
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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195 Chs

Ch. 169 The start of Canon ( Part 2 )

( Yuto Pov )

I watched as Mizuki was spreading news of Naruto stealing the Scroll of Seals.

Mizuki was already heading into the woods to meet up with Naruto as I easily followed him.

' I'm barely even trying, yet he still can't sense me.' I was tree jumping above Mizuki as I kept my eye on him.

Mizuki had a smirk on his face as he jumped across the trees.

I could see Naruto being confronted by Iruka with Scathach watching over them.

I jumped next to Scathach and looked down at Naruto and Iruka.

" So, should we intervene?" I asked.

Scathach thought for a while before looking at me with a smirk.

" What do you think?" I looked at her with a deadpanned face.

" You're just lazy, aren't you?"

" I don't know what you mean? Think of this as a test." She shrugged.

I sighed as I looked back down.

I stopped time slightly as the kunais that Mizuki threw towards Iruka was close to his body as I observed the situation.

Scathach was unaffected as she watched with a smile.

I dropped down and made my way towards the kunais, which I took, and activated a genjutsu affecting Naruto, Iruka, and Mizuki.

I returned next to Scathachs side as I resumed time again.

In their minds, everything played out as the same as Canon.

" Nice job on finding the moron." Mizuki spoke as he saw the kunais peirce Iruka against the tree.

" So that's how it is." Iruka clutched the Kunai that stabbed into his stomach before pulling it out.

" Naruto, give me the scroll." Mizuki looked down at Naruto as Naruto looked at Mizuki and Iruka.

" Huh? What? What's going on here? Hey!?" Naruto shouted.

" Naruto!! Whatever happens... don't give him the scroll!!" Iruka shouted as he pulled the fake kunai out from his body.

Iruka then began to explain.

" That's a dangerous scroll that had forbidden ninjutsu written in it! Mizuki used you... to get his hands on it!!" Naruto looked shocked as Mizuki began to speak.

" Naruto... there's no point in you having it. I'll tell you the truth." Iruka looked alarmed as he shouted at Mizuki.

" N...No!! Don't!!" Iruka shouted, trying to stop Mizuki from speaking.

But Mizuki ignored him as he began to speak.

" 12 years ago... you know about the demon fox being sealed, right?"

" Since that day...A special rule was created for this village."

" A rule?" Naruto exclaimed as he looked up at Mizuki.

" But this rule was never to be told to you."

" Not to me? What is this rule!? Tell me!?" Naruto shouted.

Mizuki laughed as he looked down at Naruto.

" What... kind of rule?" Naruto kept asking as Mizuki revealed he answer.

" The rule is that nobody is allowed to talk about the fact that you are that Nine Tailed Demon Fox."

" What?...What do you mean." Narutos eyes widen in shock.

" Stop it!!" Iruka tried to stop him, but shouted proved to be futile.

" It means you...are the Nine Tailed Demon Fox... That killed Iruka's parents and destroyed the village."

Naruto stood in there in shock.

" You were sealed up by the Hokage you admire and..." Iruka shouted, interrupting Mizuki.

" Stop it!!" Iruka shouted.

" Tou have been lied to by everyone!! Didn't you find it odd how everyone hates you? Iruka is the same! He also hates you!!" Mizuki shouted as he threw the Fūma Shuriken.

I could see the tears in Naruto's eyes as rage was taking over him.

" So that's the Tailed Beasts chakra." Scathach spoke as she observed.

" It's the Nine Tailed Beast, so it's more powerful than the other Tailed beasts. Even a single unit of Tailed Beast chakra could change the battlefield." I spoke as Scathach nodded.

" Nobody will ever love you!!" Mizuki shouted.

" That scroll was used to seal you up!!" He continued as Iruka rushed to protect Naruto, covering from the Fūma Shuriken.

* Splurt!!*

" Ugh!!" Iruka protected Naruto from Fūma Shuriken.

Naruto looked at Iruka.

" Why...?" Naruto asked.

Iruka began to explain his past to Naruto as he explained how lonely he was and how he acted in his childhood.

