crossed over to a new world that was not quite like the Webnovels she had read. Even though she did not hate her current reality, she missed her old life greatly.

To fill the void, she tried to imitate activities from her past world such as exercising and dueling, but in a safe manner that didn't risk anyone's life.

Additionally, she kept herself busy by engaging in activities like weaving baskets with the villagers, taking care of the young, and helping with growing crops.

However, these tasks did not leave her feeling fulfilled, and she missed seeing Zou Guanting as he is now always occupied with tasks assigned to him by the village leader.

They have been pressuring her to choose a mate or two from their tribe, but Mo Hai doesn't want to do that.

She is not interested in a polyamorous relationship and would prefer to have only one lover if she ever found one.

She may have developed feelings for Zou Guanting, but she is uncertain if it is romantic or simply friendly. So far, she has treated him as a friend.

Additionally, the fact that he is a beastman and she is human makes her uncomfortable at times. When Zou was still in the form of a cub, Mo Hai felt like she was caring for a pet.

If Mo Hai were to pursue a relationship with someone in this world, it might be Liu Yifan as he is unable to transform and maintains a weak physical state. However, Mo Hai wonders if she is being selfish in thinking this way.

It is common knowledge to Mo Hai that the transformation ability is an elusive gift, one not granted to everyone.

Liu Yifan, unfortunately, falls into this category.

It was the Village Chief who had made this fact known to her during a thorough tour of the village, the very day after Zou Guanting had been sent away to work.

The Chief took it upon himself to explain to her the intricate landscape of the place where she now found herself.

The Village Chief revealed the ultimate goal - to crown his beloved nephew as the village's supreme ruler. The young man had been bustling with hard work, tirelessly striving towards excellence, a sure sign to the Chief that the young scion is destined to lead the village one day.

The Village Chief shared a great deal - the young prince isn't technically a ruler of the land, but more like an adviser in the form of a general.

The only reason the prince hadn't been given the lofty position was that he is too young to attain the throne himself. Only when he turns 30 or ascends to the rank of a level one beastsman can he be truly crowned as the ruling monarch of the village.