
My 5 Adorable Husbands

Mo Hai is her name, and she enlisted in the military to train to be an officer. Her first mission, however, sent her tumbling into a strange dimension where she encountered five beastmen whose presence would change her life forever.

Roo_Roo · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Leave me alone! Please I’m begging you, I just want to be alone—

A woman in military gear is now moving through the dense forest while toting a backpack while a black panther is gleefully jumping along after her.o Hai decided to accept the odd fact that this isn't a dream, She's really here, in this world where all kinds of monsters roam.

Since she is in this weird realm, there must be a route out, but if there is one, she won't be able to make it there in time. After seeing the head of the boar being chopped off earlier, Mo Hai realized that her companion is a walking threat on four legs who may change into a human at any time.

She questions why the beast is after her until she suddenly realizes that he must be interested in her because she has food and wants to be her friend.

She can't possibly believe that he wants to be her partner because, according to her commanding officer, she is so unattractive that he believes she is a boy who doesn't belong in society.

She stopped moving and turned around to look at the black panther, who had also stopped moving. His head was cocked to the side, as if he were perplexed as to why she had stopped.

"Hey, if you can understand what I'm saying, can you kindly direct me to the closest village?"


A young man is seen carrying a basket on his back that contains a number of apples inside of a town of elephants that are all in human shape, with the exception of a couple that have people perched on their backs.

He looks about with curiosity and a bewildered expression, as though wondering where he should even go next.

He continues to stare at his surroundings until a voice.

"Are you looking for the market?" a voice asks as it breaks his continued observation of his surroundings.

The young man turned to face the person who asked him that, who appeared to be a young woman with red hair dressed in cheetah hides. "No, I'm waiting for a friend."

"What kind of friend? " the woman asks taking an apple from his basket and popping it into her mouth.

But he turns around no longer facing her," it's none of your business." and begans to walk away but she chased after him grabbing his wrist.

"Well since we are both searching for a friend, We should travel together . "

"I want to be alone." He replies pulling his wrist harshly from hers and continuing to ignore her as he walks down the road in a hurry.

She sighs as she follows behind him; He doesn't to trust her and that makes her so frustrated.

The youth made it towards a hut, at the front of the hut he places down the apples before he can walk inside he looks behind him and an annoyed groan escapes him.

"Please leave me alone, What do you even want from me?"

"Be my mate! I have lots of food, so you won't ever go hungry anymore!"

"Do I look like I need food?"

"Well... you are kinda frail looking..."