
Emma Granger

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Ga-mmph!!!"

Harry groans as he holds Hermione's head down on his cock. Her nostrils flare, but pushed into his crotch as they are, she can't get any air there. His balls slap wetly against her saliva-covered chin one last time before he's just grinding her down, her lips suctioned around the base of his shaft. Fisting his hands in the brunette witch's hair, he continues to hold her in his crotch, even as he cums.

His seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth of course. Hermione hasn't magically grown capable of somehow swallowing a load of his cum delivered straight to her esophagus. And he's not nearly kind enough to pull back so that she can drink down his seed more slowly. No, Harry loves to abuse his lovely fuck toy, and Hermione knows that well.

That's why she doesn't resist. He's trained it out of her, the instinctive need to struggle away from him as he explodes down her throat. His seed ends up all over his cock as a result, but that's alright. Once he's done, Harry lets Hermione pull back… and then watches with mild amusement as the witch quickly begins to lick and lap at his cock, eager to avoid punishment if nothing else.

She knows well enough by this point that he'll blame her for the mess, even if it's not entirely her fault. So, she cleans it up with her tongue, slurping at the regurgitated seed, even as her own face is left an absolutely ruin from the deep-throating and skull-fucking he'd just subjected her to. Her makeup and mascara had run through completely, but then that was rather the point, wasn't it?

Harry hadn't had her get dolled up for anything BUT to see her ruined, at the end of the day. Messing Hermione up, fucking with her, enjoying her holes and breaking her to his will… mm, there wasn't much that could top that sort of fun. And even now, even after everything he'd done to Hermione, to her daughter, to her extended family… her husband had no idea.

It was fantastic, to say the least. Hermione would never talk. She was too afraid. Not of him, oh no. Harry had even told her, once he'd broken her, that she could tell Ron the truth whenever she liked. Ruin their families, cause a schism in the most influential names of the wizarding world. He wouldn't hurt her for that. He wouldn't even particularly care, not at this point.

But Hermione cared. She was afraid… afraid to lose him. Afraid that he wouldn't punish her, but instead abandon her if she talked. That was the kind of woman Hermione was now. That was the kind of woman he'd reshaped her into after her attempt at betraying him to Susan. She was his pet now and would likely remain so forever.

Though… as he gazes down at her, Harry finds himself considering what to do with her next. He's not really that inclined to fuck her right now. Oh sure, his cock is still half-hard, and he could have it at full mast to go another round in a second. Hermione is even trying to get him there, nuzzling his dick now, stroking it with one hand while she massages his balls with the other.

But it just sounds so… repetitive. Boring. Harry wants something new. Or perhaps he wants something a bit… older. His eyes alight as an idea begins to take root in his mind. A simple thought, a plan to see just how far Hermione has fallen. He's already had her daughter, after all… and it's been a while since he got to enjoy a mother-daughter threesome, now hasn't it?He


The brunette's eyes flicker up to him, no more tears falling now, and those that already had drying quickly on her ruined face. She pulls back from his cock and removes her hands from his body, instead settling onto her knees, her butt pressing into the heels of her feet as she places her palms down on top of her legs.

"Y-Yes, Master?"

Harry grins at that. Hermione is such a good girl these days.

"Hermione, it's been a while now, hasn't it? Since you fell out of my good graces."

Reminded of her attempt at betrayal and how poorly it went, Hermione flinches badly and quickly looks down at the ground.

"Yes, I-I'm sorry for that, Harry. I'm so sorry…"

"I know you are Hermione. I'm not bringing it up because I'm planning on punishing you for that again. No, I'm bringing it up because I think I'm almost ready to forgive you. Would you like that, Hermione?"

Her eyes flick up to meet his face again, this time widening at the mere thought.


She really has been through the wringer, hasn't she? His wringer. Harry grins and leans forward, reaching out and gently placing two fingers under her chin. Hermione goes still as he tilts her head back a bit more, his own eyes slipping down the length of her trembling body. Her beautiful breasts, her shapely form. She really did grow into quite the beautiful mother over the years. And all of it belonged to him now. They both knew it, like a fact as immutable as the Sun rising in the East and setting in the West.

"Yes. But I'll need you to do something for me. One last thing, to prove that your loyalty is true. Do you want to know what it is?"

Hermione's gaze is filled with both anticipation and trepidation as she stares up at him. She clearly wants to make him happy, but she's still the smartest witch of their generation, and that means she knows that whatever it is he wants from her, she's probably not going to like it. In the end, she doesn't have a choice and she knows that much as well.


With a raunchy grin on his face, Harry pulls away from Hermione, sitting back in his chair again as he lounges casually.

