
Mr. Spy Establishes An Intelligence Agency In Another World

"Terrorists planning to blow up a VIP? Just kill the terrorists first." "Powerful corrupt noble making backdoor dealings with the enemy? Make his death look like an accident to avoid political unrest." "Monsters terrorizing the countryside? Test out our latest chemical weapons on them." "Enemy nation planning to invade? Get some blackmail on them." "Demon King planning on destroying the world? Just break every law in the Geneva Convention and send them packing." This is the story of how a modern-day spy got summoned to another world and established an intelligence agency (and plans on conquering the world for Earth.)

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23 Chs

When A B*dass Fantasy Fight Becomes A Beatdown

Enjento POV:



(Strange, why do I hear the sound of clashing metal? Pretty sure I should be dead.) (Enjento)

{Open your eyes, dumb*ss.} {IRIS}

Enjento ignored IRIS and opened his eyes. The sight he saw was so surreal it seemed like it was straight out of a Shounen manga.

An Undead skeleton wearing a simple gold crown in dark royal armour with gold accents stood in front of Enjento, blocking the golem's punch with a magnificent silver longsword that radiated with power.

"Are you alright, Chosen One!" (Andeddo)

"Never been better. Thanks for the save!" (Enjento)

"My pleasure! It's been far too long since I've fought a foe of this calibre!" (Andeddo)

"I ain't letting you hog all the fun, Andeddo!" (Muteki)

The tall black knight came crashing down on the golem and attempted to bisect it in half with his black greatsword.


The sword only made a slight chip on the back of the golem's head despite the force that Muteki put behind it.

"What!?! Is this thing made of Adamantine!?! (Muteki)

The golem turned around its blue orbs which acted as eyes flashed with annoyance. The golem pulled back its fist and sent Muteki crashing into several trees a hundred yards away.


The black knight's head flew off his body from the impact he received from crashing into the tree.

"Ugh…" (Muteki)

"Damn, that giant lump of metal! It'll take forever for me to re-attach my head!!!" (Muteki)

"Well, it seems like Muteki is out of commission at the moment. Do you have plans, Chosen One?" (Andeddo)

"I've already sent the coordinates of our position to Tekina through the radio. She should be here to help at any moment." (Enjento)

A bright light suddenly flashed beside them, and after it died down, Tekina appeared.

"Did you guys beat the mage who set up the barrier?" (Tekina)

"Unfortunately, no. Can you go help Muteki reattach his head?" (Enjento)

"What? Why would I go help that brainless battle junkie?" (Tekina)

"Would you rather fight an Adamantine golem who can use magic?" (Andeddo)

At the mention of the golem, the three felt a disturbance in the mana around them and looked to see the golem's engraved magic circles preparing to fire off another volley of Fireballs.

[Reminder: For those confused by previous chapters, the golem has magic circles engraved on its body it can use to cast spells. It also has magic circles that draw the surrounding mana of its environment.]

"Hey, did you hear that? I think I hear Muteki calling me to help find and reattach his head! I better get going!" (Tekina)

(Coward.) (Enjento and Andeddo)

While they were playing their comedic scene, the golem finished preparing the spells and let lose the barrage of Fireballs that could reduce an army of thousands to ash.

"Chosen One! Get behind me!" (Andeddo)

"Shadow Spears!"

Dozens of dark-coloured magic circles formed behind Andeddo and shot spears longer than two metres.

The spears collided head-on with the Fireballs, and although they lacked quantity, the power within each spear was more than enough to cause several explosions that negated most of the Fireballs. For the ones that managed to get past the shadow spears, Andeddo's sword would flash through the air and slice them in half, causing the flames to disperse harmlessly.

After the last Fireball was gone, Andeddo raised his sword and got into a stance.

"My turn." (Andeddo)

When Andeddo leaped forwards, creating a crater in the area where he just stood and began slashing at the golem, trying to find its weakness.

The two engaged in a contest of blows, both sides taking turns attacking and blocking, with neither making much progress.

"Hmph. Your moves are quite refined for a machine, but just because you have skill doesn't mean you can beat me! Let's see how well you fare with this!"


Andeddo's sword turned pitch-black and grew to ten metres in length and brought it down upon the golem.

The golem, in response, charged up its fist with mana and countered Andeddo's strike.


When the two forces collided, the ground beneath them cracked, looking like a giant spider web, and the force behind their blows created a shockwave that blew Enjento off his feet (again).

"Seriously!?! Again!?!" (Enjento)


"Tch! It seems like I underestimated you!" (Andeddo)

"From now on, I'll be going at you with everything I have!" (Andeddo)

(Weren't you already getting serious with that Void Slash?) (Enjento)

Before Andeddo could make a move, Muteki dropped from the sky and attempted to cleave the golem in half once again.

"HAHAHAHA! If the first time doesn't work, just do it again until it does!" (Muteki)

"Hold the b*stard in place for me, Tekina!" (Muteki)

"Don't boss me around, brainless tin can!" (Tekina)

The golem suddenly found his lower body trapped underneath the earth and could only stay there immobilized.


Muteki's black greatsword became clad with bright flames. As he drew closer to the ground, it would slightly melt, almost like the sword was a miniature sun.

All the golem could do was take the full brunt of the attack. When the attack hit, a large cloud of dust formed that temporarily blocked everyone's vision.

