
Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Lightning Flash

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Yuuki, a Japanese teenage girl who flees a life of torment and suffering, only to face a mysterious person before meeting a heartbreaking fate. However, destiny weaves a new thread as Yuuki awakens in a fantastical realm, reborn as an infant and now the twin sibling of Rudeus Greyrat. Experience this revitalized tale, a fresh rendition of the fanfiction "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Twin Sister of Rudeus Greyrat." The narrative delves into Yuuki's transformative role as the Lightning Flash, promising an enthralling exploration of her newfound existence.

TempestNotion · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Strange and Suspicious Behaviors

A year had passed since Roxy's arrival in our home, and our magical education was progressing smoothly, at least for Rudeus. He had become more powerful and experienced in magic than I had.

Despite mastering most elements up to the intermediate rank, I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't improving as much as I wanted to.

However, it was in the realm of swordsmanship that I truly excelled. Guided by our father, who possessed a calm yet occasionally goofy teaching demeanor, I found my true calling.

On this particular day, Father was demonstrating a powerful sword technique. I held onto my wooden sword tightly, absorbing every detail as he wielded his own sword with both seriousness and grace. He faced a sturdy boulder with a determined stance.

"Pay close attention, both of you," Father's voice commanded, his grip on the wooden sword unwavering. With a swift motion, he closed the distance between himself and the boulder, raising his sword in a fluid arc.



The boulder split cleanly in two, the impact's echo reverberating through the training grounds. I stood there in awe, marveling at the strength of a simple wooden sword.

"That's how it's done, my children," Father announced proudly, a triumphant smile gracing his features.

His skill was captivating, and curiosity stirred within me. "Incredible, Dad. But how did you manage to cleave a boulder with a wooden sword?"

Father's chuckle filled the air as he enjoyed our admiration. "Ah, I utilized a technique called Touki to reinforce the sword."

""Touki?"" Rudeus and I echoed, intrigued by the unfamiliar term.

With a nod, Father delved into the concept. "Indeed, Touki is a technique wielded by swordsmen to enhance their physical abilities. It empowers our strikes and fortifies our defenses to elevates our combat prowess."

As he spoke, a blend of pride and nostalgia gleamed in Father's eyes, hinting at the depth of his personal journey in mastering this technique.

"Amazing, Dad. I can't wait to experience it myself," I enthused, my eagerness to unravel the intricacies of swordsmanship palpable.

Father nodded approvingly, then turned his attention to Rudeus with a playful grin. "Alright, Rudy. Your turn."

"Of course," Rudeus replied, stepping forward with resolve.

Gripping his wooden sword, he charged toward the boulder, his determination evident. As he raised his sword, anticipation hung in the air.



Unfortunately, his swing lacked force, leaving a comically feeble impact on the boulder. I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I witnessed his valiant effort fall short.

"Is that all you've got, brother? Did you forget to drink your morning milk?" I teased, a playful smirk dancing on my lips.

"Give me a break, will you? This boulder is tougher than it looks," Rudeus retorted, shooting me a mocking glare.

Father's firm intervention cut our banter short. "Settle down, both of you."

"Whatever you say, Dad," I responded, adopting an air of nonchalance. Rudeus huffed and looked away, clearly not pleased with my teasing.

"Good. Now, Rei, it's your turn," Father announced, shifting his attention to me.

Taking a deep breath, I faced another imposing boulder. With a firm grip on my sword, I closed my eyes and focused all of my strength. With unwavering determination, I lunged forward and executed a powerful swing.



My strike connected with explosive force, resulting in a thunderous impact that reverberated through the air. As I opened my eyes, I saw the boulder shattered into fragments and a huge crater in its place.

I turned to Father and Rudeus, their expressions a mix of terror and astonishment. Even Mother and Roxy, who had been observing from a distance, shared in the collective amazement.

In that moment, a fleeting doubt crossed my mind. Had I miscalculated my strength? Yet, the rush of exhilaration drowned out any uncertainties.

"How's that, Dad? Did I do well?" I inquired, my heart racing with a mixture of excitement and pride.

Father's wry smile and thumbs-up signaled his approval, assuring me that my performance had indeed left an impression on him.


Amidst the passing months, we were engrossed in our daily routines, investing ourselves wholeheartedly in our studies and training. However, it was during one ordinary day that a touching scene caught my attention.

Venturing into the fields, I observed Roxy harnessing her magic to conjure a small rain cloud above the crops, providing essential water to aid the farmers in their toil.

Entranced by the sight, I couldn't resist approaching her with sincere admiration. "Miss Roxy, you're assisting the farmers?"

Roxy turned towards me with a warm smile, her vibrant blue hair shimmering in the sunlight. "Hello, Reine. Yes, I thought I'd lend them a hand. A little rain can work wonders for their harvest."

As I watched the gentle rain from the cloud nurturing the plants, I was struck by Roxy's kind and thoughtful gesture. It was a testament to her character—always ready to contribute and make a positive impact.

"That's truly remarkable, Miss Roxy. You have a good heart," I remarked, my genuine appreciation for her actions evident.

Roxy, however, shook her head modestly and responded, "No, Reine. I'm simply taking advantage of an opportunity to earn some extra money while I can."

"But Miss Roxy, our parents already provide you with a generous salary for your role as a magic tutor," I pointed out, genuinely puzzled by her need for additional income.

With a soft chuckle, Roxy's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and wisdom. "While your parents are indeed generous, a little extra can be useful, especially considering unexpected expenses that life might bring."

Her pragmatic perspective resonated with me, and I couldn't help but admire her down-to-earth approach to life's uncertainties.