"Simple, really. Your mother is unattached right now, isn't she? She and your father got that divorce only a few years after you picked them up from Australia and she hasn't been seeing anyone new in all that time. She must be very lonely. Of course, she's also getting a bit on the aged side. But then, potions can do wondrous things, can't they?"

Hermione's eyes had gone wide from the moment he said the word 'mother'. By the time he's done speaking, she's practically hyperventilating on her knees before him.

"H-How did you know?"

Harry blinks at the strange response. He frowns slightly, taking in Hermione's panicked face and after a moment, his years as an Auror pay off and his deductive skills allow him to figure out just what Hermione is talking about. When he does, he can't help himself. Harry lets out a bark of laughter, even as he grins wickedly down at his first female friend.

"Oh, Hermione. Dear, dear me. You didn't, did you?"

Now Hermione looks a little panicked… but she knows as well as he that there's no escaping this. Her shoulders slump and she averts her gaze as Harry continues.

"Hermione… have you been giving a muggle magical potions, knowingly breaking the law, just so that she could continue to remain beautiful?"

The brunette witch's silence is more than enough to tell Harry he's right on the money. It's amusing really. He'd been insinuating that he WANTED Hermione to break the law and do exactly that with her mother. Emma Granger was a muggle after all, and muggles did not get to age slowly like wizards and witches did. At fifty-five years old, Harry would not even consider fucking Hermione's mother without magic being involved in some way.

But this was just… fantastic.

"I'm sure you have a recent photo, Hermione. Show it to me."

The command in his tone leaves no room for the naked brunette witch to refuse. Scrambling to her feet, Hermione stumbles over to her discarded clothing, where she pulls out a smartphone. Technology was coming a long way these days, as was magic. Hermione's smartphone was a combination of both, designed to be able to withstand the usual wear and tear that magic caused on muggle tech.

Regardless, she brings it over and fiddles with it for a few moments before finally showing Harry her mother. Harry's brow raises, and he can't help but whistle lowly as he takes in the picture of the two women, side by side and smiling at the camera. Emma Granger looks absolutely gorgeous for her age… hell, she looks more like Hermione's older sister than her mum.

"My, my. Now THAT is a GILF."

Hermione flushes in shame, but Harry isn't about to let her off that easily. Reaching out, he grabs a fistful of his pet's hair and drags the brunette in close. She yelps but doesn't try to fight him as he stares into her eyes.

"Tell me why, Hermione."

Because he was still Head Auror. Even if this was ultimately in line with what he wanted, Hermione hadn't done this for him. She hadn't known he would ask it of her. So, he needed to know her reasons for engaging in such… illegal activity.

"D-Daddy left her f-for a younger woman… I was just… just trying to give my mother her c-confidence back. We would go bar h-hopping together."

Harry glances back at the photo and sure enough, that was indeed taken in a bar. Probably a while ago though. Before he'd decided that Hermione was going to become his little fuck toy. But it wasn't like he kept her prisoner or anything. Her own desires were more than enough to chain her down and keep her his toy.

"I see. And did it work? Has she found someone new that I haven't heard about?"

As best she can, Hermione shakes her head.

"N-No… I don't know why… plenty of guys flirted with her, but she just… she wouldn't go for it."

Harry snorts indelicately at that, before glancing once again to the photo. He can't help the wide grin that spreads across his face. This is just perfect. Just plain perfect.

"Well, I suppose as Head Auror, I'll have to investigate this crime. I'm sure a woman like you knows the sentence for a muggle found to be using magic and potions."

Hermione's eyes widen, and she whines lightly. Harry just chuckles and pulls his pet witch closer still, pressing his forehead against hers.

"Don't worry Hermione. You know I make exceptions for friends and family. So, you're going to help me. You're going to make a citizen's arrest, call me in… and then we'll have a talk with your mother about just what she's been doing. Doesn't that sound lovely?"

When Harry forces Hermione's head to nod up and down with the grip he has on her hair, the brunette still doesn't fight back. She does let out a bit of a sob, but in the end as he guides her back to his crotch, she's eager to latch onto his cock again, placing it back in her mouth so she can avoid thinking about the betrayal she's about to deliver to the woman who birthed her into the world.

Harry, meanwhile, is thinking about nothing else. His eyes remain on the phone in his hand, even as he uses his other hand to force Hermione up and down his shaft, back and forth along his length. He stares at Emma Granger's smiling face, the woman looking no more than forty at worst. This… this was going to be such fun.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"


"Hermione, sweetie! It's so good to see you!"

