
Multiverse Traveler: Among Worlds

"Having died in an act of bravery, David awakens in Nexus, the point beyond realities. Orion, the administrator of Nexus, offers him a unique opportunity: to help different realities prevent catastrophic events. Endowed with special abilities, David embarks on his mission, traveling through various fictional worlds to fulfill missions aimed at saving these realities from catastrophic disasters. In one world, he was a soldier and scientist who created the vaccine for a zombie outbreak. In another, a priest, a member of an order that fought to exterminate vampires. And he has also been a brilliant scientist who fought alongside the Autobots."

StrongerBrother · Films
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Destination Newark, NJ.

"After what seemed to have been a fraction of a second, David's consciousness awakened with a dizzying sensation.

"Argh~, maybe I'll take a while to get used to this feeling," he complained.

Observing the place where he woke up, he found himself lying in a reclining armchair within a living room. The house seemed comfortable with modest décor, a few books on shelves, and a fireplace.

Next to it, a television displayed a journalist reporting some news about unusual behavior in people from a few cities.

Getting up and walking towards the fireplace, he picked up the portrait above it. "You gotta be kidding me... if I didn't know who I am, I might think I had amnesia," David laughed.

After all, the person in the portrait was himself, seemingly in the Mediterranean desert. He was wearing army attire and surrounded by children posing for the camera.

At that moment, a floating screen appeared in his vision, surprising him. Shortly after, Orion's voice resonated in his mind.

"Hello, David. This is a recorded message for when you reached your destination, unfortunately, I won't be able to speak with you or help you directly while you're in other realities," Orion explained. "But I've given you a little gift that will assist you, nothing grand, think of it as an assistant."

David understood that Orion must be referring to the floating screen in his vision. "You can call this the 'system,' it contains some essential information about your identity in this world, information about the situation in this reality, and, most importantly, your missions," Orion concluded.

Orion's voice paused briefly, allowing David to analyze the information displayed on the system screen. It consisted of some details about his identity in this world.

His name was David Johnson, with an American father and a Brazilian mother. He graduated in Biology and served in the army for five years in conflict zones.

David smiled at this information; this was basically his identity on Earth before he started working to help refugees.

Then, Orion's voice echoed in his mind again: "David, about the world I've sent you to, it's a bit complicated." David heard Orion's cynical laugh in his mind, raising his eyebrow.

"Look, well, this reality is set in the 'World War Z' universe." After finding out which world he was in, David's face froze.

How could he not be tense?

David might not have been a big movie buff, but he surely knew about the 'World War Z' world. The movie featured one of the craziest types of zombies he had ever seen, each one capable of running like a marathoner.

No wonder the government and cities fell so rapidly.

"I know, it's a pretty crazy world for a first mission," Orion continued. "But, you must have noticed that your body has received a nice upgrade," he joked.

After hearing Orion's statement, David began to examine his body more closely. Looking at himself in a mirror, he saw that his body was much more muscular than before he met Orion.

Clasping his hands, he felt as if he had the strength to bend a steel bar. "I'm sure you'll like my gift, consider it your beginner's package. Now, you have a body as strong as Captain America's," David heard Orion's laughter as he admired his new physical abilities.

"Well, that's it. Any important information is on your system, and take a look in the basement of the house; there are a few things there that will help you," Orion chuckled.

"Good luck, David." And then, Orion's voice disappeared.

After the message ended, David couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous. After all, it's not every day you volunteer to prevent a zombie apocalypse.

Taking a deep breath and pushing aside his nervousness, he opened the missions tab on his system.



[Find Garry Lane and his family (Incomplete)]

[Identify the Origin and Cause of the Outbreak (Incomplete)]

[Develop a definitive vaccine (Incomplete)]


David knew Garry Lane was the protagonist of the movie and finding him would be difficult once the outbreak in Philadelphia started. But the real challenge would be finding the origin of the virus, much more difficult would be reaching the site, after all, even in the movie, it wasn't determined where the first case occurred.

He turned his attention to the television in the living room, where a journalist was broadcasting news about the unusual and violent behavior some people were demonstrating in various locations worldwide.

Furrowing his brow, David watched the report, worried about the outbreak's possible proximity. 'At least I have some time to prepare before the situation worsens,' he thought.

However, before he could even consider the possibility, the journalist's expression on the television changed drastically. The panicked expression on the reporter's face made David raise an eyebrow.