' I sometimes wonder if every child's parents I killed feel like this, lonely.' it was this moment I felt regret for my past actions, but I knew I killed them for a reason, like the wars I fought in Fate during the Arthurian Legend, knights were ready to be killed the second they held a sword.

' I guess I could only move forward and try to be a better person. Yeah, that seems plausible.' I thought to myself as I watched Naruto run deeper jnto the forest.

' Yin Style: Moonlight reflection.' The darkness behind me was manipulated into creating a Shadow clone.

" Follow him." I ordered without looking back as I watched the interaction of Mizuki and Iruka.

'So much for being a better person.' My clone thought as he used Shadow walk to follow Naruto.

' I can hear you dumbass.' I replied to my Shadow clone.

' Then hear this.' The shadow clone began singing in his head as I sighed.

' You motherfu...'

" They're on the move." Scathach patted my shoulder as she looked at me.

I nodded as we began following them.

We came to see Mizuki as Iruka as he shouted at Naruto.

" Naruto!! Hurry, give me the scroll!! Mizuki is after you!!" He shouted, but Naruto landed on a branch and launched himself into Iruka's stomach, pushing him to the ground.

" Huh? Why? Naruto...*

* Puff *

Mizuki revealed himself.

" How did you know I wasn't Iruka?"

Naruto laughed as he revealed himself as Iruka.

" I'm Iruka!!"

" I see..." Misuki responded with a smirk.

" Hehehe, you'd even transform into...what killed your parents to protect him." Mizuki spoke as he knew Naruto was listening in.

" I won't hand the scroll over to someone like you!!" Iruka shouted.

" You idiot!! Naruto and I are the same!!" Mizuki argued.

" The same?" Iruka looked at Mizuki.

" If you use the skull in that scroll, you can do whatever you want." Mizuki explained

" There's no way that Demon wouldn't use the power of the scroll, unlike what you're assuming." He continued.

" Yeah." Iruka answered.

But just as Naruto was about to give up, Iruka spoke once more.

" The demon fox would do that, but Naruto is different. He is...I've acknowledged him as..one of my students!!!" Iruka shouted as Naruto's eyes widened.

" He isn't the demon fox... he is a member of the hidden leaf village."

" He is Uzumaki Naruto!" Iruka continued.

" Here it is." I spoke as I observed Mizuki rushing towards Iruka.

" Hurry up and die!!"

Just as Mizuki was closing in with the Fūma shuriken, he kicked back by Naruto.

" You shouldn't have done that!!" Mizuki shouted as he got back up.

" Don't touch Iruka sensei!! I'll kill you!!" Naruto shouted as he held the skill next to himself.

" You idiot!! Why did you come out!!? Run away!!" Iruka shouted.

" Haha! I'll kill someone like you in one shot!!" Mizuki shouted before continuing.

" Try it trash! I'll return the pain a thousand times over!!"

Naruto held his fingers to activate a jutsu.

" Then do it!! Demon Fox!!" Mizuki shouted.

Iruka's eyes widen as he sees the clones of Naruto surrounding Mizuki, who was alarmed by the sher number of clones.

" Multi Shadow clones jutsu, a Justu that only works for those with vast Chakra reserves." I spoke as Scatach looked at me.

" You do realize I read the manga, correct?"

" I know." I responded.

" Just making sure our audience remembers."

Scatahc looked at me crazy as she held a hand over my forehead.

" Have you gotten sick? Perhaps you have gone crazy finally." Scathach looked concerned.

" I'm fine." I deadpanned.

" As your teacher and lover, I must warn you that breaking the fourth wall has dire consequences."

'Great, she is in her teaching mode.' I thought as I continued to watch Naruto beat Mizuki with his shadow clones.

" Not to mention the plot holes which the author has been too lazy to fix..."

" Alright, alright, let's focus back on the situation here." I interrupted her.

A minute later, we saw Mizuki lying on the floor beaten.

" Welp, it looks like our job is done here." I stood up with Scathach.

