
Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Lightning Flash

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Yuuki, a Japanese teenage girl who flees a life of torment and suffering, only to face a mysterious person before meeting a heartbreaking fate. However, destiny weaves a new thread as Yuuki awakens in a fantastical realm, reborn as an infant and now the twin sibling of Rudeus Greyrat. Experience this revitalized tale, a fresh rendition of the fanfiction "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Twin Sister of Rudeus Greyrat." The narrative delves into Yuuki's transformative role as the Lightning Flash, promising an enthralling exploration of her newfound existence.

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52 Chs

Sword and Magic Training and More

The arrival of Roxy heralded a new chapter in our lives, one marked by intensive training in both magic and swordsmanship.

Over the course of the following six months, each day was dedicated to honing our magical skills and mastering the intricacies of combat.

Roxy, our dedicated and unique magic tutor, poured her heart and soul into our education. With unwavering dedication, we delved into the world of spells, diligently practicing incantations and refining our magical techniques.

To our surprise, Rudeus and I showcased a natural affinity for magic. Roxy's eyes reflected a mix of pride and perhaps a hint of envy, acknowledging her role in nurturing our potential.

Her guidance combined technical precision with practical wisdom, molding us into proficient spellcasters.


At the same time, our father assumed the role of our swordsmanship instructor.

In a manner quite distinct from Roxy's teaching style, he patiently and occasionally with a touch of goofiness introduced us to the intricacies of swordsmanship.

"Alright, you two, pay close attention. Swordsmanship can be categorized into three major schools: Sword God style, Water God style, and North God Style," Father began, his tone a blend of seriousness and approachability. "These schools, much like magic, are further divided into seven ranks: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Saint, King, Emperor, and God."

"So, there's a parallel ranking system between swordsmanship and magic," I remarked, drawing the connection between the two disciplines.

Father nodded in agreement, a hint of pride in his expression. "Exactly, Rei. Just as in magic, these ranks signify the progression of skill and mastery within swordsmanship."

As Father continued to elucidate the finer points of each sword style, I couldn't help but marvel at the depth and complexity of the art.

While I had been aware of swordsmanship as a concept, his explanation opened my eyes to its intricacies.

Rudeus, too, was engrossed in the conversation. "So, each style has its own set of techniques and characteristics, right?"

"Exactly," Father confirmed. "Sword God style emphasizes speed and strength. Water God style prioritizes defense and counterattacks. North God style is all about adaptability and survival."

Naturally, I was curious about Father's own specialization. "Dad, which style do you specialize in?"

Father's eyes gleamed with nostalgia and a touch of pride. "Well, I don't want to boast, but I'm at the advanced rank in all three styles."

Rudeus and I exchanged awed glances, deeply impressed by Father's skill and expertise.

"Wow, Dad, that's amazing," Rudeus exclaimed, clearly in awe.

"Indeed, it is," I agreed, my respect for Father's abilities growing even stronger.

Father's modest smile spoke volumes, and he redirected the focus back to our training. "Now, let's start with the basics. We'll work on your stances and footwork. Remember, mastering the fundamentals is essential to becoming a skilled swordsman."

Over the next several weeks, Father guided us through the fundamentals of swordsmanship, emphasizing the importance of proper stances, balance, and coordination. He patiently corrected our form, encouraging us to practice until each movement felt natural.

Simultaneously, Roxy continued to nurture our magical abilities. Her guidance led us to explore more advanced spells, teaching us how to manipulate magical energy with precision and finesse.

Over time, an intriguing synergy between swordsmanship and magic emerged. The discipline and concentration demanded by each art bore a striking resemblance. It was as if the two paths were intricately intertwined, each enhancing and complementing the other.

As weeks turned into months, we felt ourselves growing stronger and more skilled. However, a subtle distinction began to surface. While Rudeus excelled more in magic, my own proficiency leaned toward swordsmanship.

It was as if our individual paths had diverged, each leading us down separate yet equally promising avenues of mastery.


One evening, as Rudeus and I relaxed in our shared bedroom, the sound of a knock echoed through the door.

"Who could that be?" I pondered aloud, glancing at Rudeus.

"I don't know, but there's only one way to find out," he replied with a shrug.

We approached the door and I called out, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Roxy," came the reply. "Could you two open the door for me?"

Rudeus and I exchanged quizzical looks, wondering why Roxy couldn't simply open the door herself. Nevertheless, we opened the door to find Roxy standing there, a stack of books cradled in her arms.

"What's all this, miss Roxy?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued by the assortment of books she held.

Roxy offered a warm smile and put the books on the table before explaining, "Well, seeing how quickly you two have been progressing with your magic, I thought it was time to expand your education a bit."

As she spoke, a mix of surprise and intrigue filled the air. It seemed that Roxy had something interesting in store for us.

