
My 5 Adorable Husbands

Mo Hai is her name, and she enlisted in the military to train to be an officer. Her first mission, however, sent her tumbling into a strange dimension where she encountered five beastmen whose presence would change her life forever.

Roo_Roo · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Stop it! I'm not a cannibal— is it considered cannibalism? I don't think you are human.

Mo Hai was about to say something more when her stomach rumbled, interrupting her thoughts.

When he heard it, Zou Guanting perked up and realized what he needed to do. He remembered his angel telling him that she's low on food and had only a chocolate bar and a small bag of half-full rice. Without uttering a word, he lay on his back as if he were giving himself to be devoured.

What is he doing? Mo Hai looked at the beast in confusion. Maybe he wants to stroke her belly while she is just standing there? He's not a dog, she shouldn't assume that; he's a powerful large feline who might tear her to pieces!

The black panther observed that she isn't doing anything, so he decided to transform into a human so that he may appear more appetizing. Perhaps his angel would like to nibble on flesh in that way. In these places, where cannibalism is practiced, this is entirely natural.

Zou Guanting closed his eyes, and focused every fiber of his being. His animal instincts rooted deeply in his mind, as he attempted to access the power that had been suppressed since leaving his tribe. His body began to shake as he started the transformation, the muscles in his body tearing apart and re-knitting themselves in a much more humanoid configuration.

His fur began to recede like the tide of an ocean, leaving behind smooth skin in its wake.

Mo Hai watched in shock as the process unfolded, completely amazed by the changes happening before her eyes.

As the transformation drew nearer to its completion, Zou Guanting's body began to glow, exuding a bright light that enveloped his form almost like a cocoon. The light slowly faded away, revealing in the place of the once-giant beast, a man.

His muscles are toned and his body is chiseled like that of a Greek god. His hair is black as coal and flowed down his back and his eyes are a deep, piercing yellow. He lay there, wholly exposed to Mo Hai, hoping that his display would entice her to consume him.

Mo Hai is silent, unsure of what to do. She had never seen anything like this before. The man laying before her is like a work of art, sculpted to perfection.

Zou Guanting spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please, my angel, eat me. I have nothing else to offer you but my flesh."

Mo Hai is surprised. Exactly what is this? Who would say something like that, Mo Hai feels astonished and slightly confused. She isn't a cannibal if she were... she ought to quit thinking strangely! If he lived in her world, this man—or whatever he is—would be a model appearing for the magazine since he looks like a top-noche beauty.