Following our conversation, Roxy and I returned home. As we entered through the front gate, we noticed Rudeus seated at a distance, his demeanor indicating that something was amiss.

Worried about his well-being, we approached him, aiming to find out what was troubling him and offer our support.

"Hey, brother. Everything okay?" I asked with a playful smile, standing before him.

Startled by our sudden presence, Rudeus appeared taken aback. However, he quickly regained his composure and assured us, "Oh, it's nothing. Just taking a break."

I exchanged a knowing glance with Roxy, sensing that there might be more to the story than he was letting on. Despite his attempt to seem nonchalant, it was evident that something was bothering him.

"If you say so," I replied casually, a hint of skepticism in my tone. Yet, my reassuring smile conveyed my readiness to listen if he chose to share his thoughts.

I offered my hand to help him up, and the three of us stood together, gazing out at the serene landscape—the sprawling fields and the majestic mountain range that adorned the horizon.

Breaking the silence, Roxy's voice carried a sense of nostalgia. "In my hometown, not a single blade of grass could grow on the ground. Looking at all this greenery brings mixed feelings."

Intrigued by her revelation, I gently probed, "Could you tell us more about your hometown, Miss Roxy? What was it like?"

Roxy's gaze softened, a hint of sorrow flickering in her eyes as if she was revisiting memories that were bittersweet. Sensing her vulnerability, I decided not to press further, respecting her boundaries.

"Speaking of which," Rudeus interjected, his tone brighter, "I'm actually feeling better now."

Roxy's smile returned, genuine and warm, relieved by the shift in conversation. She then pointed toward a distant mountain. "Do you see that mountain over there?"

"You mean the Red Dragon Mountain, right?" Rudeus guessed.

"Yes, that's the one," Roxy confirmed. "Beyond that mountain, far to the north, lies the Kingdom of Ranoa."

Intrigued by the name, I asked, "What's it like there?"

"It gets incredibly cold in the winter, with snow piling up as high as this," Roxy explained, raising her hand above her head to illustrate the height of the snow.

Chuckling at the visual, I remarked, "That's a lot of snow, Miss Roxy. We'd love to visit someday."

Rudeus joined in with enthusiasm, adding, "Absolutely, we'd be excited to see that place."

Roxy's eyes lit up with a mix of nostalgia and excitement as she continued to share. "In that kingdom, there's the number one magic school in the world—the Ranoa Magic University. They offer both modern and advanced lectures, catering to students with various interests."

The mention of school brought a mix of emotions for me. While I had experienced difficulties and suffering in my previous world's school, this world held different promises and possibilities.

Oddly enough, I noticed that Rudeus had a similar expression on his face. What could be going on with him? Something about his behavior felt unusual, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"In the magic university," Roxy continued, "social status or pride doesn't matter. It's a place that accepts individuals of all races and backgrounds, united in their dedication to magic research."

I couldn't help but feel reassured by the idea that prejudice wasn't a barrier in this school, fostering an environment where learning and growth were the true priorities.

Roxy then knelt before us, placing her hands on our shoulders with a serious expression. "Listen closely, you two. If you're serious about pursuing magic, I strongly recommend that school."

My nod conveyed my agreement, and I began to express my intention, "Absolutely, Miss Roxy. We'll-"

"But, before all that, I don't want to leave the house," Rudeus suddenly said, cutting me off.

There he goes again. What's with him being afraid to go out the house? Something about his words is very bizarre, as if he is hiding some secret that I don't know about.

Struggling to find the right words, he quickly backtracked. "No, what I mean is... even if we don't go there, having you, Master Roxy, is all we need."

Roxy's expression darkened at the term "Master," her discomfort evident. "Please, don't call me that..."

The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more beneath the surface than any of us were letting on.

"Eh?" I exclaimed, mirroring the confusion that seemed to envelop us all.

Roxy eventually stood up, her gaze fixed on Rudeus as she spoke with a firm yet gentle tone. "Both of you will eventually surpass me. Someday, you'll understand why calling someone inferior to you 'master' can be difficult."

Rudeus attempted to defend his viewpoint, seeking my validation. "I don't mind it, and I'm sure Reine doesn't either, right?"

Caught off guard, I pondered his question before voicing my perspective. "Well, a 'master' doesn't necessarily need to be superior. It can also signify someone with extensive experience and knowledge."

Roxy, however, shook her head, her expression solemn. "No, Reine. You're not grasping the entirety of the situation yet."

With her words hanging in the air, a sense of curiosity mingled with the unease, leaving me with a lingering feeling that there was much more to this than I currently comprehended.


After Roxy went back inside and Rudeus disappeared into the backyard, I stood in the front yard, surrounded by the peaceful scenery. I took a moment to think about the recent conversation we had and its implications.

The sun was setting, casting a gentle light on everything around me. I closed my eyes and thought about Roxy's strange reaction to being called a "master." Why did she seem uncomfortable with that title? Was there a deeper meaning I was missing?

Rudeus's behavior was also puzzling. He suddenly didn't want to leave the house, which was bizarre. And he seemed oddly protective of Roxy. What was going on with him? Why was he acting so strangely?

As I opened my eyes, my gaze drifted toward the distant mountain range, the Red Dragon Mountain standing tall and majestic against the horizon. It was a symbol of the unexplored, a reminder of the boundless opportunities and mysteries that lay beyond our familiar surroundings.

I thought about Roxy, our knowledgeable tutor, and wondered about her past. She was hiding something, and I was determined to find out what.

And then there was Rudeus, my dear brother, who was clearly keeping a secret. I was determined to uncover the truth and understand what was going on.

As the sun set and the day came to an end, I took a deep breath and headed back inside. I knew that there was more to discover, and I was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in our journey.

Someone is SUS

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