"What is this?!" the reporter exclaimed as people began to scream and run. In an instant, chaos erupted, and a shrill cry sounded from the television when a zombie lunged at the reporter.

Soon after, the cameraman was also attacked, and the camera fell. However, the camera kept filming as people desperately tried to flee from the zombies.

"Damn, it looks like it won't work out," David cursed. He quickly revised his plans, realizing he wouldn't have time to prepare in advance.

Moving swiftly, he headed towards the basement that Orion had mentioned. Descending the stairs, David found a reinforced door, secured by a biometric lock.

Placing his hand on the biometrics, the door opened, revealing what lay inside the basement.

The room was well-lit, highlighting what seemed to be a meticulously organized arsenal. The subtle glow of the lights revealed every detail of the equipment arranged on shelves and panels on the wall.

"Wow..." David said, surprised. "The benefits of serving in the army and having a sponsor like Orion." He laughed excitedly, stepping into the room.

Rifles aligned in precise rows, pistols organized by caliber, sharp knives elegantly hanging from wall supports, and grenades, carefully positioned, each with its own identification.

As he surveyed the area with his eyes, David couldn't help but admire the organization and precision with which everything was arranged. It was as if he were facing a high-standard military depot, but located in his basement.

After admiring the arsenal for a few moments, David regained his focus: "Let's get to work."

Carefully examining the vast arsenal before him, he decided on a more discreet and effective approach. With firm and precise steps, he headed to a specific section of the room.

He opted for a rifle and a pistol with silencers, a military knife, and ammunition. Donning one of the most flexible vests, he equipped the belt with the necessary loads, ensuring that everything was securely fastened to his body.

Grabbing a bag, he filled it with supplies. With his new physique, David could carry much more without even straining himself. But it would only hinder his flexibility.

For a brief moment, he considered the grenades, but an inner voice echoed in his mind: "They make too much noise and would only attract more zombies." David pondered the premise and decided not to include them.

"It would be an invitation to disaster," he thought.

Turning around and grabbing his things, he began to walk towards the exit. But then he returned to the table and picked up a grenade. "Just one, in case

 of emergency."

Upon returning to the living room, the sound of a ringing cellphone came from beside the reclining chair. The device displayed the name "Thierry" on the screen, immediately piquing David's interest.

Quickly, memories of his identity flooded into his mind, and he recalled that Thierry was a close friend from the times when he served as support for the UN in the army, currently holding the position of deputy secretary-general.

David answered the call, and Thierry's voice resonated from the phone, tense and with the noise of helicopter blades in the background. "David, did you see the news? It's terrible!" exclaimed Thierry, his voice laden with urgency.

"Yes, I just watched the news. What's happening?" questioned David, trying to feign surprise. Thierry, with a tense voice, briefly explained, "There's been a kind of widespread rage outbreak in several capitals worldwide. The situation is serious, and many capitals have already fallen."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, David listened attentively as Thierry continued. "I need you, David. I'm sending a helicopter to Newark, New Jersey."

"Garry and his family are heading there," Thierry continued. "I know I'm asking for something difficult, but at the moment, I can't provide two helicopters; the rescue will happen tomorrow morning."

David nodded, understanding Thierry's difficult situation.

"Understood, Thierry. I'll be there," affirmed David. "I'll meet Garry in Newark."

"Great, stay tuned to your cellphone. As soon as possible, I'll give you the extraction site coordinates." Thierry finished, but before he could continue, the call was cut off.

Taking the phone away from his ear, David heard noises from outside the house and saw people running from zombies in the street. "Damn! It's already here." He cursed, thinking about how he would get to Newark; currently, he was in Wilmington, and it was 117 miles to Newark.

At that moment, he spotted the keys to a car on the not-so-distant table. Quickly grabbing the keys, he headed to the garage.

Opening the garage, David saw a green Hummer H2. Definitely modified, he opened the door and loaded his belongings, turning the ignition key, causing the engine to roar, and then, banging noises began to come from the garage gate.

They were zombies who had heard the sound of the engine.

Smiling, David accelerated the car. "Let's go!!"

The Hummer broke through the gate, running over the zombies behind it. Entering the street, David headed towards his destination while chaos erupted in the neighborhood.

And then, the first world. Certainly one of my favorite zombie movies. There will be some changes for the sake of convenience; any feedback on mistakes or suggestions are welcome

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