Emma Granger is no fool. She knows something is wrong with her daughter the moment that she answers the door. This is only further confirmed by the way Hermione goes stiff as she encircles her daughter in a hug. But that's alright, because Emma knows that whatever it is, she'll do all she can to help Hermione. Regardless of how old she grows, she'll always be Emma's baby girl.

And after everything that's happened, it's safe to say that Emma has latched onto her daughter like a lifeline against the crashing waves of life. Having her husband leave her for their receptionist, having to go to court just to keep control of their practice and her last name… it wasn't so much that Emma had wanted to remain a Granger after her husband betrayed her so, but she'd spent her entire life developing a career as Emma Granger.

Winning the dentistry from Richard and watching him pack up and leave had been one of the greatest moments of her life, if she had to say. But that didn't mean she wasn't left alone without comfort, without a husband. The man she'd spent so long with, the man she'd raised a child with… but the moment Hermione was a woman grown, Richard's eyes had strayed from her.

The moment that Emma was too old to keep his interest any longer, more like. She was well aware of the ravages of time, of course. Well aware that the older she got, the more of her beauty she lost. She hated her wrinkles, despised the grey in her hair. But she'd thought that what she and Richard had would last forever, regardless. It wasn't like he was getting any younger either, damn it all.

But there were different rules for men and women, something Emma had always known but never thought applied to her. Richard didn't have to look handsome to bandy about his wealth and attract the attention of some twenty-something blonde chit who was all too happy to put out for her sugar daddy. That was another one of the reasons that Emma had taken him to court for all she could get out of him. She'd gouged as much of THEIR wealth from him in the divorce as she could. Let him see if he could keep that hussy happy with what was left over.

Still, Hermione had been Emma's rock through it all. She'd chosen her mother over her father and stood by her through thick and thin. And when she'd come to Emma with an idea, with a brew… well, the older woman hadn't said no. She'd drank Hermione's potions, and even now she was still on a monthly regimen. Those who knew her were astonished at how amazing she looked ever since her divorce.

Emma used all sorts of excuses to explain away why she looked a decade younger. With Richard no longer in the picture, she could spend her money on all sorts of spa treatments. Or so her peers and her friends and her acquaintances thought. In truth, Emma didn't have to spend a dime on spa treatments. Not when Hermione's potions were so much better.

Ah, but she was letting herself get sidetracked. Pulling back from Hermione, she can see the sorrow in her daughter's eyes.

"Hermione dear… what's wrong?"

"M-Mom… we need to talk."

It doesn't take long to get Hermione inside and to the kitchen. After that, it's only a few minutes to prepare some tea for the two of them. Hermione drinks deeply from the simmering cup, using her wand to bring the temperature down faster to a point where she can gulp it down without hurting herself. Emma just watches, sipping from her own tea cup, not asking Hermione to do the same for her.

"Are you ready to tell me what's going on now, Hermione?"

A shudder runs through her daughter's body. She hasn't seen Hermione like this in a while, and it worries her. But then, she hasn't seen Hermione for more than a short visit in months period, and that's worried her as well.

"Does this have anything to do with how distant you've been recently? It feels like all you do these days is come by to drop off potions. When was the last time we went out for a night on the town, us girls?"

She intends for her light teasing to bring a smile to Hermione's face, even a small one would do. But Hermione doesn't smile. She stares down into the dregs of her tea in silence for another few moments before finally speaking.

"Mom… I did a bad thing."

The grave tone Hermione uses doesn't truly alert Emma to the seriousness of the situation. After all, her baby girl had a tendency to… overreact. She also had a tendency to feel overwhelming guilt, sometimes for the silliest of things.

"Whatever it is Hermione, I'm sure we can work it out."

But her daughter just shakes her head.

"No… no, I did a bad thing, and now I have to do something even worse to m-make up for it."

Only now is Emma growing concerned. Only now does she step forward, pushing off the kitchen counter she was leaning against. Setting her cup of tea down on the island in the center of her kitchen, the older woman reaches out and places a hand over her daughter's, startling Hermione and causing the brunette witch to look up at her in surprise.

"Hermione… I'm here for you. If you need me, just say so."

For a moment, there's silence again. Hermione stares into her mother's eyes with her lips parted but no words coming out. Then, a shadow seems to fall over her daughter's face and the next thing Emma knows, she's picking up her wand where she set it down on the kitchen island a few minutes before. Emma hadn't even thought much of the wand, well-used to her daughter using it around her by this point.

But only now does she feel a hint of trepidation as Hermione stares down at her casting instrument. She remembers, quite suddenly, a time long ago when a much younger Hermione pointed her wand at her parents, sorrow on her face, and removed their memories of her in order to protect them.


