
chapter 4

Gojo was currently laying on a couch wearing comfy bunny pajamas. For once he wasn't wearing sunglasses showing his beautiful bright blue eyes.

He was lying on someone's lap in a lap pillow and was reading a manga while eating from a pack of chips floating by his side.

"Gojo?" Asked Raphtalia, the person whose lap Raphtalia was using as a pillow.

"Yes Raphy?" Gojo replied.

"Aren't you supposed to be currently at the stark expo?" Raphtalia asked.


"Then what are you doing here?"

"Well Steve and Bucky both have a date with that bonnie and Connie. This time unlike the movies. Steve got a legitimate date too so I thought why not spend some time with Raphy? Been a while since our last date too."

Gojo nonchalantly said

"It's been like a month."

"Yes exactly. And after this I have to surprise Steve at the camp too. There is also the whole propaganda movie I have to make too. Ugh! Why did I give myself this much work?" Raphtalia giggles at that.

After that they just returned to their comfortable silence with Gojo munching on the chips and Raphtalia going back on the phone.

After a few minutes of silence.

Gojo sat up and stretched

"Well imma go and check up with the multiverse bros. I haven't seen them recently."

"Oh sure. Bye! tell them I say hi." Raphtalia adds.

With a snap of a finger Gojo's dress changed to that of a pristine suit.

And with a flash of light disappears.


Gojo POV

Unknown sky.

I appeared in a blue sky with no ground visible and stayed there as if standing on something solid.

In the distance was what looked like a huge floating city.

I put on my sunglasses and took off flying towards the floating city.

"Goddess of Justice, please inform the boys I am back!"I says to noone in particular.

"Yes daddy!" Came a disembodied voice cheerfully and suddenly a blue skinned, skimpily dressed girl with a short bowl cut appeared and a ring covering her eyes appeared. She made a two finger salute and disappeared She was made when I was inspired from a manhua called "Apocalypse online" it was pretty good though pretty generic.

Her entire body is made up of super advance and super small nanomachines which can not only change shape but can feel and let her feel like a real human skin. She even has internal organs that are all made up of these nanomachines so she can do almost everything a human being can do without any of the nasty stuff like excretion. The stuff she eats is just entire broken and used as energy.

Only a small ball the size of a ping pong ball in her brain isn't made up of nanomachines. Inside that ball is a city sized pocket dimension as large as New York entirely filled with her data servers.

She is like the T X terminator from Terminator except essentially a mechanical god. Did I mention she also can use magic. Yes she can. And her most advanced one is "Godly Techno-mancy." Yes I made the magic using [skill creation] and gave it to her using the [Gift]. To use magic she has a "star powered fusion reactor" with "mana convertor runes." All inspired from "I am the sorcerer king."

Anyway I am now above the city and fly towards the tallest building on a landing pad on it and enter the building. As I walk to the Living room I hear the people already gathered.

I enter and see my multiverse bros. First was Minato and Kushina. I rescued them from their demise when Naruto was born.



The hidden leaf village:

10th October 1945 elemental nations calender.

Tonight the village was in despair. There was death and destruction everywhere as a mountain size nine tailed fox caused havoc.

Many shinobis were attacking with every jutsu they got but it didn't seem to even make it flinch.

All hope seem to be lost as the strongest of the tailed beast charged up his most destructive and Powerful move, the Bizudama.

When out of nowhere the 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash arrived and swiftly teleported the Bizudama away with his own signature jutsu, Flying Thunder God.

He had just managed to drive off the masked lunatic that released the beast from his wife and had just managed to convince her wife to seal this beast in their own son and in the process sacrifice his life.

After a fight the beast was temporarily subdued by his wife and he was about to begin the ritual.

The beast knowing what was about to happened (after it had come back to its senses) attacked minato to kill him with the baby.

Minato was impaled but that was not enough to stop it from reaching the baby so Kushina also sacrificed himself and also got impaled.

They knew it was their last moments with their son so they gave him one last advice they could give as parents.

"Naruto, don't be picky with your food. Eats lots so you can grow big. And don't stay up late. You need your sleep.

Make friends.

I am not the one to talk but do your best in school and ninjutsu.

Respect your seniors and teachers in the Academy.

Don't drink your alcohol until you are twenty.

And it's ok to notice girls when you are growing up.

Speaking of girls, don't go after bad ones ok?

Find someone like mommy.

And also always remember that no matter what happens we will always love you."

It would seem that it was the end. The other shinobis that were outside the barrier that Kushina made all heard it with a heavy heart.

"Hiruzen-san please take care of Naruto-kun for us."

"Yes I will, Kushina-chan" hiruzen also answered solemnly. It hurt him how the girl, he watched grow up to be a woman, died before him.

All seem to end. Minato was about to continue. He was about to sacrifice his soul to the shinigami for his Village and son.

