

( Yuto Pov )

" You're like a teenager, always on your phone."

Scathach:" Don't judge me, you...you..."

" You what?" I smiled as Scathach tried to find a comeback.

I pressed my face against Scathach as I looked at her phone.

" Whatcha lookin' at???"

I saw a manga panel of me training shirtless.

" Fucking pervert." I looked at her with disgust as she hid her phone.

Scathach reached for her spear.

As she tried to Bonk me on the head hoping to make me forget, I grabbed it.

As scthach tried to break my grip, she pulled me on the couch, which I landed on top of her.

" Well, this is cliché."

Scathach smiled and just put her arms around my neck.

As we stared at each other for a while, before Liz came in.

Liz:" Yuto! Nero ate all the cook....Sorry for interrupting." She turned back.

Me and Scathach looked at Liz leaving and looked back at each other.

Scathach chuckled, and so did I.

Giving a peck on her cheek, I got up and threw her phone back to her.

" Here you pervert."

Scathach caught the phone.

" I'm going to check on Nero."

I left the living room and walked towards the dining room to see Nero slump over the table.

" What happened?" I leaned on the table.

Nero:" Too....many.....cookies...Um....u." She groaned.

" Sigh, didn't I say to watch the little girl?"

Nero:" Too....hungry..."

" Sigh."

I went into the kitchen and baked some more cookies for Liz.

As I came upstairs, I entered the room where Liz was at, and I saw here watching over Sakura as she was still recovering.

" Liz, I made some cookies for you."

Liz:" Ooh! Thank you, Yuto!"

I just smiled as she ate the cookie that was larger than her.

I sat next to Sakura and injected some life force to nourish her body.

Standing back up, I went downstairs, leaving Liz to watch over Sakura.

" Nero, let's go!"

Nero:" Ugh....be..right...there...Praetor...."

" Sigh, it's Yuto."

Nero:" ....Yuto....."

" Sigh."

Dragging the red Saber into the city.

* Small timeskip *

/// Bringing you Chibi Yuto dragging a Chibi Nero across the floor.///

Once we made it into the city, we met Alexander the Great and his master sitting at a table, and Alexander greeted us.

Alex:" Yuto and Nero! over here."

We sat across from them.

" How's the modern age doing for you?"

Alex:" It's great!" He ate crackers.

" I see."

Alex:" What's up with your servant."

Looking at Nero, who was slumped over the table freaking out Waver.

" She ate too much food."

Alex:" I see!"

I looked at Waver.

" This must be your master."

Alex:" Yes! this is Waver!"

Waver:" H....hello. I'm Waver."

" Hm, I'm Yuto."

Waver:" Escuse me, but I heard that you were a knight of the round table. How exactly are you not dead? How are you able to summon a servant? How did you live so long? How are you young?"

" Heard of The Hidden One in the Arthurian Legend?"

Waver nodded.

Waver:" I heard of him, but no one had seen his appearance, the only ones that knew were the knights of the round table. They also called you the Accursed one."

" Accursed One?"

Waver meekly nodded as I quickly turned to him.

Waver:" Yes. They said you were cursed to massascre armies for King Arthur. But some claimed you were a Sentinel, a gaurdian of the round table, and King Arthur."

Alex:" Hoh? Massascring armies, huh? Are you sure you don't have second thoughts on joining my side."

" No."

Alexander just nodded.

" So, anything else?"

Waver:" Uuuuh, oh! there was a tale of Morgan Le Fay who went crazy after you rejected her, so the ten gaurdians put her down."

" Morgan Huh? Thank you for telling me this. I'll probably spare both of your lives if you make it out."

Alex laughed.

Alex:" Ahahahahah!!! I like to see you try!!"

" Is that challenge?"

Alex:" Yes!" He spoke as he looked down at me as I looked up to him.

Nero:" Ugh, please.....no fighting....today."

The tension was broken by Nero.

Leaning back, I took Alex's tea before taking it in one go.

* Thud *

" Welp me and Nero will go see the city, see you two later."

Alex:" Hey my tea!!"

Waver:" I'll buy a new one."

Leaving the two, I dragged Nero around.

" Come in, let's go find some clothes."

Nero:" U.....m.....u..."

///Bringing you Chibi Nero in a santa costume///

' Feels great to be in modern clothes.'

I was wearing a black shirt sleeve with buttons and dark blue jeans with a white hoodie with a zipper.

Nero was just Nero as she wasn't in the condition to change.

" Hm? Yo dude, you okay?"

I spoke to the man in the allayway. And just as I stepped forward, I saw his command seal.

???:" Wait, Berserker!"

A blade was close to my face, and I had my face close to Lancelot helmet.

' Stupid helmet, why can't I have a cool helmet.'

" Hm? Aren't you Kariya?"

Kariya:" And you be the one that blown up the Matou mansion." He spoke as he weakly leaned on the wall.

I felt the hostility coming from him.

" You look like shit."

Kariya:" Did you kill everyone?"

"Hmmmmm, maybe I did, maybe not."