"I'm sorry, mom."

And then she points that wand at Emma, and the tip of it glows red. A moment later, the entire world is red and then black as Emma is stupefied at point-blank range.


When she wakes up next, it's with her memories intact. She's groggy, of course, and it takes her a second to figure out what happened, but once that second passes, Emma remembers standing in her kitchen with her daughter pointing her wand at her. The memory has Emma immediately trying to sit up, only to discover that her current circumstances make that quite the difficult prospect.


She means to say 'what' but instead it comes out as a muffled noise, given the gag that's currently in her mouth. But that's far from the end of it. Emma Granger is not only gagged, she's tied up completely in soft but strong nylon silks. Her arms are pulled over her head and her wrists are restrained together and tied off to something she can't quite crane her neck back far enough to see. Her legs, on the other hand, are bent at the knee and restrained at the thigh and shin.

She's been spread apart, and no matter how hard she tries, she can't close them. Which is something she tries very hard to do, given that beneath the nylon rope, she's completely and utterly naked. Emma continues to let out muffled noises through her gag, even as she struggles against the restraints binding her down to… a bed? Her bed, in fact. As she stares around the dimly lit room, her eyes adjusting to the near-absence of light, Emma discovers that she's in her bedroom of all places, tied down to HER bed.

There's no one else there that she can see. But that changes a moment later when the door opens, and the light switch is flipped on. Emma's eyes blink rapidly as they have to now re-adjust to the presence of light, but when the spots clear, she discovers her daughter at the end of the bed… and her daughter's best friend, Harry Potter, standing directly behind her baby girl… his hand running through Hermione's hair as the witch stands there just as naked as Emma is.

The smile on Harry's face is more than enough to tell Emma what this is all about. She's old enough to know when a man has a desire for her.

"Hello, Ms. Granger. Or would you prefer Emma? I think Emma would be best, given the circumstances. Don't you?"

She snarls around the gag and strains against her bondage, of course. What else is she supposed to do? This whole situation is… is obscene! What does he have on her daughter, that he can make Hermione do this to her? Emma continues to struggle for a few moments more, expressing her displeasure in the only way she can. But in the end, she eventually stops, because Harry isn't reacting beyond to smile wider and she shouldn't exhaust herself so quickly. Perhaps there will be a chance to escape later on, and she'll need her strength then.

"Yes, I'm sure you're wondering what's going on, Emma. Dear Hermione here couldn't bring herself to explain from what she's told me. She went straight for the stunner instead. Naughty, naughty girl."

Hermione flinches each time Harry uses the word 'naughty', and Emma finds herself wondering just what sort of relationship the two have. And how long has it been going on? Because this… this is not something that was spur of the moment, she can already tell that from her daughter's body language.

"Put simply, you've broken wizarding law Emma. Unknowingly of course, but the wizarding world rarely cares for that. And Hermione here… she knew quite well what she was doing when she helped you break it."

What? What is he talking about? Emma is confused now, her brow furrowing as she looks to her daughter. But Hermione doesn't say a word, while Harry continues to talk in a conversational, casual tone, as if he doesn't have Hermione by her hair and Emma bound and naked before him.

"It's connected to the Statute of Secrecy, you see. Muggles aren't supposed to use magic. Not magical items, and certainly not potions. Especially not potions that so obviously change your appearance and make you look so much younger than you truly are. We're lucky that the people who know you have decided to believe your stories about spas and vacations and living healthier. Or else I'd be forced to act. Instead, I was able to offer your daughter here a deal. The same one I'll be offering to you."

Of course. Emma has watched plenty of television. And Harry… from what Hermione had told her last, if she remembered correctly, Harry was the head of the magical police force, or something like that. Which meant this was blackmail, plain and simple. And as far as what Harry wanted… Emma didn't even need to ask. That was plainly obvious. But she's still gagged so she can't do much more than make muffled noises through it, until finally Harry uses his wand to dispel said gag.

Smacking her lips a few times, Emma speaks in a halting tone.

"If… If we give you what you want… you'll leave us alone?"

Harry lifts a brow at that. Then, he laughs. Emma flushes with fresh indignation, gritting her teeth together.

"What?! What's so funny?"

When the wizard comes down from his bout of amusement, he leans in close and speaks softly into Hermione's ear. Not so softly that his voice doesn't carry over to Emma on the bed though.

"Tell me, Hermione. Once I'm done with you and your mother… do you want me to leave you alone?"