…But God seem to have other plans.

*Sniff* *sniff*

On the side stood a young man wearing black long sleeved shirt with black pants and black boots crying his eyes (and nose) out. He had a video camera and was filming all this. He also had a peculiar white silver hair that was signature to the hatake clan.

Every body froze how did this guy get here and nobody sensed him? And more importantly HOW DID HE ENTER THE BARRIER?!?

"ugh *sniff* sorry it's just *sniff* that was just so beautiful."

He says wiping his face with a handkerchief.

Minato and Kushina didn't know what to think of this. Where did he come from and why was he just standing there crying.

"Alright I am done. lemme help with that." He says as he puts down the camera and composes himself and puts out his hand.

[Creation of all things :- Modified Masterball]

A half violet and half white ball with two pink bulges on the violet and an unknown (to everyone present there) appeared in his hand.

And he just chugged it at full strength at the the nine tailed beast. And the ball hit it.

The beast couldn't even express his surprise as he turns into lights, the ball opened up and the light got absorbed into the ball. The ball closed. Shakes a couple of time and just stops as a small light effect explodes from it.

Every body just stood there shocked and not knowing what to do.

"Oh wait lemme fix you up and the village too." He says as he floats up.

He first snaps his finger…

[Holy magic :- Complete restoration]

A golden light envelopes the whole village and them and everyone there just heals. Minato got better like he didn't just battle and got impaled by a giant fox. Kushina seem as if she never lost the nine tails.

Hiruzen seem to stand a bit straighter.

In fact they never felt better.

He floated up high. He stood on thin air and spreads his arms and…

[Space-time magic :- time reversal 5 hour]

A huge rust-gold coloured dome covers them and the whole village. And time turned back

for everything in the dome.

All the buildings start fixing up as if someone played a video in reverse. The dead people came to life and stood where they stood 5 hours ago. But the living wasn't effected by this so they just stood there in silence and watch the beautiful sight.

Children reunite with their parents. Husbands with their wives. Lovers with each other. Friends hug with tears in their eyes.

It was a truly beautiful site.

"Hey girl! Sorry to ruin your feast so here! take this and call me sometimes" the mysterious person says, now standing besides minato as he hands a bento and a piece of paper to the God of death. And suprisingly the god of death took something from the bento, ate it and said in a sweet feminine voice.

"Fine. But just because you are so cute. Bye~" the god of death disappears.

All of them stood even more shell shocked. Their jaws almost touched the ground.

He then turns to them and FINALLY introduces himself.

"Ah sorry the names Caleb Kingson. But you can call me Gojo." He says nonchalantly with a grin as if he didn't do a complete miracle.

Flashback end.


After that I just did two things i,e summon Danzo and Black Zetsu using spell [summoning magic :- forced summoning] and used [magic delete] on both of them thus erasing from existense.

Of course Hiruzen tries to attack me but I just transferred all the crimes of Danzo directly into his head while he was mid attack. Both things he has done and will do.

Needless to say he was heartbroken to see his precious friend become so evil.

I then went to minato who got defensive. Transferred about who I was to his head and gave him a smartphone with multiverse messaging feature and internet from my original world.

Since then we used to chat and occasionally he hung out here to free himself from all the stress and it's easy too cause of the whole time stop in the original world and stop aging stuff here stuff.

As I see him I grin and directly went to Kushina, "hey Kushina, baby how have you been?"

She chuckles while minato cleared his throat loudly, "um could you stop flirting with my wife?"

"Oh heyyy, Minato, baby how have you been?" Minato immediately backed away.

"Haha~ I am just messing with ya."

"Are the others here yet? We haven't really hung out in a while anyway" I say as we begin to go in.

Immediately I am greeted by the sight of a black haired, peak male specimen with violet eyes wearing black turtleneck and jeans and sandles, sitting at the bar of the room being served by a Ant-human hybrid shadow.

The ant had a bowtie and was being a bartender.

"Hey beru! One drink for me please."

"Of course lord Kingson" he says in a weird voice before beginning to make my drink.

"Hey Jin woo! how's Cha hae in?" Ask gojo

That's right the person was Sung Jin woo, the Shadow monarch. He was currently in his true form that was a full long haired adult tied up to a ponytail but he uses a teen form in his world. He has just started dating Cha hae a few months ago and things were going quite well.

Gojo met him at a pc cafe before he went on his 27 years crusade. Gojo was in a teen form too and they quite hit it off.

They became quite good friends. And when he went into the chaos world Gojo camp and occasionally helped him.

It's not like Gojo spent the entire 27 years there. He just occasionally helped and because of his time magic basically no time had passed.

Jinwoo smiles "I am doing good too thank you very much. And cha hae is well too. I am just here to avoid work and relax after all the threats coming to my world because of my power."