Kariya:" Just answer the question."

" Yeesh, no fun at all. If you're talking about the little girl, then yes."

Kariya:" Sigh, thank you."

He fell down.

" You know I could help you."

I spoke as I leaned against the wall.

Kariya:" And the price?"

" Guard my house."

Kariya:" That it?"

" Probably run me some snacks here and there."

I looked at him as I lowered my sunglasses.

Kariya:" Sure."

" Great, let's take an oath."

" Are you Kariya, willing to be my guard dog and snack receiver?"

Kariya:" I am willing."

" Are you willing to take any forms of punishment for betrayal and disloyalty?"

Kariya:" I am willing."

" Alrights, that's it."

Kariya:" Really?"

It was then that he grabbed his chest, which caused Berserker to growl.

Nero put a sword on his neck, daring him to move.

" Oh hey, you're alright."

Nero:" Umu!"

A few minutes later, Kariya calmed down.

Squatting next to him, I put a hand to his shoulder and pumped a lot of life force into him.

Kariya:" Ugh!"

" There! Now just head out of the city there you'll meet Scathach, just tell her I said there wasn't any spicy tofu."

Kariya:" Riiiight. Come berserker."

Berserker:" Grraaahh."

" Laters Lancelot." I waved.

Berserker:" GRRR."

" Come on, let's keep exploring."


We walked out of the allayway and walked around the city.

///Bringing you Sakura riding Berserkers Shoulders.///

" Man, who builds a church here?"

???:" I do."

" Hm?"

I turned around to see a man in church clothes.

???:" More specifically, my father."

" Is that so?"

I spotted the command seal on his hand.

" So that's where Goldie Boy is, huh? he's living with you."

The man froze before continuing.

Gilgamesh:" Forget it, it's useless to hide from him."

" Yo Goldie!"

Gilgamesh:" Sigh, still the same nickname."

" Oh yeah, where did we meet by chance?"

Gilgamesh:" You really don't know, huh? Or is it just another excuse."

I shrugged.

Gilgamesh:" Just get in the fucking church."

" Don't wanna."

Gilgamesh looked down to me as he crossed his arms.

" I don't like that face you're making."

Gilgamesh:" You never did.....mongrol."

" You just had to go there."

Gilgamesh:" I just realized you're not strong like before."

" Are you calling me weak?"

Gilgamesh:" Isn't it obvious."

Just as Nero and I could end this man's career, the weirdo interrupted.

???:" Ahem, the rules state we can't fight in broad daylight. "

Gilgamesh is not turning his head away and spoke.

Gilgamesh:" Rules are meant to be broken."

" I'm going to break that face of yours."

Gilgamesh:" Jealous?"

" That hairstyle is a crime against humanity, I'm surprised you didn't get striked down, especially when you were living in a church."

Gilgamesh:" You crossed the line!!"

" The line was already crossed, you female dog!!"

Gilgamesh:" You really crossed it this time!!"

" Go cry about it!!"

Gilgamesh:" EA!!"


/// We bring you....SHIRO!!!!THE CAT.....///

" So, you're telling me I created that to kill a god?"

Gilgamesh:" Not just a God, God."

" God as in?"

Gilgamesh:" Sigh, forget it, you'll know, though I didn't see you slay him, you kept flaunting that the spear had God blood on it."

" I see. Still don't understand."

' Like God God, or a fictional God?' I thought as I held a wine cup that Gilgamesh gave me.

" Hear that hotel that exploded?"

Gilgamesh:" Don't care, really." He shrugged before taking a gulp.

Gilgamesh:" There's also this!"

He opened a portal to reveal a golden chain.

" Ain't that the famous chain, Enkidu?"

Gilgamesh:" Enkidu wanted you to have this. But I'll hold onto it after you manage to defeat me."

He took back Enkidu.

" You really want to fight, huh?"

Gilgamesh:" Ain't that obvious. You were always the annoying person I met, This time, I'm not losing this chance."

" Hoh? is that so?"

Gilgamesh:" Ye....mmfph."

A cat landed on his head.

Taking the cat off his head, he angrily looked at me.

Gilgamesh:" Why a damn cat store!?"

" It's a cat Cafe, Beside there's a discount for a plus one and two, I'm not mission out on this."

I looked over to see Nero covered in Cats as she petted them in an aggressive manner.

" Beside, she's enjoying it."

Gilgamesh:" Is she really an emperor?"

" Dunno, she's cute, can handle a sword, and likes cats. That's a plus in my book."

Gilgamesh:" I thought cat girls were your fetish."

He looked down at me with disgust.

" Don't you go there."

Gilgamesh:" Hmph."

" Sigh, well, it's time to leave."

I got up from the ground and took off the cats and were sleeping on my lap and shoulder.

Gilgamesh:" You got one on your head stupid."

Getting the cat off my head, I threw it at Gilgamesh.

Hurriedly picking up Nero, we escaped the sounds of shouting.

/// We bring you Yuto leading an army of cats to defeat Vortigern///

Chapitre suivant