Emma's eyes go wide as Hermione immediately shakes her head. The shame on her daughter's face is real… but so is the arousal that's growing more and more obvious by the second. Hermione's thighs rub together, and she whimpers as Harry runs his tongue across her earlobe and down to her neck. After a moment, he pulls away and redirects his attention to Emma.

"No, Emma. I won't leave you alone. What I will do is continue supplying you with the potions to keep yourself gorgeous and beautiful. The perfect cougar, a true Grade-A GILF. Mm, I've had a few GILFS before you, but something about this just makes it so much hotter. Betrayed by your own daughter… whatever will you do."

Emma snarls again.

"D-Do your worst, bastard!"

That just gets her another laugh, leaving her flushed once more with indignation. And perhaps something else. Because there's one thing that Emma is sure neither her daughter nor Harry knows. And it will probably work greatly in the wizard's favor. For the longest time, for as long as she can remember, Emma Granger has had a fetish for this sort of thing.

It's a shameful fetish, or so she's always thought. To be tied up and fucked, to be raped even in a fantasy… Emma never told Richard about her desires. The man was too straight-laced for this kind of thing. Or he had been, to start off with. Maybe it was her, maybe it'd always been her. But no, Emma liked to think that it was his mid-life crisis that saw him finally branching out into something that wasn't so… vanilla.

Unfortunately, he'd gone with having a damn affair, rather than sitting her down and actually talking to her. She was old, and he'd wanted someone new and young… but that was in the past. Emma needed to focus on the present, especially because Harry was now whispering in Hermione's ear, murmuring to her too softly for Emma to hear this time around.

She didn't want this… not in this manner, anyways. She didn't want her daughter to be in trouble for her sake, didn't want to see the man who her daughter had always spoken highly of using them both for his own pleasure. But at the same time, a part of Emma DID want this. A part of her, a treacherous, traitorous part, was already wet at the thought of it all. Being tied up like this, her legs forced apart, her arms restrained over her head, her body on full display… it was one of Emma Granger's greatest fantasies.

And now it had come to life and all she could do was push back the arousal and try to maintain her outrage and anger over what Harry Potter was doing to her and Hermione. A sudden smack on Hermione's ass draws a yelp from the girl as Harry pulls back from her ear.

"Go on then, slut. Get to it."

Emma bristles at hearing her daughter degraded in such a way. But before she can say anything, Hermione is climbing onto the bed, crawling up to her and then over her. The older Granger woman's eyes go wide as her daughter leans in close.

"Sorry, mother, but it'll hurt less this way."

It's all Hermione murmurs before she crashes her lips into Emma's, kissing her own mother in a distinctly nonfamilial way. Emma tries to squirm away, but bound in place as she is, and with Hermione using a hand to grab a fistful of her hair and hold her steady, she can't turn her head to escape it. Nor can she escape Hermione's other hand as it runs down her body, groping her tit, sliding across her abdomen, all the way down to…

Emma realizes in that moment that Harry has told Hermione to prepare her. That he's offered her daughter the chance to get her mother aroused and wet for him before he fucks her and takes his pleasure from her. Hermione, meanwhile, has just found out how wet and ready Emma already IS. The blush already on the GILF's face grows much redder as Hermione pulls her sticky fingers away from her mother's cunt as if stung.

Drawing back, Hermione stares down at Emma with wide eyes and an open mouth, clearly shocked into silence.

"Did I tell you to stop, slut? Or do you just want me to give it to her dry?"

Harry's voice is caustic as it cuts through the silence, and Hermione turns to face the man, who at this point is as naked as the mother-daughter duo is, his cock in hand and growing fast.

"She… she's already wet, Harry."

That surprises the wizard. He lifts a single brow, looking at Emma in new light.

"How wet?"

Emma turns away as Hermione gulps none-too-quietly.


She's ashamed of herself. Ashamed of her body's reactions. How can she be so weak? But then, they've unknowingly played off her deepest, darkest fantasies. It's just too much…

"Huh. Well, well, well. Something you want to tell us, Ms. Granger?"

She remains quiet, biting her lower lip. She won't give him this much, at least. She can hold back for a little while longer, can't she?

"I suppose not, heh. Well then Hermione. I did promise you something if you did a good job of getting her wet for me. I'll allow this to count. Go on then, slut. Take your pleasure from your own mother like the wanton whore you are."

Emma barely has time to see her daughter's blushing, guilty face before Hermione is crawling up her body. And then quite suddenly, her daughter is shoving her cunt onto Emma's mouth, grinding down across her lips.

"Go on, mommy… make me f-feel good."