"Expand our education? What do you mean?" Rudeus asked, his interest clearly piqued.

Roxy motioned toward the stack of books she had set down. "These are textbooks covering various subjects—history, cultures, monsters, races, and more. I believe that a well-rounded education is crucial, especially for individuals who wield significant power."

My eyes lit up with understanding as her words sank in. It was a thoughtful gesture, one that went beyond the confines of magic and swordsmanship.

"Wow, that's really considerate of you, miss Roxy," Rudeus remarked, a hint of appreciation in his voice.

I nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, it's important for us to have a broader perspective that goes beyond just magic and swordsmanship."

Roxy's smile grew warmer as she gestured for us to take a seat beside her, indicating that our new educational journey was about to begin.

Following our conversation, Roxy took a seat and selected one of the books from the stack. With a sense of anticipation, Rudeus and I settled in, ready to embark on this new journey of knowledge.

The book Roxy had chosen delved into the history of magic, and it didn't take long for us to become engrossed in its contents.

"Today, we're going to explore the fascinating origins of magic," Roxy began, her voice carrying a blend of enthusiasm and reverence.

As Roxy read aloud, the pages of the book came to life with tales of ancient times and the pivotal role that elves played in the creation of magic.

"Long ago, there was a time of great trouble when a huge war spread across three large continents," Roxy explained, her voice making us feel like we were transported to a very distant past. "To deal with the impending disaster, the elves, also known as the long-eared tribe, formed a deep bond with the spirits of the forest."

Captivated by the narrative, we listened intently as Roxy continued to recount the story.

"Through their profound bond with the spirits, the elves learned to harness and manipulate the very elements of nature itself," Roxy continued. "It was through their communion with the spirits that the earliest forms of magic—such as wind and earth magic—were born."

The idea of ancient elves using elemental magic was both enchanting and awe-inspiring. It felt like we were peeling back the layers of history, getting to know the beginnings of the magical art we were studying.

"However, as time passed, humans devised their own methods of using magic, often imitating the techniques of the elves," Roxy elaborated, shedding light on the evolution of magical practices. "They developed incantations, crafted intricate magic circles, and even created inventions and innovations of their own."

Roxy's words painted a clear picture of how magic had evolved, from its origins in nature-bound connections to the diverse and expanded techniques developed by humans. We listened with keen interest, eager to absorb this new knowledge.

"Wow, the idea of elves harnessing magic from the elements is incredible," Rudeus remarked, his eyes shining with wonder.

I nodded, equally amazed. "Definitely, it's equally incredible how humans managed to recreate and reshape magic in their own way."

Roxy's smile deepened as she observed our engagement. It was evident that this new facet of our education had ignited curiosity within us, opening our minds to the intricate tapestry of magical history.


In the subsequent sessions, Roxy continued to enrich our understanding, delving deeper into the intricate tapestry of the diverse races that inhabited our world.

As Roxy shared details about humans, beast people, demons, and other races, our grasp of the world's history grew deeper, fostering a genuine appreciation for the myriad inhabitants that had contributed to its rich tapestry.

"It's absolutely fascinating to explore the incredible diversity of races that coexist in our world, including demons and beast people," I commented, my enthusiasm ignited by the wealth of new knowledge.

Roxy's eyes sparkled in agreement. "Indeed, our world is akin to a magnificent mosaic woven together by unique races, each contributing their own distinct attributes. Speaking of which, I myself am a demon."

Her revelation caught us by surprise, and Rudeus and I exchanged intrigued glances. Roxy's outward appearance hadn't given us any immediate indication of her being a demon, making her disclosure all the more unexpected.

"Really? That's quite intriguing, Miss Roxy," Rudeus remarked, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, it's not something that's immediately apparent," I added, eager to delve further into her background.

Roxy acknowledged our reactions with a wry smile. "Yes, even your parents were quite taken aback when we first met."

"Is it because of your stature?" Rudeus inquired straightforwardly.

Roxy's response was swift and indignant. "I am not short!"

"Come on, brother. Jumping to conclusions based on someone's height isn't fair. There must be a valid explanation," I chided, stepping in to defend Roxy.

"Alright, my apologies," Rudeus conceded.

"Reine is absolutely right. The reason for their surprise lies in my distinct blue hair," Roxy explained, shedding light on the matter.

Her explanation fueled my curiosity, and I couldn't resist seeking more information. "Could you elaborate on that, Miss Roxy?"

With a nod, Roxy embarked on a fascinating revelation about her unique hair color. "You see, my blue hair has a connection to a particular demon lineage known as the Superd."

"Superd?" Rudeus and I echoed, unfamiliar with the term.

