
chapter 3

Steve POV

Its 1943 and things have changed quite a lot for me. This year marks 12 years since I met my 2 best friends for whom I would give my life.

Twelve years ago, when I met Gojo and Bucky that fateful day I had never thought how colourful my life would become.

Gojo, only a few months after we became "bros" as he likes to say it (apparently it means brother) he started a company. Heavens corporation for entertainment and media or for short, Heavens corp. Quite a cocky name.

His company made millions in a matter of months. He bought up everything from Disney to Warner Brothers. And producing cartoons and movies that became the childhood for many children. He became an a singing and acting icon himself while helping many people all over the world through his charity. He became one of the most prominent public figure all over the world and even gained knighthood from the queen for all his achievements. He improved many lives including my mother's and Bucky's family. He is a public icon.

For me and Bucky though, he is the wackiest, weirdest and the coolest person we know.

Everything from his fashion sense to looks are unique. He has all shorts of weird expressions and words that both Bucky and I picked up. They are quite fun to use.

In my entire school days I never saw him picked up a book once. Turns out he finished his college education at Harvard before we even met.

Gojo introduced me and Bucky to various things. He introduced me to various Movies and Shows to board games.

But the thing is, he likes to do them all extravagantly. Like watching Movies in his personal cinema at his mansion.( All of which had actors and stories that nobody had ever seen or heard of, mind you). Or going all out using sets and miniatures and using up an entire room for a simple table top game. He invented it too it's called "dungeons and dragons"

We three love playing it. Bucky always chooses to play as a wolf man but I mostly choose a human. He always calls me "basic" for that.

Gojo also sometimes invites his other friends to play with us (of course he had other friends) who turned out to be Howard stark, the young genius and founder of stark industry.

He was actually quite an amicable guy. We quickly became friends too. Though he is a bit of a playboy. But toned it down after Gojo kicked him in the balls. Though he fixed him up with magic too.

Speaking of magic, Bucky, Howard and I confronted about it one day after he kept changing the subject whenever it was brought up.

He in response just nonchalantly claimed to be a God. Of course we didn't believe him but we had to after he brought us to the moon. And we could still breath.

He took a lot of pictures and videos that day.

In fact he takes a lot of pictures and videos all the time in that advance camera of his. Says it's for the memories and the future generations.

When Howard wanted him to reveal the machines he had, Gojo threatened to kick him in the balls again.

When the 2nd world war broke out, and I heard all about the atrocities of the Nazis I immediately wanted to enlist immediately. And it would have been easy too as I was no longer the Scrawny kid from Brooklyn.

My body had changed. Of course it will with a friend like Gojo stuffing me full with an absolutely heavenly meat he called "sea king meat" and he and Bucky teaching me how to fight.

So I really wanted to enlist after all, Bucky already enlisted. But Gojo stopped me saying that if I really wanted to join the army, he would prepare me for it beforehand.

Of course at the beginning I didn't agree. I truly believed that I had no right to sit back when good men were sacrificing themselves for us.

I also needed to be one of them. But Gojo had convinced me that I was not meant to die as a nameless soldier, that I had much more in stored for me that all i needed to wait for was 1943.

I didn't really didn't understand why but I did as he told me too. As they say "God works in mysterious ways".

So I prepared. Prepared for the year when I enlist and fight for my country would come. Gojo also gave me this weird martial arts book called "Rokushiki".

Except he sealed all the fighting moves."You are not ready for those, so just chill out and do the first steps only" he says.

As I stood with my thoughts in an alleyway, an unconscious guy leaning against the wall. I heard an all too familiar voice in my coming from the entranced.

"Hey Stevey! Sorry to keep you waiting." My friend Caleb Kingson aka Gojo said in an excited voice. He wearing a black coat with black pants. He still had his iconic sunglasses too. Noticing the unconscious guy he added, "wow you did a number on this guy. What did he do?"

"Well it was self defense. He was being loud in the cinema when the war advert was playing so I told him to be quiet. He instead dragged me here." I replied. Looking at the loud guy I added "Can you fixed him up before we go. I don't want him to get any permanent damage."

"Haha oh Steve. You and your big heart. I am surprised someone like you is so adamant about war." He says casually as he snaps his finger and the loud guy heals.

"Haha, well my friend when we kill in war, we do it for a purpose and for protecting something dear to us. If I kill this guy here by mistake, it will be just mindless violence." Gojo smiles at that. "Besides I have always hated bullies, whether they are small time thugs or a Dictator aiming for world conquest." I added.

"Alright. Enough philosophical talk let's go to the stark convention. It's your last night here before enlisting. So we are gonna spend it seeing Howard embarrass himself. I told him his flying car wouldn't work but it seems he doesn't really believe a message from a God. Bucky is already there with those girls Bonnie and Connie for a double date. I also got one after tonight." Gojo says as we walk out of the alleyway.

"Are you ready to finally tell me now why I had to wait for this year to enlist?" I ask. He smirks mysteriously. Ugh I am beginning to hate that smirk.

"You can never hate this smirk!" He says now grinning.

"Hey what did I tell you about reading minds!?"

"Haha I didn't. It's just you are quite an open book sometimes."

Just like that both of us walk out of the alleyway. I don't really need to worry about mom. Gojo said he will be taking care of her since he is apparently not enlisting (at least from what I can see)

We walk all the way and finally reach the "Stark Expo"


Elsewhere, on the roof of the alleyway Gojo and Steve were in, another Gojo and one Doctor Abraham Erskine was standing.

Gojo had his hand around Doctor Abraham Erskine's shoulder.

"So what do you think doc?" Gojo asked.

"About the current most popular person in the world being a God and being able to make clones of himself?" Doctor Erskine said in an astonished tone.

"You're still on about that? I mean about Steve. Isn't he perfect for project rebirth." Gojo says not caring about the poor doctor's shock.

"Of course he is perfect. He not only has the heart but more importantly about you being a God and a..-"

Gojo quickly interrupted him, "Now wait a minute. I can't have you spoiling stuff for the audience, can I?"

"What Audience!!??" Abraham shouted exasperated.

To that Gojo just laughed.


6360 characters count.

(A/N …And 3rd chapter done. I decided to shorten up the things done between years in one chapter. From this we can know how close Steve, Bucky and Gojo have become. I decided to not hide how Gojo is a God from Steve and Bucky and a few select individual. Keeping secret when you are a God and literally no one can harm you doesn't really makes sense. I am trying to pull off an Grandpa Universe type of thing. Man! I love that fanfiction.

Also I may add some short stories about things Gojo sometimes does in the multiverse. It will be canon.)