She doesn't, of course. She's not like that. She's not going to eat out her own daughter, no matter how far Hermione has clearly fallen into a life of pure debauchery. She keeps her mouth stubbornly shut, even as Hermione stimulates herself by rubbing her clit against Emma's nose. Moaning wantonly, the brunette witch gyrates across her mother's face as if she's been longing to do this for decades.

Emma keeps herself under control… right up until the point where Harry thrusts his cock into her drooling quim without so much as a by-your-leave. The GILF's eyes widen at that point, and the almost threaten to roll back in her head. She had no warning, no chance to prepare. With Hermione sitting on her face, she couldn't even see him coming before he was suddenly there, buried inside of her and digging his fingers into her thighs to give himself handholds with which to fuck her all the harder.

The older Granger woman squeals. She squeals, and she screams at the sudden intrusion, causing Hermione to gasp with delight as the muffled noises send pleasant vibrations up into her cunt. Her pussy juices flow all over Emma's face, but she's having a hard time keeping herself together at this point. She's far more focused on how deep Harry is inside of her, how big he is as he fills her with his cock again and again.

Because he doesn't wait, once he penetrates her that first time. He doesn't pause for a moment to give her a chance to catch her breath or get used to his size. No, from the very first moment, Harry begins to fuck her. Her daughter's best friend slams into her bound, helpless form again and again with more force than Emma has ever been fucked before, and the older woman can do nothing but enjoy it, as much as she doesn't want to.

The pleasure is reluctant of course. It's filled with shame as well. But that doesn't mean it's not there. As Harry fucks her, Emma struggles against the rising tide of bliss washing over her mind. She fights back and tries to push her ecstasy away. Ultimately, she fails. Her first orgasm soon arrives, and with it the first cracks in her façade appear. They rapidly become gaping chasms as her tongue slips out of her mouth into Hermione's cunt, and her eyes roll around in her head as she lets out muffled moans and cries of pleasure.

"A-Ah, right there mother, r-right there…"

Her daughter, a woman grown and a mother in her own right, moans even louder when Emma begins to eat her out. She rolls her hips and circles her pussy over her own mother's mouth, practically humping Emma's face and grinding her sopping wet slit down onto the older woman's lips. The more that she does so while Harry plows Emma silly at the same time, the less that Emma is able to put up any semblance of resistance.

Not that she could ever fight back to begin with, but there's certainly a difference between being tied up and raped and being tied up and actively trying to hump her hips up towards Harry's thrusting cock as she writhes her tongue in and out of her daughter's tasty cunt. This difference quickly ends up being apparent as Emma loses herself in the pleasure.

But then, she never stood a chance to begin with. A mortal woman, up against a wizard like Harry? He doesn't even have to do anything to break her down. It helps that she's also a needy little slut who has always secretly desired to be used and treated exactly like this. Incest might not have been in her fantasies, but right now its certainly doing it for her as well.

Emma has never felt closer to her daughter then in that moment as she eats Hermione out and in turn gets fucked hard by Harry's big fat dick. She's never felt more alive either… and the more orgasms he fucks her through, the more the older woman finds herself wondering if this will be so bad after all. Getting to remain beautiful via potions, in exchange for sexual favors to a man with a big fat cock like Harry's?

Perhaps it wouldn't be such a hardship. Perhaps… Emma's thoughts are shredded by another explosive orgasm, her eyes rolling up in her head as she shakes and spasms her way through this release. This time, her inner walls cling so harshly, so tightly to Harry's thrust cock that he groans and begins to unload deep inside of her womb.

Of course, the feel of his seed filling her to the brim sends Emma over the edge AGAIN, and the repeated screams of pleasure in turn bring Hermione to climax at the same time, leaving her pussy juices to squirt all over her mother's face. Her dazed, blissed halfway out of her mind mother. As all three of them come down from their respective pleasure highs, Hermione pulls away from Emma, looking ashamed of herself once more.

Meanwhile, Emma is feeling somewhat… freed. She's never felt more relaxed, more satisfied. Is this what she's been missing out on all this time.

"You know, you're probably going to get pregnant now."

Harry's tone is distinctly casual, and it takes his words a moment to penetrate through Emma's fog of bliss. When they finally do, her eyes snap to him and she stares at him in shock.


Hermione looks away, even more ashamed now as Harry grins and reaches down, rubbing at Emma's clit while his seed slowly begins to leak from her cunt.

"The potions that Hermione had you on… did you think they were just to change your outward appearance? No, they do more than that. They keep you fertile. Of course, that's only when your partner is relatively strong in magic. If you'd found some other muggle at the bars Hermione took you too, it isn't likely he could have gotten you pregnant, regardless of the potion's effects."