"Yes, approximately 400 to 500 years ago, during the turbulent Laplace War, a colossal conflict raged between humans and demons," Roxy began, her words weaving a historical narrative that drew us in. "Amid this chaos, certain members of the Superd lineage were responsible for ruthless and indiscriminate attacks, sparing neither women nor children."

Her words carried a weight that sent a shiver down my spine, and I sensed Rudeus sharing the same sentiment.

"Due to their actions, the Superd lineage became feared and reviled across all races," Roxy continued. "After the war, they were banished from the Demon continent due to the threat they posed."

The gravity of her words settled over us, offering a glimpse into a history that cast a long shadow over this specific demon lineage.

Following the somber history lesson, Roxy's demeanor shifted to one of utmost seriousness. "Listen carefully, if you ever come across an individual with emerald green hair and a distinctive red gemstone on their forehead, exercise extreme caution and avoid engaging with them."

We both nodded in understanding, fully comprehending the gravity of her warning.

However, a thought began to take shape in my mind. I recalled Sylphiette, my elven friend with green hair. Although she lacked the red gemstone, I couldn't ignore the striking similarity. Could there be a connection?

"Miss Roxy, I have a question," I spoke up, my desire for clarity compelling me to inquire.

"What is it, Reine?" Roxy inquired, intrigued by my query.

I hesitated momentarily before continuing, "What if you were to encounter someone with green hair, but they don't possess the red gemstone and aren't from the Superd lineage? Should you still exercise caution?"

My question seemed to puzzle both Roxy and Rudeus, and they exchanged curious glances.

"Could you provide more context?" Roxy prompted, seeking a deeper understanding of my question.

I explained that I had an elven friend named Sylphiette with green hair. While she didn't have the red gemstone, I wanted to know if I should still be cautious around her.

Roxy considered my question thoughtfully. "Reine, if possible, could you introduce me to this friend of yours? It might help clarify things."

I nodded appreciatively, grateful for Roxy's willingness to provide insight.

"Alright, let's arrange for me to meet your friend," Roxy concluded, bringing closure to the discussion.

Following our discussion about Roxy's hair and the Superd lineage, the conversation took an unexpected turn, leading to a lighthearted yet awkward exchange.

"Miss Roxy, you haven't explained why your hair is connected to the Superd lineage," Rudeus gently reminded her, his curiosity still lingering.

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot. Depending on the lighting, my hair can actually appear as emerald green," Roxy clarified, shedding light on the matter.

With this revelation, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together, revealing a deeper layer of Roxy's identity and history.

"Your hair is beautiful, Miss Roxy," Rudeus suddenly complimented, his words are genuine.

This caught Roxy off guard temporarily, but she quickly regained her composure. "Thank you. However, you should save compliments like that for the person you'll fall in love with in the future."

But then, without hesitation, Rudeus dropped a bombshell, "I love you, Miss Roxy."

The room fell into a stunned silence, the weight of his words hanging palpably in the air. Roxy's surprise was evident, her eyes widening slightly as she processed his unexpected declaration.

'Alright, what the heck is going on here?! Is my brother completely smitten with our tutor, who's undoubtedly older than him? This guy is out of his goddamn mind!!'

Roxy composed herself, averting her eyes as she replied, "I see. If your feelings don't change after 10 years, please say it again."

'He'd better be serious, because if not, I'll make sure he'll regrets having another girlfriend in his entire life!!'

I could barely contain my mixed feelings of frustration and amusement, my lips twitching with the effort to suppress my cringe.

Rudeus's antics had certainly taken an unexpected turn, and the whole scenario felt like something out of a comedic play.

After that outrageous declaration, Roxy ended our evening session and she exited our room. With that, we proceeded to call it a day and fell asleep.


A few minutes later, I heard our parents engaging in their nightly ritual in their room, preventing me from getting some sleep. Honestly, when will they stop doing that?

To my surprise, my brother was also awake in the middle of the night. He seemed to be peeking through the slightly open door of our bedroom, his attention fixed on something outside.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I quietly approached the door to see what had captured his interest. What I saw left me utterly stunned.

It was Roxy. She was currently touching herself while peeking into our parent's room doing their nightly ritual.

What in the world is going on?! What am I looking at?! And more importantly, why is my brother looking at her doing that?! Alright, that's it! He's crossed the goddamn line!

Trying to control my surprise and the growing sense of irritation, I firmly grabbed my brother's shoulder, causing him to jump.

Slowly, he turned to face me, his expression a mix of fear and guilt. I offered him a huge smile, but beneath it, I was seething with anger.

"Hey, brother~"

"What's up, my dear sweet sister?"

"Do you want me to end your life?"

"Wait! Let me expla-"


I was planning to leave the last part from the chapter but I can't help myself to include it. It's so goddamn funny.

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