"You know you could just spread mana and make the dungeon system real again right? I can even put in a system to sort the hostile and non hostile groups in different ways. At least like that the world would begin to magical advance. And your work load will reduce too. I mean some casualties are inevitable. But what great changes were made without sacrifices anyway?" Gojo suggest.

"Hmm. I will think about it."

Jinwoo answers drinking a glass of vodka.

They both hear a feminine voice. "Hey Gojo-kun and Jinwoo-san! Come here and watch! Saturo-kun is being absolutely destroyed at super smash Bros by Xie Yan san!"

The person who said that was Goddess Rimuru. It had been 200 years since the defeat of Yuuki and he became a God/Goddess in his world. He had been just wasting away on paperwork the past two years so I invited him to hang out. And he agreed.

It also helps that I time travelled back and helped him defeat Yuuki. And I even revived Sijue in the past so she was alive in the future as well.

She had become a part of Rimuru's harem.

And yes there is Canon Gojo here too. I pulled him out of the seal he had been trapped in. Nobody knows he's gone. He goes to sleep in the seal. And comes back once hes awake.

And there is Xie Yan. The world travelling cultivator from "I am an evil god". He landed here in an accident since I allow non hostile people to come in this dimension. I guess his system thought it's host could benefit here.

I would have magic-deleted his ass for catching me in my sweet date with Rhea and Gaia from Percy Jackson universe (yes they are my girlfriends too. Story for another time) if I didn't recognize him.

He was a cool guy too. So I gave his system an upgrade to universe travel to worlds he had already gone to. And worlds he knows well enough.

I walk in with jinwoo and Rimuru leading us.

Damn that ass is perfect! If he wasn't a he I would have asked him out already!

"Alright. Gojo-kun, I know you think you are being subtle but I am a God too. I can feel your gaze. I am not really ready for male since I am a male in heart too ya know." He says playfully, not really creeped out by my staring. He knows that he is hot since he is one of the guys. He is doing that on purpose.

"Yeah I know. I know."

We walk to the gaming part of the room and see Gojo with his blindfolds off. (Minato and Kushina were already on the couch. Baby Naruto was asleep in Kushina's arm and minato was drinking orange juice). I gave Saturo a skill to turn on and off the full powers of his Six Eyes. So the blindfold isn't really needed anymore but he still uses it hide his beautiful eyes. And no matter how confident he was even he is not crazy enough to play games blindfolded hence why it was kept aside. He was wearing shorts and white shirt.

Xie Yan too was wearing a comfy short and black shirt with his name. Geez how narcissistic is this guy? But still he ain't as bad as Howard.

Xie Yan notice me "oh hey gojo and jinwoo came to watch me beat the crap out of Satoru using only Pikachu?"

Gojo had a smile that didn't reach his eyes and his mouth was twitching. "I am this close to chucking a purple up your ass you know that?" He was annoyed that's for sure.

"Hey where are the others?" I ask. Yes that's right. There were others too. Although not many. Luffy or saitama wasn't here. Even Danny phantom wasn't here. And they were the ones that visited the most.

Saitama because he plays SAO headset I made that has connection with the actual SAO world. It's one of the few things where he can fight without destroying everything with one punch.

And Luffy because he just likes the food I make. Although he likes the games too. But mostly the food.

"Didn't you have to join the camp and surprise your friend Captain America?" Jinwoo ask. That's right excluding minato and kushina. They all had marvel in their world. Of course they had. But some didn't have the mcu. Like Rimuru and Xie yan's original earth.

Gojo's earth has mcu. Although he hasn't watched infinity war.

"Hmm yeah. But I will go a bit later. Let things run its course a bit…" at that moment Beru came and handed me the drink I ordered and forgot.

"Oh thank you beru." I thank the insectoid shadow.

"I aim to please." He says as he bows.

"Hey let me try the game a bit. I have been practicing" minato says which does not surprise me. We have been hanging out for almost a year now and he had the pleasure of trying videogames when he came here.

"Sure. Lemme beat your ass too." Xie Yan says confidently.

And they start playing.

I smile feeling the atmosphere. So this is what it must mean to have friends and family huh?

As if sensing my thoughts Rimuru grabs my shoulder and smiles.


"…Rimuru. Why don't you give up being a guy and become my girlfriend? I promise to blow your mind in bed" I joked

He just throws a pillow at me. We all share a laugh.


12912 characters count. My most number of character count

(A/N :- and that's ch4. I hope you enjoyed it. I decided to put some characters that aren't the main cast in enough multiverse crossover stories.

I love "I am the evil god" it's one of my most favourite Chinese originated series manhuas along with. "Hero?I quit a long time ago!"

So anyway hope you guys like it.

Next chapter might be a mini chapter showing off Gojo's (MC) girlfriends.)