Harry pauses and then pulls his hand away from her clit for a moment, only to bring it back down on her entire mound, giving her pussy a slap that has Emma's bound form arching and a cry of pleasure leaving her throat as she cums on the spot.

"But with me? You'll likely be carrying my child very soon indeed. And I bet you'll like it too. Just like you've enjoyed every bit of this. Haven't you, you slut?"

Emma blushes deeply, looking away for a moment. But in the end, she can't deny that he's right. Nodding hesitantly draws laughter from Harry, and a gasp from Hermione.

"Ah, poor dear. Did you think your mother didn't want this, Hermione? Did you think you were forcing it on her?"

Harry doesn't wait for either of them to respond. Before Emma knows what's happening, she suddenly finds herself lifted into the air and turned over onto her front. A moment later, Hermione is beneath her and Harry has dropped her bound form back to the bed, this time atop her daughter. Their breasts press together and both mother and daughter moan out, their parted lips only inches away from one another.

This time, it's Emma who initiates things. She feels a little bad that Hermione has such guilt in her heart. Sure, her daughter betrayed her… but it was for the best, in the end. So even though she's still bound, even though Hermione could push her off at any time, Emma leans in and kisses her daughter, even slipping the other woman a bit of tongue as Hermione moans beneath her, squirming needily.

A moment later, there's two hands on Emma's ass, and a wand pushing into her sphincter. Emma's eyes go wide at that, but the older woman can do nothing to stop Harry as he both cleans and lubes up her back door. She's only had anal a handful of times in her life. It was Richard's birthday present long ago, back when their relationship was still young and fresh and just a little exciting.

Anal was the most adventurous he ever proved to be with her though. And for Emma, it'd always been an awful experience. But then, Richard hadn't had magic at his disposal. When Harry enters Emma's ass, his cock filling the GILF's back door inch by inch, there's not an ounce of pain. Emma moans into her daughter's lips, kissing Hermione all the more heatedly as she feels the strange filling sensation of Harry stretching out her butthole with his magnificent cock.

He's so big, much bigger than Richard or indeed any man Emma has ever had in her life… and he's all hers. Well, she's his apparently now, but technicalities, right? So long as Harry doesn't abandon her like Richard did, she's happy to carry his child. More than that, it plays into even more of her fantasies, the thought that she's now pregnant, that she couldn't stop it from happening, that a man, a younger man at that, simply chose to breed her like the worthless sow she is.

Emma cums then, as Harry's shaft fills her clenching, tightening asshole again and again. She cums and she squirts her pussy juices as well as some of his seed all over her daughter's abdomen. At the same time, she can't help herself as she rubs and grinds and undulates her bound form all across Hermione's naked body. It's incestuous, but Emma doesn't really care. She loves her daughter, and she wants Hermione to know it.

Judging by the way Hermione's kissing her, the way she's making out with her own mother, she knows it quite well. And she reciprocates these naughty, naughty feelings, as her hands grope at Emma's body, squeezing at her breasts, running along her sides. Harry's hands are on her as well, his fingers digging into Emma's shapely, round butt.

She has quite the large bubble butt thanks to Hermione's potions, and Harry seems to be enjoying that to his best ability, growling as he jackhammers down into her ass from above, kneading and mauling her delectable derriere all the while. Emma loves it, she loves getting butt-fucked, but more than that she loves being used like she's nothing more than a toy to be fucked silly and abused and… pulling back from her daughter's mouth, Emma realizes she has to say it. She has to tell Harry how she feels.

"P-Please! Please don't stop. Fuck me, fuck me Harry! Fuck my tight little ass, fuck my cunt! Use me however you like, breed me like a sow and treat me as your fat-tittied heifer! But please, don't STOOOOP!!!"

Another orgasm wracks her body as Harry and Hermione both take in her words. Hermione is wide-eyed beneath her mother, staring up at the older woman as if it's the first time she's truly seen her. Harry on the other hand has a big, shit-eating grin on his face. This might not have been what he expected from Hermione's mum, but it's what he's got… and he's not at all disappointed by that.

Reaching out, Harry grabs a fistful of Emma Granger's hair and drags her head towards him, forcing her to arch her back at the same time as he looks down into her eyes, upside down as they are.

"Do you want me to fuck you some more, Emma? Do you want me to use your slutty body to my heart's content? Shall I pound you senseless, plow you silly, and turn you into my willing GILF of a cum dumpster?"

Emma's eyelids flutter and it's clear she's on the verge of another orgasm from his words, combined as they are with the thrusting of his massive cock into her anal passage.