While everyone waited for the dust to settle, expecting to see the scraps of what remained of the golem. Several silver swords flew out of the dust and attempted to turn everyone into shish-kebabs.

"Not on my watch!"

Tekina created four pitch-black portals roughly five feet in diameter that swallowed the swords and spat it right back from where they came from.




"Hmph! Not bad. I'm surprised that you've all survived for this long." (???)

After the dust finally parted, a seven-foot-tall figure in smooth undecorated silver armour surrounded by several floating swords stood where the golem once was.

Everyone was shocked when the golem went from being a mute lump of metal to becoming a talking knight from a fairy tale.

"Who are you, and why are you attacking us?" (Enjento)

"Since your death has already been set in stone the moment you trespassed these lands and forced me to enter this form, I shall answer your questions as my parting gift before you die."

(Arrogant *sshole.) (Everyone)

"My name is Gilles de Raiz, of house Laval! Former marshal of the Fraul army and former lord of Poitou, Brittany and Anjou!" (Gilles)

"As for why I'm killing you, it is because you foul beings dared to set foot upon this sacrilegious land! For that alone, you must pay the price of death and bathe in the flames of hell for all of eternity!!!" (Gilles)

After saying that, the golem, Gilles, grabbed one of the floating swords next to him and got into a stance.

"Hold up just one second!" (Enjento)

"First of all, are you really Gilles de Rais, the same Gilles de Rais who fought against the Enlandian Empire several centuries ago? The guy who tore through fifty thousand Enlandian Soldiers singlehandedly without breaking a sweat?" (Enjento)

"Yes, although most of the credit must go to the Saint, if it weren't for her grace's Blessings, I would only have been able to beat ten to twenty thousand." (Gilles)

"..." (Everyone

"Secondly, you wish to kill us because we unknowingly trespassed upon these lands?" (Enjento)

"Indeed." (Gilles)

"That's nuts! Look, we were just here under the impression that these mountains were deserted and had no life or civilization, so we came here to develop it into our base of operations. We didn't know that you already claimed this area as your own, so how about you let us go, and we'll be on our merry way and never have to see each other again." (Enjento)

{Why did you reveal our plans to him!?!} (IRIS)

(Shut it! Being honest will surely pay off!)

A shadow came across Gilles' lowered face. When he raised his head, the blue orbs he had for eyes suddenly turned a menacing blood-red.



The ground split apart, and the corpses of soldiers began spilling out. Some were nothing more than simple zombies and skeletons armed with melee weapons and tattered armour. Others, such as the Death Knights, were armed to the teeth riding atop rotted steeds in heavy armour, carrying deadly weapons and emitting a vile miasma that withered away anything it touched.

The Undead soldiers Gilles summoned numbered in the thousands, surrounded on all sides, Enjento and the Generals…


"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" (Everyone)

(?) (Gilles)

The silver knight became confused by the group's laughter in the situation that they were in.

"Have you all already lost your sanity?" (Gilles)

"Pfffft! Oh my gosh! Does this guy seriously think we're screwed?" (Tekina)

"HAHAHA! What an absolute fool! Is he not aware of what we are?" (Muteki)

"Oh, man! This guy is so screwed!" (Enjento)

"Indeed! This will be an easy victory!" (Andeddo)

Gilles felt several nonexistent veins bulge from his head at their lack of seriousness in the predicament they were in.


None of the Undead soldiers made a move. They all just stood there and looked at Gilles.

"What are you doing!?! I said charge!!!" (Gilles)

They still didn't move.

"HAHAHA! OI! Eel Boy! Do you know who we are?" (Enjento)

More nonexistent veins began bulging from Gilles' head.


"And what do you mean who you are!?! To me, you are all heretics that must be put down!"

"Why do you keep calling us heretics!?! This is the first time we meet and you're just slapping that title on us without any justification!" (Enjento)

"I can see your auras: one's a corrupt spirit, two are warriors who have fallen to the darkness, one appears to be a hybrid between a homunculus and a golem, and the leader of you lot is a man who has the blood of millions on his hands." (Gilles)

"Correct!" (Enjento)

"But the two Undead, try guessing what sort of Undead they are." (Enjento)

"I have no time to play silly games with mongrels such as yourself! Prepare to die!" (Gilles)

"Well, since you don't want to know, I'll just tell you. Muteki, the guy in black armour you sent flying moments ago, is a Dullahan King, and Andeddo, the guy who you just dueled with, is a Undead King."

"WHAT!!!" (Gilles)

"Then that means…"

Gilles looked at the Undead soldiers around him with a mixture of shock and anger.

"Yup, you're screwed." (Enjento)

On cue, Andeddo commanded the Undead soldiers to attack Gilles.

"Go forth, my soldiers, rip and tear until it is done." (Andeddo)

The Undead surged forth and began their one-sided beating against Gilles.

Gilles, proving to be the legendary warrior he was, unhesitatingly blew away several dozen Undead in a single strike.


"Pffft! Do you seriously expect us to just stand here and let ourselves be killed? Everyone, I got a plan, listen carefully."

After Enjento whispered his plans to the Generals they all gave wicked grins and nodded in approval of this plan.

"Now then, let's begin." (Enjento)

[Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, I had to do some research for this and this is my first time attempting to create an epic balanced fantasy battle. I will soon be introducing a new character to the main cast, so stick around and enjoy. Also, Thank you so much for reading my novel, it means the world to a new writer like me.]