

The other day early in the morning Sean was at the reception. He asked for Victory practise room key he was told Nutaila took it he was shicked to heard Nutaila arrived early. As he was walking down the practising room he was hearing a sound, It was Nutaila singing in louder voice while playing the piano.

(Chemistry: by Falz and Simi) ("Verybody seems to think they will be good together, everybody done to talk say make you be my lover oooh…. But they don't even know if am your soace oh… I don't even know if I take tour breath away, You don't even know my wildest dream. May be this all just chemistry. "But I know why….. kind of make me really do like you.... Maybe you and me we can try to... do this love something, maybe this something eeeehhh… And….. And….. And….)" she took a deep breath as she saw Sean walking by quietly.

"What are singing?"

"Chemistry by Falz and Simi, you are here early"

"You got here earlier what's the occasion?"

"Nothing am just trying to write some songs thats all"

"Why?" Nutaila walked off the piano seat.

"There's a Competition soon the Best singers of Baskervil this doens't include cree Sean, this competition is on your own, you strugle alone and fight to make it to the tops"

"Well there's no singing together?"

"There's some few collabs rounds people sings with their desired ones thats all but this is the competition of school the best singers in Baskervil top 5 best singers are selected. It's where Liam and Liya won last two years.

"Then why don't we prepare a song just the two of us"

"What are you talking about?" Sean sat at the piano and started hiiting the keys.

(A Whole New World by : Zayn & Zhavia Ward) (Sean:"( I can show you the world, Shining, shimerring splanded tel me Princess now when did you last let your heart decide, I can open your eyes, Take you wonder by wonder over side ways and under on a magic carpet ride (" A Whole New World.... A new fantastic point of view, No one to tell us no, or where to go…. And say wer'e only dreaming) (Nutaila) ("A whole new world….. A dazzling place I ever knew, but when I'm way up here, it's christal clear, That now am in the whole new World with you…) (Sean) ( Now am in the whole new world with you) (Nutaila) ("Unbeliveble sight, indescribable feeling….. )" As they were singing Nutaila stopped she turned around and walked away very fast. Sean was staring smiling.

Sometimes later students were practising Liam and others were in their practising room Liya was preparing her crew for the next upcoming songs.

"What do you plan on singing next Liya?"

"I was planning on "Little Me" by Little Mix what do you say Casper?"

"Am with you I don't know about Kate"

"Don't you think it's too early to sing that song Liya?"

"What do you mean Kate we have to take our chances now, the first point round is we are against Victory"

"Why don't we start with simple charming amazing songs to get the points first then the collab round we will pick on something nice"

"The collab round wee wil sing with Liam Kate, and All students know about Liam"

"At some point Liya is right"

"Okay then let's us practise the song" When they wanted to start singing they saw Sean. Liam followed him.

"Hey Sean what brought you here? Don't you know we are in the middle of the Tornament?"

"I'm aware I just need to speak with Liya for a minute"

"Can't you see she is busy for the moment"

"She is my girlfriend, Liam"

"Is she now? Okay let me call her for you stay here" Liam went to call Liya Sean saw him and he went back to him.

"She says she is busy practising, may be you should come back someother time don't you think" Sean walked towards them and held Liya's hand infront of everybody Liam broke free.

"Let go of me"

"What is this Liya? I want to talk to you"

"If you have anything to say, say it right here infront of everyone"

"Why are you doing this to me, 5 days have passed and yet you are not speaking with me"

"Tell that to your new crew Sean, I am busy as you can see"

"So all this was for them, Just because I chose them kver this crew? Liya are you serious? Did you even loved me even once truly?"

"If I tell you the truth, would you stay away from me?"

"It depends on your answer"

"I don't love you, I never once loved you, I used you thats all I needed you" Sean was shocked.