
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 168 The Start of Canon. ( Part 1 )

( Yuto Pov )

" There he goes again." I spoke as I looked up to see the Hokage monument vandalized by red paint.

Scathach chuckled as she looked amused.

" You were the one that you would but him ramen if he paints on the monument." Scathach replied.

" Hey, I did not know he was going to take it seriously." I explained myself as many people tried to get Naruto down by shouting.

" Ah. It seems they got the big guns." I commented as I saw Iruka shouting at Natuto as he was swinging from the rope as he tried to make an escape.

" The hell are you doing during class time!!?Get down here.you moron!" Iruka shouted.

The Hokage watched as Iruka captured Naruto and tied him with a rope as Naruto tried to make an escape.

" Well, I guess I still owe him ramen." I spoke as we saw Naruto get carried off.

" You better give him the most expensive ramen or the greatest ramen from your cooking. " Scathach spoke as she glanced at me.

" Oh, yeah. I'm sure I'll make it up to him." I nodded as I remembered the ingredients I got from Gacha from all these years.

Scathach smiled as we both followed behind Naruto.

They both entered back into the academy as Naruto accepted his fate.

" Wonder what he will do next?" I peeked into the classroom to see everyone doing transformation jutsu.

" I wonder. Is he going to follow the plot or something unexpected." Scathach spoke behind me as she peeked over me.

" Sexy no Jutsu!!"

We both deadpanned as Scathach covered my eyes.

" Well....that was....something. OK, I'm going to bleach my eyes." I spoke as I got back into the hallway before leaving.

Scathach chuckled as she followed me.

" You moron!! Dont invent stupid skills!!" we both heard Iruka shout as we both glanced at each other with a smile as we left.

As we got home, we were greeted by Shiro.

" Meow."

Scathach and I crouched as we showered Shiro with love as he enjoyed them.

" Alright, that's enough. Let's make Naruto some ramen. " I went into the kitchen.

The house was empty as Mother and Father went on a mission together.

Artoria and Nero went back to Fate.

Scathach carried Ahiro in her arms as she watched me prepare the ingredients from my inventory.

An hour later, I created the most divine food of all mankind.

I put the bowls in a container as I lifted it.

" Come on. let's meet Naruto."

Scathach smiled.

We both walked out of the house as we headed towards Narutos' location.

We both found Naruto and Iruka eating ramen.

" ....maybe you'll get it tomorrow." Iruka flashed his headband protector to Naruto.

" Bummer!!" Naruto shouted.

I chuckled as we entered the ramen shop.

" I totally forgot I had one." I spoke as Scathach looked at me.

" You forgot? why? is that you weren't wearing it?" She asked.

" Eh, small details." I shrugged.

" Yuto!!" Naruto exclaimed before covering his mouth as he saw my cat ears.

I rolled my eyes.

" Yo! teacher!" I greeted Iruka as he nodded.

" Hello, Yuto. It's great to see you again." Iruka smiled.

" Hahaha!" Naruto kept laughing.

I sighed.

" Sigh, shouldn't you have gotten used to it already." I glared at Naruto before giving him and Iruka a box of noodles.

" This is?" Iruka looked at me with confusion.

" A gift. And an apology as I was the one to convince Naruto to vandalize the Hokage Monument." I smiled innocently as Iruka sighed.

" Forget it, I'm too tired to discipline you." Iruka rubbed his forehead as he looked at Naruto before looking at me.

" Though I have to report this since it is your fault."

I shrugged.

" Eh, the old man would probably have me chase cats." I shrugged.

" Oh? Yuto!" Ayame returned as she leaned over the counter.

" Yo!" I greeted with a smile.

" Well, you guys have a wonderful night. " I said my goodbyes as Scathach nodded at them.

" Well, that was nice." I spoke as Scatach nodded.

" Yes, it was. I'm getting used to this kind of life." She smiled as she held my hand.

We both smiled as we walked back home.

The next day.

" So as punishment, you two will be keeping an eye on Naruto." The old man spoke as punishment.

I smirked at Scathach as she glared at me.

' If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me.' I said inwardly.

" So basically, watch over Naruto as the creepy bastard makes his moves correct?" I said as I grabbed the mission detail.

" Yes, and since Naruto is the Jinchuriki, I'm relying in you two in protecting him." He spoke.

" Eh, beats chasing cats." I shrugged.

" Do you want to chase cats?" The Hokage raised an eyebrow.

" Nope!" I quickly grabbed scathachs hand as we hurriedly rushed outside.

" Oi wait, I'm not done!!..."

* Bam! *

I closed the door as we flickered outside onto a rooftop.

Looking into the Hokage office, we saw the Hokage fuming as he continued to read reports.

I laughed as Scathach hit my head.

* Smack*

" Ow! why!?"

" You know why." She replied.

" Cough, as a couple, we must do everything together, including taking the blame." I smiled as Scathach shook her head.

" Sigh, why am I here?" She asked herself.

" Dunno, maybe you'll get lovesick if you leave my side." I shrugged.

" So narcissistic." Scathach rolled her eyes as I chuckled.

" Come on. We have a mission!!" I shouted.

Scathach sighed.

A few hours later, we were keeping an eye on Natuto, Mizuki already made contact with Naruto.

" Follow Naruto, only interfere if Canon doesn't go as planned." I ordered as Scathach nodded.

" I'll follow Mizuki. In case he does something outside of the plot." After saying that, Scathach followed Naruto as I stayed by the Hokage office, knowing Mizuki would report Naruto to the Hokage.