" Your clone is still here." Scathach pointed out.

" Yo! Munch Munch." The shadow clone was stuffing his face with the last apple pie.

I waited until he finished the pie before canceling the jutsu.

The shadow clones disperse into a dark smoke as I look back at Scathach.

" Now we're done. Let's check back with the Hokage."

Scathach nodded.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the genjutsu I put on Naruto and Iruka was undone.

An hour later, we were in the Hokage office.

" Reading the reports from Iruka, it says there were injuries, and after the fight, they disappeared..." The Hokage put down the report as he looked at us.

I shrugged as Scathach looked bored.

" Uh, something called genjutsu." I replied.

The hokage nodded.

" So to speak, you made the fight harmless as they threw sticks at each other."

I chuckled.

" It was a funny sight. You should've seen it." I spoke.

" I already did, and it was a genius idea." The Hokage smiled.

" You two did a good job, the scroll was returned, and Mizuki was captured."

" Well, you pretty much predicted everything. We're just failsafes, aren't we?" I looked at the Hokage as he nodded with solem.

" The Root." He spoke one word as I felt the Anbu in the room disappear.

" They have been making moves now. I thought they would've done it years ago when you graduated early, but now, there have been incidents of Roots infiltrating into the Anbu." The Hokage looked out the window as he took out his smoke pipe.

" So, a Shadow war." I spoke, which yhe Hokage nodded.

" But the real question is, why are you telling this to us, genin, and not to your most trusted Anbu squad.

The Hokage turned to look at me.

" Itachi. He informed me about the spies, and I believe that you two are still contacting each other, considering your friendship with him and Shisui."

I put my hands in surrender.

" Ah, I got caught." I spoke with smirk as the Hokage sighed as he shook his head.

" Thought so. I rested the responsibilities of the village on children before. I can't believe I'm doing the same again. I must be a fool." The Hokage smoked from his pipe as he looked back at the village with a sad look.

" Itachi and Shihu knew what they were getting into, and yet they still remain loyal to the village. I only care for my family. If you can guarantee their safety and well-being, I'm fine with anything. But don't get used to it."

" I don't like being commanded." Scathach chimed in as the Hokage nodded with an understanding face.

I mean, it was a surprise that Scathach lasted this long completing mission. I had to fight her from time to time so Scathach could quench her lust for bloodshed.

" Well, I guess it'll just be me." I spoke as I relaxed back on the couch.

" So... when will I be joining the Anbu?" I asked.

" After you become a Chunin." The hokage responded.

" By the way, Yuto...why are wearing those..." Before the Hokage could finish, I interrupted him.

" Don't question it." I spoke as the Hokage saw the dark face I had as Scathach had a smile.

The Hokage nodded as he turned back to look out the window.

The Hokage didn't speak anymore as Scathach and I took this as our que to leave.

We both flickered out onto a rooftop overseeing the village.

" Why did you agree to join?" Scathach.

I shrugged.

" I guess I wanted to make my parents here proud that I joined the Anbu. Besides, you could protect them when I'm not around." I explained.

" Of course I won't let anything happen to your parents. After all, they are my in-laws." She smirked.

" Oh, well..." I was a loss for words as Scathach slowly clasped our hands together.

She slowly leaned in for a kiss as she pecked my cheek.

" Come, let's sit here and enjoy the view." Scathach spoke as she sat down.

" Yeah." I smiled as I sat next to her as we held hands as we looked at the village illuminated by the moonlight.

/// Side Story ///

We see Yuto in front of a picture of Shiro being projected by a projector.

" Welcome to fun facts with Yuto." Yuto spoke.

" A fun fact about cats is they tend to sleep between 16 to 20 hours a day."

Yuto leans into the camera as he whispers.

" It's said that Shiro is able to sleep 34 hours in a single day. Don't believe me, look at this."

Yuto pointed the camera at a sleeping Shiro as Shiro's face was being squished by the camera lens.

The next thing the camera saw as it fell to the griund was Shiro attacking Yuto before the recording was cut off.