Grinning wickedly, Harry leans in a little closer.

"Then repeat after me, slut. 'You are my master, and I am your loving, loyal, cunt-slave.'"

"Y-You are my m-master, and I… I… I'm y-your loving, loyal c-cunt slave."

Emma is very aware of her daughter's eyes on her at that point, even if Hermione is still kneading and groping her tits on auto-pilot.

"'I live to serve my Master. I will gladly bear his children and raise them as my own. I will do anything to make him happy.'"

"I-I live… I live to serve you M-Master. I w-will gladly b-bear your children and r-raise them as my own. I… I'll do anything to make you h-happy…"

Throughout this, Harry is still fucking her ass. Though he's stopped jackhammering down into her and settled for slow, languid strokes as he whispered her lines of this oath to her. Because that's what it is. She's giving him an oath, a pledge… and it feels as if the words she's saying are settling into her very soul. The thought of refusing Harry couldn't be farther from her mind at this point. The older woman would be glad to do anything to make the wizard happy.

The thought sends Emma over the edge again, before Harry can say whatever he was going to say next. Her butt clenches and squeezes and tightens around his cock all the harder, and with a grunt, Harry begins to cum. He pulls out as his first spurt of seed splatters across her bowels, and the rest of his cum load ends up spraying all over Emma's body. Some of it gets on Hermione as well, but the majority covers Emma from her hair all the way to her ass as she moans and writhes beneath the sticky, hot seed that drips off of her sweaty form.

Panting heavily, Harry chuckles as he gives the GILF's big fat bubble butt a nice little pat.

"That's a good girl. Both of you… such lovely fuck pets."

And if the two Granger women preen under such praise, can anyone really blame them? Neither is in any sort of mental state to be insulted. Both are happy to have their Master happy with them.


Harry smiles as he lounges back on the bed, staring down at the two heads bobbing along his length, working together as they run their tongues and lips across his hard member. Hermione and Emma Granger, still looking more like sisters than daughter and mother, are hard at work worshipping him to the best of their abilities.

Emma is no longer tied up of course, leaving her free to do some amazing things with her fingers on his ball sack. Her other hand is stroking the bottom portion of his shaft. Meanwhile, Hermione has her arms tied behind her back in exchange. Not because she's still being punished or anything like that, but just because Harry likes to bully her a little too much.

Regardless, she'd taken the impromptu bondage in stride and was still working just as hard at pleasing Harry with her mouth as her mother was. Still… reaching out, Harry gathers a handful of Hermione's hair, tugging slightly at her head. She pulls away at his nonverbal command, and Emma quickly slides the upper half of his cock into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip of his prick as she bobs up and down his length.

"Hermione… you should know, I forgive you now. You've officially earned an end to your punishment. Your out of the doghouse."

Hermione's eyes widen at that, and a shy smile spreads across her face. He's broken this woman entirely, turned his best friend into a sex pet… and Harry can't help but feel nothing but pleasure over that fact. Of course, Emma, hearing these words, draws back for a moment to look at her daughter and then at their Master.

"What did she do to get in the doghouse in the first place, Master? S-Surely it wasn't the potions…"

Harry lifts an eyebrow at that. Emma is quite the observant woman. But then, she is a feisty, fine cougar, to be fair.

"No, it wasn't. My… relationship with your daughter came about from her attempting to betray me."

Emma gasps at that, and Hermione lowers her gaze in fresh shame. The younger Granger woman doesn't even think to mention that it actually came about from Harry deciding that he was going to fuck her, after he'd used Victoire and Lily to corrupt Rose.

"Hermione! I taught you better than that!"

"Yes mother…"

"Get over here young lady and say you're sorry!"

Of course, 'saying she's sorry' involves Emma taking hold of Hermione's hair from Harry and dragging her down to take his cock in her mouth. Hermione's gaze flickers Harry's way and he gives her a roguish grin and a sly wink. She's still forgiven, but he's not about to stop her mother from doling out her own punishment if she so chooses.

In the end, the brunette witch's shoulders slump and she doesn't resist as Emma forces her daughter to deep throat Harry's cock. By this point, Hermione is an old hand at sucking Harry's dick, at getting skull-fucked by his big fat shaft. This'll be the first time that her own mother face-fucks her on the magnificent member though.

Smiling lazily, Harry leans back and settles into watch the show. This was such a fantastic idea. Emma Granger might not be a witch… but she'll soon be the mother of more than one.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

And even if Hermione has earned the chance to be more than bottom bitch, it's quickly becoming obvious that she won't ever be above her mother when the three of them together. Not if Emma has anything to say about it.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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