
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

110. Sakura

( Yuto Pov )

Nero:" Look! Praetor! A Duel, We should announce ourselves!!"

" Not yet, we should keep watching."

Me and Nero were watching Lancer Duel Artoria.

Not far, I also sense rider and his master on a bridge.

Nero:" She's being led to a trap."

Nero stated as she looked like she's watching a show.

" Lancers master must be commanding him."

Nero:" Umu."

And just ad Lancer activated his Noble Phantom. I jumped in between the dual.

" Mahiru." I chanted.

Mahiru:" Oh, finally using this?"

Flames came off the sword, and my arm and using the boost of power, I blocked the spear and countered it.

" Counter Vanish."

The attack disappeared as I sheathed Mahiru-no-yo.

Lancer:" Wha??"

" I am Yuto Yamamoto, Kignt of the round table, seat Zero. I may be a master in this fight, but it is till I fight my kings battles."

I smirked as I looked back at Artoria, who had an annoyed face.

Lancer:" I see, I am Diarmuid Ua Duibhne. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yuto Yamamoto."

" I must apologize for interrupting your battle with my King, but you should face me before dueling my king."

Diarmuid:" I understand, that's honorable."

He picked up his spear.

Diarmuid:" Then I'll face you, Yuto."

" How about a bet?"

Diarmund:" Oh? please continue."

" If I win, I'll let you be my left hand, man. If I lose, you have the right to face my king."

Diarmund:" Sorry, Yuto. But I've already sworn to my master. How about the last man stand? Give me an honorable death, and I'll do the same."

A smile crept to my face.

" Sure!"

Artoria looked on with worry.

But just as we were about to fight, the rider appeared with his master.

Diarmund:" Sigh, seems we'll put this on hold."

Nodding I sheathed Mahiru-no-yo.

" Nero, get down here."

Nero:" Umu!"

* Thud *

She landed next to me.

Nero:" I am Nero Claudius, Emperor of Rome!! My Praetors Saber!!"

Diarmuid:" Saber?" He looked at Artoria, who was also confused.

Rider:" Perhaps sisters?"

Artoria shook her head.

" Who the fuck are you?"

I looked at Rider.

Rider:" Ahem! I am Alexander the Great, the king of conquerors!! Join me in this conquest."

His master looked distressed that he announced his name.

" Yeah, no."

Arotria:" I refuse."

Nero:" I'm with Praetor, Umu!"

Diarmuid:" I also refuse as well."

Alexander:" I see, so why don't I challenge all other servants in the area!!"

Just as he finished, a man appeared on a pole.

???:" How barbaric."

The man looked down to Alexander before turning his gaze towards me.

???:" Yo Yuto, it's been a long time."

I was confused.

" Who the hell are you?"

???:" It's me, Gilgamesh, King of Babylon." He looked annoyed as he stared at me.

" Still don't know."

Gilgamesh:" I see, let's see if this reminds you."

He opened a portal to reveal a blood red spear. It looked like [ Faith's Fall ], but stronger.

Gilgamesh:" You created this weapon to slay a God. I took it after you left it."

" Still don't remember."

Now he looked pissed.

Everyone was looking at me and Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh:" I see, maybe it's not that time yet."

He spoke before he was attacked by a man in black Armor.

' Lancelot?'

* Boom! *

Gilgamesh:" You interrupted me, you Mongol!"

He shot a few weapons from his gate of Babylon.

The Berserker caught a sword and blocked a weapon before throwing it towards Gilgamesh.

' Now he's beyond pissed.'

Gilgamesh:" How dare you lay your finger on my weapon!!"

He shot a few more. But just as he was about to use his Noble Phantom, he was forced back.

Gilgamesh:" Dammit!!"

" Well, that was something."

I spoke before I dodged a punch from Berserker.

" Yo nice to see you again, Lancelot."


Nero joined in, hitting him towards a light pole.

Nero:" Umu, he won't get up after that!"

.....He got up....

Lancer was forced to join in by a command seal.

I blocked his attack that was about to hit Artoria.

" You'll help Nero with Berserker. I'll take him."

Artoria:" Thank you." She said as she helped Nero.

I turned back to Lancer.

" Well, looks like we'll have our Duel."

