
mute| felix ff

"They all tried to fix me but only you could do it" Strong language and some content may be only for mature audiences

nxturerosie · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs


Its been 2 years since the accident had happened and a lot had happened since then.

People call me "magic" and "a gift from god" since they believe i have some kind of healing properties?

Rich people who have children or themselves have terminal illnesses or just have a problem tell me whats going on and within a month or so they're illness is gone or they're problem has beeb fixed.

I don't know how i do it.

I never feel bad for them anymore not even the children. The children are always so snobby and rude eventhough they're sick.

The doctors have almost given up on me. They take me around the world at this point just to exploit my "abilities" for money and for the hospital.

I have doctors from all around the world come in every day to see if they're able to help me but really its not about me its about them now if they're able to treat "The Famous Aera". I hate that name.

Ive tried to talk before, but every time i open my mouth nothing comes out, they say its because ive damaged the part of my brain that allows me to speak in the crash and its highly unlikely if ill be able to speak again. The bottom half of my body is also paralyzed so i have to get around in a wheelchair.

Yesterday i was moved from my main hospital in Korea to this hospital in Australia because I'm supposed to meet this kid who has cancer.

I wasn't looking forward to it but am I supposed to do? Say I don't want to go?

This hospital was one of the biggest hospitals I've possibly seen. This one also let patients roam the premises on their own if they think they're capable enough to.

I was placed in a room with some other people which was a nice change because I was always on my own in a room which got boring very quick. Although there was a curtain infront of me and on my side separating me from the other 4 people in the room.

My birthday was coming up in a week too, I was finally turning 20, only if my parents were here to see it I thought.

People, once they turn 20 in Korea ,would be partying and drinking since they just hit the legal age but I'm stuck here.

The curtain ,that was on my right since I was in the corner of the room, that separated me from the person next to me was suddenly pulled apart scaring me "BOO" a boy shouted.

He started laughing at my reaction while I just glared at him.

"You should have seen your face" he said

After he finished laughing he got up and looked at the board infront of me which said what my condition was.

"Oh you're mute?" he said

I nodded back

" No wonder you didn't laugh im literally so funny"

I got my notebook next to me which i often used to communicate and wrote something before giving it to him.

"You're not funny don't flatter yourself" he read it out loud

"Ouch" he said while holding his heart

I smiled at how cute he was

"What's your name?" he asked

I quickly wrote it down and gave it to him

" Kim Aera? you're name is so cute" he said making me blush

"My name is Lee Felix nice to meet you"

I asked him on the paper why he was in the hospital

" I have anorexia" he said " If i try eating ill end up throwing it up because it makes me feel like im gonna get started at everyone for being fat, so thet have to feed me through a tube"

I looked at him confused since he was clearly in no way obese

"I know what you're thinking and even if you say im not fat I'll still believe i am and its just very complicated."

I looked at him in a sympathetic way and almost felt as if i should do something . He was sitting on the chair next to my bed looking down on the ground so i leaned over and patted his shoulder. He looked up and our eyes met before he said "Thank you Aera,"

The moment was quickly ruined by the nurse who told Felix to go back to his bed since i had to go to that rich kid who wanted me here in the first place. Before he went back he quickly asked "Hey Aera wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

I nodded quickly before heading out of the room