Diarmuid:" Looks like it."

Using demon possession, I felt the boost in power again.

'Breath of Massacre: First form: Annihilation.'

Swiping my blade, it destroyed the are infromt which caused Diarmund to retreat with a slash on bus chest.

As he retreated, he sped towards me with his spear.

' Fast.'

I used [bullet time] and [transparent world ]as well as mana reinforcement to keep up.

* Clink *

Diarmuid parried my attack and countered with his spear. Activating the life force barrier, I blocked his attack, and I kicked him ln the chin.

Diarmuid:" Ugh!"

I sensed Rider help Artoria and Nero push back Berserker. Seeing this Lacers master ordered for a retreat.

Diarmuid:" Shit! It looks like we'll have to pause again!"

I put down my guard as I saw Diarmuid run off.

" Sigh, let's go, nero!"

Nero:" Umu."

She walked towards me.

Artoria:" Wait, Yuto!"

Artoria reached out as I looked at her.

Artoria:" We should talk."

" I'd love to, but..."

Taking out Mahiru-no-yo, I cut another bullet in half.

" It appears your master refuses."

I sheathed Mahiru-no-yo and looked at Artoria.

" Well, talk later, I promise."

I turned around and walked away.

* A few minutes later ,*

Nero:" Praetor! this place disgusts me!"

" Yeah, this is it."

[ Mission ]

[ Kill Zoukan Motou ]

[ Rewards: servant card]

' A mission is a mission.'

I thought before taking out a Mahiru-no-yo. Nero walked behind me.

* Knock Knock *

???:" Who is i..guck!!"

Stabbing through his throat, I kicked his body in.

* Bam *

The gaurds we're alarmed.

Throwing a few bombs into the rooms before massacring the rest.

" Are you joining or not, Nero?"

Nero:" Of course I'm joining!"

She took out her sword and attacked as well.

Getting upstairs, I dodged a bullet and threw a kunai into the shooters eye.

As the guards filled the hallway, I threw a couple of smoke bombs and used this chance to move between them as I cut their throats with the hidden blade.

As I searched for the target, I caught a dagger.

" Where is Zoukan Motou!?"

He hit his knee and twisted his wrist he refused to speak.

" I see, brainwashed, huh?"

Killing him by peircing him by his own Dagger, I walked outside.

Nero:" Did you find what you were looking for, Praetor?"

" No."

I threw a few paper bombs, which Nero tilted her head at.

Nero:" What's that Pra..."

* Booooommm!!*

" As I thought he's undeground."

"Move the rubble." I commanded.

Nero:" Umu!"

With a swing of her sword, she moved the rubble.

Just as i was about to step in, I saw a worm.

" Disgusting." I stepped on it.

Nero:" It seems this place is where the disgusting smell was coming from."

" Yeah."

' Purifying flames.'

With a simple hand gesture, the underground was filled with white golden flames. I made sure it wouldn't destroy any people underground.

" Come."

I held a hand for Nero, who took it.

Nero:" Umu."

As we landed on the ground, we saw the dead worms turning to ashes.

" Hmm?"

I saw a half dead old man and a little girl on the table.

Seeing the worms that survived by using her body, I knew that this old man did this to her.

Nero:" Praetor..."

" Yeah, it seems we interrupted an experiment."

I pulled out Mahiru-no-yo and slashed the old sheet, causing him to wake up, but only to find himself dissolving.

Ignoring his screams, I got close to the girl.

Using the transparent world, I saw the worms gathering in her stomach.

Gathering the Holy Element on my hand and using blood control, I took a kunai and slashed her stomach open. Using the Holy element to keep her alive, I used blood control that was coming from her body to gather the worms.

As the worms came out, I used the Holy Element to destroy it.

Finished with that, I closed the wound by healing jutsu and giving her life force.

' Purification.'

I used purification on her stomach and her whole. out to get rid of any side effects from the worms.

Zoukan:" Grr, Ugh!!""

Giving her to Nero, I stepped on Zoukans head.

" Sick bastard." I coldly stared at him before stepping on neck and crushing it.

* Crack *

" Let's go."

Nero:" Umu"

I dropped a few bombs before we left, and as we walked out of the gates, there was another explosion.